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Table of Contents

  1. News
    1. SPARC DSUG update/slides:
      1. highlights: summary of 1.7, @mire products/services, EXCELLENT batch metadata editing tutorial, structured networking
    2. DSpace 1.7 release update
      1. testathon success
      2. new features:
      3. release still planned for Dec 17
    3. DSpace/Fedora Integration
    4. promotion
    5. e-Forum Jan 20-21 "Is DSpace 1.7 on your roadmap?" - hosted by Alice Platte-Forum - Ronee Francis and Alice Platt to host
    6. Open Repositories Conference, June 8-11, 2011 - looking for a DSpace user group meeting planning have Fedora mtg chair, very close on DSpace mtg chair
    7. Other news?
    8. Cambridge: testing Sympletic research mgmt tool, which is integrated w/DSpace - use for paper deposit (will simplify this process)
    9. Univ of Mich: working on getting papers in HathiTrust into repo, working with Biomed Central
  2. New name, new focus
    Review ideas on DGOC logistics going forward
    1. team name
      1. since we've evolved our primary purpose (help w/reviewing JIRA requests and facilitating community discussions) we've resolved to retire DGOC (served it's purpose over the last few years working on big projects)
      2. current group members will now join the "Community Advisor Team" or CAT-->with new focus on facilitating discussions on new feature requests
    2. meeting/s time - only one time per month
      1. moving to only one live mtg time a month -  top allow for more dynamic discussions: alternate time each month - 9am/14:00 or 3pm/20:00
    3. participation
      1. resolved that we would do the bulk of our new feature reviews outside the mtg
        1. each week, 1 CAT member will start discussion amongst CAT about a JIRA issue of their choice - summarize issue and proposed CAT recommendations for feedback
        2. other CAT members make comments asynchronously 
        3. CAT issue discussion leader for that wk will post summary to JIRA issue and, if issue ranks as highly relevant/broad community interest and high priority the issue will be taken to the broader DSpace community for full discussion - confirming interest, outlining requirements, soliciting those interest in working on project
      2. team members
        1. currently have 12 DGOC members -- only 5 or 6 active because of timezone issues
        2. we will reduce CAT membership to only those who are / will be actively participating in discussions - target of 8 active members (need more active Europeans and/or Asians)
    4. proposed mtg together w/cmtrs at OR11 - join their cmtr mtg
  3. Attendees
    1. Jim Ottaviani, Elin Stangeland, Valorie Hollister
  4. JIRA Review CAT Discussion Schedule for January
    1. Jan 3-7: Jim Ottaviani
    2. Jan 10-14: Elin Stangeland
