Versions Compared


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The "Compound" management tab allows for the addition, removal, and reordering of child objects from the parent compound object. Configuration options for the module are available through the Compound objects administrative menu (admin/islandora/solution_pack_config/compound_object)


This module requires the following modules/libraries:

This module has the following as optional requirements for certain features:

For Islandora Compound Object JAIL Display:

  • JAIL library
    • If utilizing the lazy loading image ability of the solution pack, enable the "Islandora Compound Object JAIL Display" block and ensure the JAIL library is present within sites/all/libraries/JAIL.


The "Islandora Compound Object Navigation" block can be themed. See theme_islandora_compound_prev_next().


A Drush command has been added, to be run from the command line (Terminal), that will update the existing rel-predicate of existing compound objects to isConstituentOf. It can be run with the drush command drush update_rels_predicate. This command accpets no arguments.

Previous versions of this module (Islandora 7.x-1.2 and earlier) had a different predicate in the RELS-EXT to associate child objects with parent objects. To update to the new compound object predicate, run the drush command `update_rels_predicate`. This will update the predicates of existing compound objects to `isConstituentOf`. This command accepts no arguments.
