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  • embark on some educational webinars/resources
    • community needs best practices of how to make metadata changes - where, how - to maximize interoperability and keep schemas pure
    • community needs some education on what will happen after lockdown
  • need to solicit specific help from community
    • need DC expert to help with crosswalk
    • need help determining what metadata, if anything, should be moved to the "admin schema"
    • need help identifying and addressing the affected areas: input forms, item pages, browse pages
    • need to develop/revise UI screens - agree what's included and create UI screens for other tasks

From Sarah: My sense from the two discussions of our metadata proposal at OR (Monday developer meeting and Friday community discussion) was that there is definite support for the proposal. There are also real challenges to implementation. One community member on Friday noted that the technical challenges around the proposal are evidence for the real need for its implementation— changes need to be made to metadata in Dspace that will smooth future transitions. Some other suggestions we heard focused on documentation, the need to make the addition of new schemas easier, the need for a standard namespace URI for a local schema, emphasis on using existing schema rather than inventing solutions (this came up in the discussion about the potential use of PREMIS in the to-be-developed admin schema), the possibly of a tool that would show how making a migration change in metadata might affect other operations like indexes, crosswalks, etc., steps for locking down DC, and the potential addition of a standard ETD-MS schema. I'll add these suggestions with more detail to the wiki.




Actions Items 

Action Item



Re-start JIRA reviews

1) Everyone should select a JIRA issue of interest (Bram's recommended view:

    • Received: help to judge whether the incoming tickets contain enough detail
    • More details needed: try to ask relevant questions in the comments, poking the original submitter to provide more detail
    • Volunteer needed: There are today 155 issues waiting for a volunteer. You can put some of these tickets in the spotlight by commenting or +1 on them to indicate that they are really important to you.

2) If the issue you select merits DCAT discussion (you want to confirm the importance of the request, want input on request, want to propose DCAT sending a msg to the listserve to find volunteers, etc.) please schedule the month for which you'd like to hold the discussion on the DCAT Discussion Schedule. If your JIRA issue doesn't merit a DCAT discussion, use JIRA to follow up directly.

3) Monthly discussion leaders should use the DCAT Discussion Forum to start your discussions with the rest of DCAT.

4) Post links/updates to the JIRA issue (summary of DCAT discussion with links to forum, etc.).


Start discussion on the institutional profile for organizations that should be keenly interested in the metadata improvement projectVal to start