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@mire ( and the DSpace Global Outreach Committee  Committee with the support and coordination of DuraSpace, invite all DSpace enthusiasts to this half day DSpace user group meeting on Wednesday, November 10 from 8:30am to 1:00pm in Baltimore Maryland, immediately following the SPARC 2010 Digital Repositories Meeting ( The meeting will feature sessions on the upcoming DSpace 1.7 release, both addressed to repository managers and developers. In addition, @mire representatives will introduce @mire's unique offering of services and add-on modules, supporting institutions running their own in-house repository. Many thanks to @mire, a Registered DSpace Service Provider, for sponsoring this meeting.


3) Electronic poster sessions of community projects - all attendees encouraged to bring an electronic poster about their project/s for a brief presentation and networking opportunity

4) @mire products and services

As the DSpace Global Outreach Committee plans the user group meeting, we are looking for community feedback on what type of content would be most interesting to include. For anyone who may attend, we'd like to know what you are most interested in hearing about.

Please email me ( your feedback on the top content items you would like to see -- either based on the list of possible presentations below or add your own ideas for content.

Thanks to both of you for volunteering to help plan the SPARC DSUG mtg on Nov 10! I would like to propose that the 3 of use get together some time soon for a mtg to discuss the plans. I'm out next wk on vacation -- but could meet tomorrow 8/19 between 9:30-noon or Fri 8/20 noon - 3:30pm. Alternatively I can meet when I return from vacation -- pretty much anytime Tues 8/31, Wed 9/1, Thurs 9/2 or Fri 9/3. Please let me know what works for you.

Just by way of an update on what has happened with the logistics -- we only have the room from 8am-1pm -- so not a full day as we had originally hoped. Another thing to keep in mind is that since @mire is sponsoring the mtg they have requested 45 min to present on some of the current relevant projects/products.

Here is a proposed schedule:Proposed Schedule

8.30-9.15: slot 1
9.15-10: slot 2
10-10.15: BREAK
10.15-11: slot 3
11.15-12: slot 4
12-1: Networking Lunch

Hopefully you both saw my msg to the mailing lists a few wks ago soliciting input on the mtg content...I didn't get a very big response, but here were the top vote getters:
-Under the Hood: how DSpace works
-batch metadata editing

other votes:
-1.7 update

other ideas:
informal time to meet repo mgrs/librarians to get to know each other

Let me know your availability for our planning mtg....

Planning Committee

Rea Devakos - University of Toronto

Sarah Shreeves - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Valorie Hollister - DuraSpace

Bram Luyten - @mire-Valorie