Contribute to the DSpace Development Fund

The newly established DSpace Development Fund supports the development of new features prioritized by DSpace Governance. For a list of planned features see the fund wiki page.

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 from 15:00-16:00 UTC

Location: (Meeting ID: 502 527 3040).


  • (15 mins) Developer Stand Up - Developers give brief updates on their effort (or their team's effort).

    • Update/see "Current Work" section below based on your status. Please feel free to update prior to meeting.
    • Please highlight any new work (needing reviews/testing), any blockers (for you), and any discussion topics you may have.
  • (30 mins) General Discussion Topics
    1. Comments in Integration Tests.  Do we want to require them? If so, is it Class level, method level, etc.
    2. (Brief check-in) Next deadline for DSpace 7 Preview Release (Tentative for Early March).  How do we feel about this schedule?  Do we need to rethink timelines?
    3. Solr upgrade effort.  When to merge?
  • (15 mins) Planning for next week


Current Work

Legend for status icons

(error) = review done (this week), changes were requested.

(tick) = review done, approved.

(warning) = review done, merge conflict or other minor changes requests

Tickets / PRs In Progress

  1. (error) (Angular) Submission implementation:  (Giuseppe Digilio (4Science)) (Updates requested & fails manual testing)
  2. (Angular) Administrative Item Edit (Art Lowel (Atmire) ) (work in progress) (Timeline: Should be ready by Feb 21)
  3. (Angular) Browse by date pages (Art Lowel (Atmire) ) (work in progress)  (Timeline: Should be ready by Feb 21)
  4. (Angular) Context sensitive admin menus (Art Lowel (Atmire) ) (work in progress)  (Timeline: Should be ready by Feb 28)
  5. (Angular) Adding Accessibility via Travis CI (work in progress) (Lower priority)
  6. (error) (REST Contract) Edit Homepage news: (Ben Bosman) (Updates requested from Tim & Andrea) (Lower priority)
  7. (REST) Workflow Endpoint: (Andrea Bollini (4Science) - EARLY Reviews Needed. Reviewers:  Tim Donohue , Ben Bosman Hibernate issues with integration tests.) (Timeline: Should be ready by Feb 21)
  8. (REST) MyDSpace Endpoint (Andrea Bollini (4Science) - EARLY Reviews Needed. Reviewers: Ben BosmanTim Donohue  (IT missings) on the 4Science repo against the 2312 PR (Timeline: Should be ready by Feb 28, maybe before exact date t.b.c on 18th )
  9. (error) (REST) Updating Owning Collections: (Kevin Van de Velde (Atmire)  - changes requested. Implementation doesn't align with contract)
  10. (Backend) One Webapp Backend - Initial PR: (Tim Donohue ) (work in progress)

PRs Needing Review

  1. (REST Contract) Mapping Collection (UPDATED) (Andrea Bollini (4Science) - approved, Ben Bosman - NEEDS re-review)
  2. (warning) (REST Contract) Group and eperson management: (Andrea Bollini (4Science) - Reviewed & added questions/feedback,  Tim Donohue - Reviewed & added questions/feedback)
  3. (warning) (REST Contract) Endpoint for EPerson profile PATCH requests: (UPDATED PR - Andrea Bollini (4Science) minor changes requested, Paulo Graça )
  4. (tick) (REST) Manage Metadata Registry: (Paulo Graça - had questions, Tim Donohue - approved, Andrea Bollini (4Science) - approved)
  5. (tick) (REST) Metadata as a Map: (Approved / ready to be merged, but related to next PR #347)
  6. (attenzione)(Angular) Metadata as a Map: (Giuseppe Digilio (4Science)minor changes requested. Paulo Graça )
  7. (warning)  (Angular) Modifying Metadata Registries: (Paulo Graça, this PR achieves the expected result but also presents some Usability issues. Tim Donohue )
  8. (Angular) Browse-By links in NavBar & Pages: (Paulo GraçaTim Donohue)
  9. (Backend) Upgrading Solr Server for DSpace - Initial PR: (NEW PR - Terrence W Brady , Kim Shepherd , Art Lowel (Atmire))
    1. Might have an impact on MyDSpace?

PRs Merged this week!

  1. (tick) (REST Contract) Enhance description of search endpoints
  2. (tick) (REST) Bug in Error Handling (caused by OpenSearchController):
  3. (tick) (REST) Item CRUD:
  4. (tick) (Angular) Create/Edit for Communities & Collections:
  5.  (Angular) Delete Communities & Collections:


  1. (REST) Item Mapper functionality:
    1. Blocked by Contract #52
  2. (REST) EPerson profile PATCH functionality :
    1. Blocked by Contract #49
  3. (Angular) Move Item Component:
    1. Blocked by DSpace PR#2283
  4. (Angular) Item-Collection Mapper:
    1. Blocked by Contract #52
    2. Blocked by DSpace PR#2282

Delayed / Needs Discussion

  1. (REST) Scripts & Processes endpoint:
  2. Discussion of deletion of EPeople for GDPR compliance (from Pascal)
    1. NOTE: item.getSubmitter() will return null if EPerson deleted.


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