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  1. News
    1. Welcome to our 9 new members! (full team)
      1. Augustine Gitonga - Aga Khan University Hospital
      2. Michael Guthrie - BioMed Central
      3. Dibyendra Hyoju - Madan Puraskar Pustakalaya/
      4. Iryna Kuchma -
      5. Sue Kunda - Oregon State University
      6. Bram Luyten - @mire
      7. Alice Platt - Southern New Hampshire University
      8. Imma Subirats - OEKC, FAO of the United Nations
      9. Ciarán Walsh - Enovation Solutions, Ltd
  2. DSpace 1.7.1 release - bug fix release (not introduce any new features, it just resolves issues found in 1.7.0)
    1. resolves several key issues, along with a medium-level SECURITY ISSUE in our 1.7.0 release (see DS-858)
    2. fully supports Oracle databases
    3. resolves several SWORD-related bugs 
    4. some other minor issues were resolved - for a full list, please see the 1.7.1 Release Notes and  Version History|display/DSDOC/History\
  3. DSpace 1.8
    1. Oct 2011
    2. Robin Taylor - release coordinator
    3. what might be included: release notes
  4. e-Forum
    1. need a co-moderator, ideally in Europe, Asia or Australia/NZ
    2. future topic suggestions?
    3. statistics (particularly, being able to share stats with users)
    4. copyright procedures (how do you research copyright for things you put in your repository?)
    5. citation management (is there a need to provide a way to pull out citations out of your repository?)
    6. upgrade process - how do you upgrade, testing, bringing in customizations
    7. suggestions
      1. summary page on wiki - links to discussion on mailing list - give overview - w/Twitter & FB links
      2. links on Twitter and FB - when it starting/ending, during discussion highlight interesting issues/feedback/participation
      3. start discussion by providing something to react to - a use case, example, strawman proposal, etc.
      4. use a discussion forum that can link to Twitter, Facebook, etc - using Kunena and Jomsocial that integrate with Joomla which the site is using as its CMS  (Michael Guthrie can help)
  5. Documentation Mgmt Team
  6. useful info from mailing list - procedure to get answers from mailing list to wiki docs or in a FAQ/discussion forum:
  7. Open Repositories Conference, June 8-11, 2011
  8. DSpace user group mtg chair, Holly Mercer
  9. DSpace committer mtg on either Mon June 6 or Tues June 7 - joint DCAT/committer mtg/cocktail hour afterwards
  10. Other news?
  11. OAI7 DSpace User Mtg on June 21 - program in process, welcome presenters and use cases for repo mgr session - sponsored by @mire & DuraSpace
  12. Nepal, Thailand and Laos -- training in Laos in March FAO training session for agricultural univ, migrated E-LIS repo from ePrints to DSpace
  13. Graham Triggs working on new UI Freemarker, hoping to have in for 1.8
  14. New feature review process
    1. Goal: primary goal of the DSpace Community Advisory Team (DCAT) is to help review and facilitate community-wide discussions about new feature requests in JIRA and to provide support to the DSpace developer/committer group in producing software releases.
      1. What it is:
        1. group representing the community which make assessments about new feature requests in JIRA - the relative value and urgency for the broader community 
        2. facilitate community wide discussions on the most useful and urgent new feature requests - the purpose of which is to validate DCAT assessment, flesh out req'mts, most importantly-->find stakeholder/developer resources
        3. possibly provide communication support (announcements, etc.) to developers/committers for software releases
        4. collaborate on other projects for the community - user group mtgs, networking, mailing list participation, e-forum, attend weekly developer/committer mtgs
      2. What it is not:
        1. a group that dictates work priorities for the developers/committers
        2. having discussions just to have discussions
    2. Process overview
    3. Future discussion schedule
  15. Update on previously reviewed items
    1. DS587 tombstone (Sarah): discussion forum, JIRA
    2. DS638 check file format/virus check (Elin): discussion forum, JIRA - Elin currently working w/Robin to understanding the curation framework, and investigating/figure out a next steps
    3. DS164 deposit interface for modifying input forms.xml (Jim): discussion forum, JIRA - Jim says it is ready for community wide discussion, he will schedule
  16. Meeting Attendees:
    1.  Bram Luyten, Michael Guthrie, Iryna Kuchma, Tim Donohue, Ciarán Walsh, Valorie Hollister, Elin Stangeland, Jim Ottaviani, Imma Subraits
