• David to work on [Order preference pull request]( and notify the group via the Slack channel
  • Simeon will create an issue for dates associated with activity objects and note where other date-related issues exist
  • Steven will take a pass at including prev/next in addition to first/last in the change management spec with Simeon's help


Discuss Pull requests:

Discuss Issues:

Meeting Materials


  • Started with a meta-level discussion about the process for reviewing/resolving the remaining pull requests and issues in the [Github repository]( Do we want to use a project board to clearly see what is being worked and what needs input? Will this help with engagement? Steven will give it another week or two and revisit this discussion to see if the board is needed.
  • Discussed Pull requests:
    • Order preference:
      • Discussed common terms used in a spec: recommend, may, must vs. prefer
        • Prefer is not a spec word and shouldn't be used
          • David will work on this in the week
    • Entity Set, Instead of Entity Metadata Collection:
      • Try to avoid using collection which is overused
      • There was a question about whether this is referring to the entities themselves and not the metadata associated with an entity. Changes to the metadata associated with an entity we be referred to differently.
        • All in attendance agreed to accept this pull request
    • Replacing Notification with Activity:
      • This is to avoid confusion that conflicts with the way notification is defined in the W3C spec on notifications.
        • Notifications has a verb while activities does not
          • Using the verb publish when needed in reference to activities
            • All in attendance supported this pull request
  • Discussed Issues:
    • The value must be a JSON object...:
      • The guidance around first/last properties marks a change in how JSON-LD and activity streams are done; this is a more restricted use of activity streams. Do we want to put a more specific condition than what is specified in the activity stream specification?
      • Discussed the trade-offs having an object vs. a reference
        • Trade-offs come down to removing complexity for the spec vs. removing complexity for the implementer
        • LC uses a reference for first/last/prev/next as opposed to use a JSON object
        • Discussed date properties (e.g. updated, published) and where they should reside; Is it useful to know when a page was published vs. knowing when an activity was published?
        • It was pointed out that we don't have clear guidance in our spec about published date for activity objects
        • The group looked at the LC activity stream for an example
        • The group also looked at the Activity Streams specification for first/last/prev/next/updated/published
        • All agreed that we shouldn't limit the first/last/prev/next properties to a JSON object and that, like the Activity Streams spec, we should allow a reference too like in the Activity Streams spec
        • The group discussed a new issue with datestamps associated with activity objects
          • Simeon will create an issue for dates associated with activity objects and note where other date-related issues exist
        • The group discussed prev/next properties and whether these need special distinction in the change management spec
          • It was agreed that prev/next (in addition to first/last) need special distinction
          • Previous is a nice thing to have but next is mandatory to know sequence of changes
          • Steven will take a pass at including prev/next in addition to first/last in the change management spec; Simeon volunteered to help


  • Steven
  • David
  • Simeon
  • Greg
  • Vitus
  • Kevin

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