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  1. Review membership changes since last meeting
  2. Review new VIVO registered sites since last meeting
  3. Welcome package for new registered users
    1. Review and add to draft
  4. Establishing regional users groups
    1. We need to make initial contact with regional representatives to begin coordinating the establishment of users groups
    2. This contact sheet can be used to gather an initial list of people to reach out to
    3. Goal of organizing online meetings starting in January
  5. Outreach and marketing
    1. Can we produce a simple introductory video for VIVO to share with potential adopters in lieu of a live demo?
    2. Check-in with Terrie on production
  6. Conference follow-up
    1. Which presenters and attendees should we follow-up with?
    2. What is our strategy for engagement over the next few months?
  7. Recommended changes to VIVO Leadership elections
    1. What changes would this group recommend?


Review membership changes since last meeting

  1. CINECA will maintain their membership level
    1. They are still in governance this year
    2. Interested in being more active in governance
    3. As a public institution, CINECA must go through tender for anything they pay for unless there is an exclusivity
      1. Only LYRASIS can allow them to become members of VIVO
      2. Mic will draft a letter to this effect
  2. All renewals are in except for PUC and APA

Review new VIVO registered sites since last meeting

  1. No new sites since the last meeting

Welcome package for new registered users

  1. Encourage new users to get involved. How to ask questions.
  2. For list of resources include a note for each one on what it is for and how to use it
  3. We should do something similar with the other programs as well
  4. Add something to stimulate actions
    1. Ask about why they chose VIVO, why are they using it
    2. Are there other VIVO users in your region?
  5. Should be sent from a VIVO stakeholder
    1. Perhaps the Chair?
    2. If this is an outreach and engagement effort we may want to determine who best to send the letter based on personal connections, etc.
  6. When new sites are registered, David will email this group to see who might want to do some outreach

Conference Follow-up

  1. Meeting with DEFF folks soon
    1. DEFF Opera event coming up in November
      1. VIVO will likely be mentioned
      2. Ask about VIVO at event during meeting and promote

Establishing regional users groups

  1. Mic talked to Federico at CINECA about a European meeting
  2. Meetings should have some presentations from regional users explaining why they are using VIVO
  3. Meetings should also include a presentation from a governance member on what ViVO is and the engagement opportunities
    1. Need to explain why we need the engagement
  4. Mic will do some initial outreach in Europe and Latin America
    1. Determine whether Europeans would prefer a national meeting in their native language or a broader regional event in English
  5. We want to encourage people that we don't normally hear from
    1. Not a conference. Sharing experiences, learning from each other

Outreach and marketing

  1. Terrie will inquire about internal resources for producing a video
  2. We need a script and participants
  3. What are the common themes?

Action Items

  •  Michele Mennielli Will talk to LYRASIS colleagues about allowing VIVO members to pay invoices in non USD currency.
  •  All: Next meeting review election practices and make recommendations for changes for next year
  •  Terrie R. Wheeler Look into local capacity for creating a brief VIVO marketing video