Wednesday, October 25 at 11:00 EDT 

LG members: Not recorded; Zoom recording started late – attending not captured in video. (TBD – select notes will be consulted).

Lyrasis: Not recorded; Zoom recording started late – attending not captured in video. (TBD - select notes will be consulted).

Regrets: Not recorded; Zoom recording started late – attending not captured in video. (TBD - select notes will be consulted).


Agenda w Notes for October 2023 VIVO Leadership Group

Announcements (0 mins)

Discussion (50 mins)

  1. Annual Report. (Bruce, 15 mins)

I need a bit of help to collate content for the AR. 

Meetings.  Am I missing any?

  • Eunis Meeting
  • EuroCRIS meetings
  • Expert Finders
  • VIVO Meetup at Semantic Web libraries conference (Berlin)

Need Short Reports

  • Developers
  • Ontology Group:
  • EuroCRIS collaboration:
  1. Interest from Expert Finders ( to join forces for an American face-to-face meeting on RIM/CRIS systems. (Bruce, 5 mins)
    • Organized a platform-agnostic RIM/CRIS system face-to-face meeting
    • Grow to embrace all use cases for RIM/CRIS systems, not just focus on state-wide expert finder systems
    • Rename the organization
    • Mimic EuroCRIS.
  2. Elections Process (Bryan, 10 mins)
    • We are a bit behind.
    • Current status. Bryan raised some questions:
  3. Developer Update (Dragan, 10 mins) – Tabled until next month
  • What is the biggest challenge facing the group.?
  1. VIVO Quarterly Report (Terrie, 10 mins) – Tabled until next month
  • Overall, we are slightly behind on revenue expectations and slightly over on expected expenses.
  • In VIVO’s favor RSP fee, salaries, consultants
  • Negative in membership dues ($ 830), contract labor ($ 2,340) and legal fees ($ 3,416)
  • Overall, VIVO is negative to budget at the 3-month mark of the fiscal year – Negative $ 3,775 US

Edited Agenda & Minutes

Wednesday, October 25 at 11:00 EDT

Agenda w Notes for October 2023 VIVO Leadership Group

Announcements (0 mins)

Discussion (50 mins)

  1. Annual Report. (Bruce, 15 mins)

I need a bit of help to collate content for the AR.  Last years.

Meetings.  Am I missing any?

Need Short Reports

  • Developers: Dragan - Include Dynamic API
  • Ontology Group: Brian and Christian - Nothing to report on VIVO - CERIF. Brian & Christian will meet to develop info for Bruce and Annual Report.
  • EuroCRIS collaboration: Anna
  • Lyrasis Interoperability group of Laurie and the VIVO-DSpace pilot project: Bruce
  • Seeking grants: Experts Finder collaboration USA (Bryan), Tapir GESAH+ Project (Project overview of GESAH+ ) (Christian), Christian ‘s Grant. (Dragan is also exploring seeking funding for ORCID interoperability in Open Infrastructure; no proposal yet but working on it; seek proposal in spring through Lyrasis. Christian mentioned push data to ORCID is interesting, harvesting metadata from ORCID is bad, and using ORCID to authenticate is interesting.  Bryan mentioned the importance of ORCID profiles in the USA because of the use of ORCID to fill ScienCV, the bio system used for NIH and NSF proposals in the US(
  1. Interest from Expert Finders ( to join forces for an American face-to-face meeting on RIM/CRIS systems. (Bruce, 5 mins)
    • Organized a platform-agnostic RIM/CRIS system face-to-face meeting
    • Grow to embrace all use cases for RIM/CRIS systems, not just focus on state-wide expert finder systems
    • Rename the organization
    • Mimic EuroCRIS.
  2. Elections Process (Bryan, 10 mins)
    • We are a bit behind.
    • Current status. Bryan raised some questions:
      • On Wiki says Community members of LG must be paying members. We decided not to do this, right?  Bryan will update Wiki.
      • Bryan had an idea that Community members on LG could pay an individual membership. Something to be discussed in future?
      • Sustainability of LG – anyone want to be Chair? Grand Poobah slang:
      • Can there be 3 bronze reps? Terrie argued for one Bronze member to highlight the importance of membership.  Mic talked about the ratios of seats to membership levels used in other communities with larger memberships.  Stretch goal for VIVO.  Something to be considered in new terms.  (
      • Mic mentioned that we don’t have a process and definition of who are community members so anyone can be a community members but voting are done through the Listserv that includes institutional contacts.
      • No… I was talking about the past, answering Christian question: why didn’t we allow all the community (not just the members) to vote for the community at large. The reason is that it is impossible to know whether the person voting is a “community member”
  1. Developer Update (Dragan, 10 mins) – Tabled until next month
  • What is the biggest challenge facing the group.?
  1. VIVO Quarterly Report (Terrie, 10 mins) – Tabled until next month
  • Overall, we are slightly behind on revenue expectations and slightly over on expected expenses.
  • In VIVO’s favor RSP fee, salaries, consultants
  • Negative in membership dues ($ 830), contract labor ($ 2,340) and legal fees ($ 3,416)
  • Overall, VIVO is negative to budget at the 3-month mark of the fiscal year – Negative $ 3,775 US

  • No labels