Versions Compared


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  • Announcements
    • Welcome and introductions
    • Updates on previous business
      • UX actions with DSpace 8 testathon
        • could be more qualitative work with users
        • testathon
        • need people to create tests
        • multi-pronged, for testathon and in-depth
        • types of tests provided by developer in Usability working group at Cornell 
          • OptimalWorkshop ( will let you do these types of tests - 
            • Surveys (we could do this in LibWizard too if the other Dspace institutions use Springshare products or Qualtrics)
            • Card Sorts (open - the user tells us how they'd organize it --- or closed - we give the user categories to organize the cards into)
            • Tree testing (this is for Information Architecture - see if your navigation makes sense to your users)
            • First click (where people go to first on your website)
            • qualitative - so like a survey - uncovers user's painpoints - hard to do this unless user has some familiarity with interface --
            • They also have some good user guides for each type of test in case people are interested -- 
          • In person, we could do user studies asking different (random) individuals to do a specific number of tasks (usually like 5) to see how they try to navigate to a specific tool or find an element (and if they're successful).  The only issue here is sometimes your subjects aren't representative of your user base.
              • DSpace 8 testathon
              • DCAT Vice Chair
              • Community Engagement Theme
              • Documentation for different DSpace versions


  • Discussion Topics
    • DSpace 7 - bug reports
    • If there are DCAT requests for multilingual support in DSpace, please add tickets with details about use cases and tickets for any areas that need 'bug' fixes.

What is the tipping point for having performance issues?

  • Indiana having performance issues
  • Is total storage part of the answer?

Melissa - 300-500 GB range, haven't reported issues (hosted experience)

  • Melissa says people are pretty happy with DSpace 7 espe. wi/feature parity

Erica -

caching issues;

hamburger on mobile app wasn't working

bug fixes deployed

bug with custom theming

access policies interpreted differently in 7 than 6

users find things confusing; how do you sort, why are submissions at bottom instead of top

Shannon Searle:

Cambridge had some issues with slow connectors - they have a large self-hosted repository. They have a separate Angular interface for staff/students and another for public, a separate solr server and two backend tomcat servers with a round-robin  load balance

Marianne: How do you communicate best practices / what's going on to users. Erica:

Shannon Searle to Everyone (Sep 12, 2023, 9:45 AM)

Zoom meeting:

We will be using the DSpace Zoom Meeting Room for our meeting.


Tal Ayalon World Bank, DSpace 7, 36,000 items Institutional VPN crashed in the middle of the meeting - Sorry!

Sarah Barsness, University of Minnesota, DSpace 7  migration, 121,500


Erica Johns, migrating to DSpace 7.6 from 6.3 - 7.5 in June (problems had to do with customizations) performance issue - known item link - that direct linking takes time - 100,000


Melissa Anez Lyrasis
