Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Hierarchical facets sidebar facets
  • Improved & more intuitive user interface
  • Access rights based results
  • Authority control & variants awareness (homonyms are shown separately in a facet if they have different authority ID). All variant forms as recognized by the authority framework are indexed. See Authority Framework


  • Hit highlighting and search snippets support
  • "More like this" (related items)


  1. Enable the Discovery Search processor in the by changing the following settings in config/dspace.cfg
    1. Comment out:
    2. Uncomment:

      Code Block
      xml = \
  2. Enable the Discovery Indexing Consumer that will update Discovery Indexes on changes to content in XMLUI, JSPUI, SWORD, and LNI in config/dspace.cfg
    1. Add discovery to the list of event.dispatcher.default.consumers

      Code Block
      # default synchronous dispatcher (same behavior as traditional DSpace)
      event.dispatcher.default.class = org.dspace.event.BasicDispatcher
      #event.dispatcher.default.consumers = versioning, search, browse, eperson, harvester
      event.dispatcher.default.consumers = versioning, search, browse, discovery, eperson, harvester

      As it is not possible in JSPUI to use both search providers (Lucene and Discovery), it is generally more appropriate, but not required, to remove the "search" consumer from the list above. The "browse" consumer can be removed as well if you configure the Browse System to use Solr/Discovery as its backend (see Defining the Storage of the Browse Data)

    2. Enable facet showing in the Repository, Communities and Collections home pages

      Code Block = \
    = \
    = \

      Please note that JSPUI (in contrast to XMLUI) still relies on the Browse Engine to show "recent submissions". The browse engine can be configured to use Solr/Discovery as its backend (see Defining the Storage of the Browse Data)

    3. Enable a JSON endpoint to provide the autocompletion feature in the search form

      Code Block = \
 = discovery
  3. Check that the port is correct for in config/modules/discovery.cfg
    1. If all of your traffic runs over port 80, then you need to remove the port from the URL

      Code Block
      ##### Search Indexing ##### = http://localhost/solr/search
  4. From the command line, navigate to the [dspace] directory and run the command below to index the content of your DSpace instance into Discovery.

    Code Block
    ./bin/dspace update-discovery-index

    NOTE: This step may take some time if you have a large number of items in your repository.

  5. Verify that you can see the Sidebar Facets on your DSpace homepage or that an empty search query will return all repository content. Note that these are only visible when you have items in your repository.



The Browse Engine only supports the "Access item based results" if the Solr/Discovery backend is enabled (see Defining the Storage of the Browse Data)

Access item based results technical details



This paragraph only applies to XMLUI. JSPUI relies on the Browse Engine to show "recent submissions". This requires that the Solr/Discovery backend is enabled (see Defining the Storage of the Browse Data).

The recent submissions configuration element contains all the configuration settings to display the list of recently submitted items on the home page or community/collection page. Because the recent submission configuration is in the discovery configuration block, it is possible to show 10 recently submitted items on the home page but 5 on the community/collection pages.
