Versions Compared


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  1. CRIS 2024
  2. Dynamic API
  3. VIVO-community repositories (VIVO-Harvester)
  4. ElasticSearch vs Solr
  5. Upload image issue
    1. Anyone having trouble with image uploads with recent versions of VIVO? I'm getting these errors in the logs:
      2024-05-13 19:09:33,509 ERROR [FileInfo] File had no filename: ''
      2024-05-13 19:09:33,510 INFO [FileServingServlet] Failed to serve the file at '/file/n50145/thumbnail_totoro.jpg' -- edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.filestorage.serving.FileServingServlet$FileServingException: The request path is not valid for the File servlet: '/file/n50145/thumbnail_totoro.jpg'Images work if I'm logged in as an admin and do a hard refresh, otherwise they appear broken.
  6. VIVO 1.15.0
  7. VIVO 1.14.3
      1. not yet merged


CRIS 2024

Dragan briefly reported about participation in the CRIS 2024 conference. Some conference participants expressed interest in using VIVO (Portugal, Germany, OpenAIRE graph integration).

Dynamic API

There are some concerns about development of Dynamic API due its complexity and speed of development. There are some alternatives which might produce REST endpoints more efficiently at the moment. However, Dynamic API should also make the VIVO codebase more stable and easier to maintain. Depending on our resources and VIVO vision (and roadmap) which should be published till end of the year, we should make decisions about further development of Dynamic API or using its alternatives for quick reaching some visio goals.  

VIVO-community repositories (VIVO-Harvester)

Who is responsible for maintaining projects (repositories) within vivo-community github organization? VIVO committers are not, but if there is some simple PR we can review and approve it. Moreover, if a member of the VIVO community expressed the interest to participate in maintaining some repository we can give him/her privileges. We can grant write permissions to Benjamin Kampe (TIB) for the VIVO-Harvester repository.

ElasticSearch vs Solr

There is an interest in replacing Solr with the ElasticSearch engine in some VIVO instances. There is an implementation for this in VIVO which requires additional testing and improving documentation. Dragan will contact Don Elsborg who might have some knowledge to help in this. 

Upload image issue

Georgy will try to reproduce the issue. If the issue is reproducible we will open a GitHub ticket.  

I forgot my password

Dragan made a mistake and broke review process rules (merge PR which has been created by a person affiliated with the same institution). Luckily, no one has additional requests for code improvements. Therefore, we decided to keep it merged. 

Other PRs

Dragan assigned some PRs to committers for reviewing.

Draft notes on Google Drive

