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1st Call:






2nd Call:






-OR10 DSUG: Please contribute your thoughts to the mtg planning -- you may not be able to go -- but we'd really like to put together some great content for repository mgrs -- AND record it for you and others, if possible! What would you like to see? Pleases your ideas/thoughts/observations here:
-RELEASE PLANNING: Please read the 3 proposals on the wiki: Please also read the transcript of the developers/cmtr mtg from Wed, March 10: Please forward me any comments/thoughts/observations -- or better yet, post them to the release process proposal wiki page.
1) News/Updates-1.6 has been downloaded over 700 times (doesn't include SVN):
-Overview webinar on DSpace 1.6 and Fedora 3.3 on Mar 17:
-OR10 DSUG planning cmte: Elin Stangeland (chair), Sarah Shreeves, Leonie Hayes, Scott Phillips and Ben Boseman
-new release planning - cmtr/dev mtg tomorrow Wed at 3pm EST

2) Check in on TO DOS:
-wiki cleanup/re-org project - Rea, Alvin, Julie
-help brainstorm on new release process and provide feedback on proposals -- w/a particular eye on what role the DGOC has in a new process (
-have discussion via email on social network between now and the next mtg (see #5)

Observation: to dos/discussions - work in between mtgs doesn't seem to happen - resolve to focus on 1 priority a month to encourage discussion/participation -- AND have specific people responsible on specific tasks with timelines

3) Dynamic Database Review
Lets see a version!:,com_formdashboard/Itemid,31/
-URL in detail veiw (content item) not a hyperlink
-why have a sort in the table on SITE (link)
-some links have an extra 'http'

4) OR10 DSUG repository manager session/workshop: continuing onto the next step of  how to improve communication between repository managers and developers - look at some activities instead of just continuing a general discussion. Here are some ideas:
-option 1: Friday afternoon workshop (independent of the DSUG event) - focusing on systems development approaches. E.g. what stages of a process do they go through, at what stages is Repository Manager input useful and in what form is it useful? I've got a couple of things in mind, one talk could be on systems development methodologies although brief and another on specification writing/feature description (does many of you do that sort of work?) and perhaps a birds of a feather/discussion bit? Expected audience would be repository managers with ideally support from developers on talking.
-option 2: Short version of the workshop outlined above. One or two presentations rather than a full workshop. This would be a possible approach for a repository manager parallell session.
-option 3. Panel or other type of discussion - with a mix of repository managers and developers.

DSpace under the hood: How DSpace works
Whilst you don't need to be a mechanic to drive a car, it is helpful if you have a basic understanding of how a car works, what bits do different jobs, and how to top up your oil and pump up your tyres / tires. This presentation will give an overview of the DSpace architecture, and will give you enough knowledge to understand how DSpace works. By knowing this, you will also learn about ways DSpace could be used, and ways in which it can't be used.

The presentation will answer questions such as:

- What are the constituent parts that make up DSpace? (database, filestore, search indexes, browse tables etc)
- Why do we have filestore and a database? What gets stored where, and why?
- What is the difference between search and browse in terms of the technology that powers it?
- What is the difference between log files and statistics, and what is the purpose of log files?
- How does the JSPUI relate to the XMLUI - what is shared, and what is duplicated? What about the core API?
- What does 'solr' in the term 'Solr statistics' mean?
- Where to look when things go wrong (log files / HTML pages / stack traces)
- What is the difference between search engine crawlers and harvesters?

DSpace under the hood: The development process and YOUR role in it
DSpace development in undertaken by the DSpace community. No one, or no organisation is in charge, and without contributions from the DSpace community the platform would not continue to develop and evolve. Sometimes it can appear that there are people in charge, or that unless you are a technical developer then there is no way or need to contribute. This presentation will explain how DSpace development usually takes place, where and who has input at different stages, and will equip you to contribute further, or to help you contribute for the first time.

The presentation will cover issues such as:

- How to get help. IRC / technical email list / general email list / developers email list / JIRA
- Who are the committers, and what do they do?
- The DSpace development lifecycle
- What different versions mean (e.g. the difference between a minor and a sub-minor release)
- How to submit a JIRA issue
- Testathons - what are they are how to get involved
- Requirements gathering and feature specification - we want to know what you want and need so the tools fits your requirements

Another option: have a work session where developers and repo mgrs w/specific interests (metadata, stats, etc) split up into groups and explore what modifications would be helpful, specific as possible-->output would be a list of recommendations

For more, see:

5) Community discussions: DSpace Forum - DIDN'T COVER THIS IN EITHER MTG
This series would be a moderated discussion lead by designated persons. Roughly 6 X / year, the moderated discussion will engage the DSpace community encouraging them to share experiences and ideas to other repository managers, catalogers, technical librarians and committers. The forum can be from 1-3 days with a new topic each day.  A general call for topics will help to define issues to be discussed.  Results of each day of forum will be complied and posted on the DSpace website to be used as a resource.  I propose we have one person responsible for the forum in general and allow volunteers to serve as moderators, either from DGOC or larger community.

Possible 1st email:
Subject: * NEW  DSpace Forum to launch
From : DGOC – Dspace Global Outreach Committee
The DSpace Global Outreach Committee is launching a new series called DSpace Forum. The DSpace Forum is for anyone working with DSpace or digital repositories such as repository managers, catalogers, supervisors and technical staff to highlight new trends, discuss issues and share ideas related to DSpace and digital repositories in general. The discussion from each forum will be archived and accessible on the DSpace website. Please contact Ronee Francis to volunteer as a moderator for one of the forums.
DGOC – Dspace Global Outreach Committee

Possible 2st email:
Subject:   DSpace Forum – Call for topics

Possible 3st email:
Subject:   Announce dates/topics/moderators

Questions for DGOC:
1.    Is this a good investment of our time?
2.    What to call forum? (e-forum, discussion group, chat, exchange, meet, gab fest, groupthink, rap session, idea exchange....)
3.    How will results be saved and shared? In email string or compiled into one document.
4.    Can forum moderator responsibilities be shifted to different people throughout the year with a designated forum coordinator? Same program – different moderator. Consistency will come in the program format.

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