
  • Steven, Dave, Nancy F, Simeon, Kevin


Vitus, Christine

ACTION ITEMS (From Last Time):

    • TODO look at existing language around non-normative to reflect sections 6 and 7 accordingly. Dave and Kevin worked on section 6. Dave's section is a little more abstract (less focused on Getty) and Kevin's section is very specific to LC's implementation.

Agenda & Notes

  • Getty/LOC compliance: 
    • 2023-11-10
      • Update from Dave and Kevin
        • In section 6.2 delete "the date of the activity for an entity will be the date of the most recent change". Change 
        • In section 6.2 change "the consumer maintains a persistent reference to the last page published in the stream (last_page) to"the consumer maintains a persistent reference to the last page processed in the stream"
        • Kevin will make LOC section more streamlined, similar to Getty section
      • Update/recommendations from David Newbury
        • "the one tweak you might want to make in the document is the one that IIIF made, to declare that the base ActivityStream context is last in a list, yours is second-to-last, and others go above, since the JSON-LD algorithm always defaults to the last entry and provide a bit more protection against accidental overrides, but it's not essential"

          • Simeon made a pull request to make clear extensions go first, and AS and EMM order isn't important because there are no term conflicts.
        • "...I would want to think a bit about including a URL into permanent documents—I trust y'all, but I worry about relying on Microsoft/Github's commitment to sustaining that domain indefinitely."

          • Going to consider domain, and support it for a couple years, and hope the spec has significant usage and a need for a home. Simeon and Steven will propose a domain at the next meeting. 
          • Simeon will make a PR to update links.
    •  2023-10-23
      • LOC will implement the Entry Point, and will probably recommend some change in Entry Point language.
      • Re: context, we could make loosen the MUST for the EMM context, to say MUST use Activity Streams and if using extension terms like Deprecate point to EMM context.
    • 2023-10-10 - Didn't discuss in detail. This spreadsheet is meant to illustrate where Getty and LOC's implementations diverge from our MUST recommendations. We can ask whether they are willing to make changes to comply, and/or possibly where we could restate our requirements, (e.g. if implementations aren't using the Deprecate activity (SHOULD, not MUST), and meet the other requirements, do we care if they use the AS context only?)
      • Unless LOC and Getty make changes to comply with the recommendations, we'll need to make clear that we're point to their implementations to illustrate specific points, and that they do not fully comply.
      • Can encourage Getty to list the EMM context alongside Activity Streams
  • Plan for remaining work for this phase.

Meeting Materials


Inline above in agenda

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