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Wednesday, November 24 at 11:00 EDT

LG members:

 Ann BeynonRobert Cartolano, Tom Cramer, Anna GuillaumetDoug Hahn, Christian HauschkeAnthony Helm, Bruce Herbert , Damaris Murry  hannah sommers Julia Trimmer (star) Terrie Wheeler


Laurie Gemmill Arp, Robert Miller, Michele Mennielli


Federico Ferrario,

(star) = Secretary

Connection Information

Zoom connection information is available in the Outlook invitation.

Meeting Minutes



  1. Proposal to record the VIVO LG meetings

Ann – Helpful to remember.

Doug – Used to everything being recorded, so this is OK with me.  Fine either way.

Rob – others usually record meetings, but if topics are sensitive in nature, then recording turned off.

Christian – would feel that others would not attend if meetings recorded, and people may not speak as freely.

Bruce – move to record meetings, but turn recordings off in times where information is sensitive in nature. 

Terrie seconded this motion.

Vote is 5 in favor and 2 not in favor.  Vote carries.

  1. Results of the VIVO Elections

 Bruce discussed the results of the elections, which are as follows:

  • Chair: Bruce Herbert, Texas A&M
  • Vice-Chair: Anna Guillaumet, Sigma
  • Secretary: Doug Hahn, Texas A&M
  • Treasurer: Terrie Wheeler, Weill Cornell
  • Bronze member representative: Christian Hauschke, Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB) Hannover, Germany

Three new members at large were elected:

  • Bruce Herbert, Texas A&M
  • Hannah Sommers, George Washington University
  • Julia Trimmer, formerly with Duke University

Bruce extended a welcome to Hannah Sommers and to Julia Trimmer, who both now join the Leadership Group

1.Schedule for December Meeting

All agreed to move the December meeting to DEC 15th, provided there is an officer meeting held prior to the meeting to prepare the December agenda

2. Updates from the Ontology group regarding de CERIF to VIVO mapping project

Christian:  First meeting very successful, and accomplished an initial review of the mapping.  A second review is being scheduled, and we are optimistic to have final suggestions in the next rew weeks.  The Ontology group will meet again on November 29.  We are still planning next meeting with EuroCRIS.  Another comment: the developers were very impressed with Dragan’s communications with the developers. 

Anna:  The people involved from EuroCRIS are: Sadia Vancauwenbergh (euroCRIS President), Miguel Angel Sicilia, and Jan Dvorak.  I will schedule this meeting between EuroCRIS and VIVO leaders shortly.

3.Updates from the Spanish-speaking User Group

Anna:  People from Brazil and Portugal want to be added to the Spanish Speaking user group.  We will add them and rename the group to Grupo de VIVO iberoamérica.  We are planning a new meeting of this combined group shortly.

4.Lyrasis Assessment of the VIVO Community

Robert Miller – Philosophies that guide me to help organizations, such as giving a community what they want.  What is challenging is figuring out what is needed, not just what is stated as a want.  I am concluding that good software creates a monopoly.  A virtuous circle, a monopoly in essence, enables a successful program to grow. 

Definitions of Monopoly – Good examples lower prices, provide uniform services, create better investment

Bad examples create higher prices with limited choices

Definition of a Virtuous Circle – a chain of events in which one desirable occurrence leads to another which further promotes the first occurrence and so on resulting in a continuous process of improvement

Definition of a Network Effect - a phenomenon whereby increased numbers of people or participants improve the value of a good or service.  The Internet is an example of the network effect. Initially, there were few users on the Internet since it was of little value to anyone outside of the military and some research scientists.

Elements to pay attention to: How to be stronger in numbers, understand trends, develop a virtuous circle that expands via the network effect.

Ten common elements that attribute success

  1. Product works/meet delivery schedules
  2. Consistency of direction – more continuity
  3. Partnership with Organizational Home – look at resources that Lyrasis can offer
  4. Controlled Engineering – only a few select improvements
  5. Value of staffing – consider both volunteer and paid staffing
  6. Strategy – is the strategy sound? Do we know where VIVO has come, and where it is going?
  7. Knowledge of market
  8. Non-profit vision of software
  9. Common North Star, weigh value of group think
  10. Extend Open Solutions – Professional Services (examples hosting, migration), enable success vs. funding

Robert C: Archives Space used carrots to bring users in.  This creates more users, more members.  This is the virtuous circle that Robert is speaking of.  Laurie, great to have you here.  You led us through the It Takes a Village, and now we can see what might be possible for the VIVO community, based on what others are doing.

Hannah:  Wanted to jump in and see context.  Appreciate Rob’s comments, and his comparison to Archives space, and the carrots they offered to their community to grow their membership.

Bruce: We have a targeted focus on specific regions of the world.  DSpace and VIVO have been linked together in other places, and perhaps we can take advantage of this.  Bring in new members will bring in more money, which we desperately need to accomplish the goas.

Laurie:  Robert noticed that paying for development really accelerated a project. 

Terrie:  I support this idea of paid development, and this illustrates the need for more paid members, so that we can fund the targeted development we need (not always what we want, which goes back to what Robert said about want versus need.  We need to understand what VIVO really needs, and its not always what we say we want.). It is important not to disincentivize those paying more while trying to incentivize those not paying anything.

Bruce:  We can chase money via proposals as another way to grow our revenue. 

5.Discussion of VIVO Leadership Group Composition

Ann:  I am sharing on the screen the proposal we sent around.  Here are our proposed changes to composition of the leadership group.  These are ideas we suggested for expanding the leadership group.  I sent this proposal around, but didn’t get any feedback or comments.

Terrie did not receive, nor did others. 

Doug:  Srarting here, I did not capture the conversation; will rely on the tape of the meeting.



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