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Title Last Updated By Updated
Page: Use Case - Horizontally-Scaled Fedora Instances Running against a single OCFL Danny Bernstein Nov 01, 2019
Page: Use Case - Asynchronous and Pluggable Storage UI Andrew Woods Oct 19, 2015
Page: Use case [stub]: External triple store spanning several repositories Edwin Shin Jan 08, 2013
Page: Use case [stub]: Research data packages in multiple stores Edwin Shin Jan 08, 2013
Page: Use Case Evaluation Aaron Birkland Sep 24, 2015
Page: Use Case Evaluation - F4 Asynchronous Storage Randall Floyd Nov 11, 2015
Page: Use Case: Exposing versions via Memento protocol Aaron Birkland Aug 28, 2015
Page: Use Case: Distributed authentication and authorization Matthias Razum Oct 24, 2012
Page: Use case: ore:aggregation locking Justin Coyne Sep 18, 2015
Page: Use Case: Return a graph that has several RDF resources Justin Coyne Sep 18, 2015
Page: Use case: Rich descriptions of binary content Unknown User ( Jul 20, 2015
Page: Use Case: Storing heterogeneous research data Matthias Razum Oct 24, 2012
Page: Use case: transform application workflow Stefano Cossu Nov 06, 2014
Page: Use Case: Updating metadata fields of multiple objects Edwin Shin Jan 08, 2013
Page: Use Cases David Wilcox Feb 13, 2019
Page: Use Cases - API Extension Architecture Andrew Woods Sep 11, 2015
Page: Use Cases - Asynchronous and Pluggable Storage Randall Floyd Nov 11, 2015
Page: Use Cases Summary - API Extension Architecture Andrew Woods Sep 11, 2015
Page: Using cURL to manipulate the Repository Nigel Banks Nov 05, 2013
Page: Using the resources of the Semantic Web to describe repository contents Edwin Shin Jan 08, 2013
Page: UUID's: Object Mobility and Merging Stores Edwin Shin Jan 08, 2013
Page: UW Madison Results - Test 4 Scott Prater Mar 07, 2016
Page: Validation only for selected resources Stefano Cossu Sep 24, 2015
Page: Verification - Internal Audit Events Andrew Woods Nov 13, 2016
Page: Versioning - Authorization Design Jared Whiklo Oct 05, 2017
Page: Versioning Delta/Specification Notes Ben Pennell Oct 03, 2017
Page: Versioning Use Case Yinlin Chen Aug 14, 2014
Page: Versioning/Authorization Use-Cases Joshua Westgard Sep 13, 2017
Page: Virginia Tech Results - Test 1 Yinlin Chen Jul 22, 2016
Page: Virginia Tech Results - Test 1 - 2nd Yinlin Chen Nov 22, 2016
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