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  1. Brief intro to wikidata and the wikiverse
    1. Overview of relationship between wikidata/wikicite/wikibase/scholia/wikipedia ( wikiverse as it pertains to semantic data )
    2. Overview of usages for wikidata
    3. Overview of wikicite in wikidata
    4. Internationalization in wikidata ( i8n i18n )
  2. Overview of semantic capabilities for these tools
    1. SPARQL query builder -
  3. Brief overview of WD semantics
  4. Daniel's interest in VIVO
  5. The matching problem - wikidata has mix-n-match, how would this work in VIVO
  6. Next steps/actions ( strawman ideas ) Vivo <-> WD ontology mapping
    1. Publication data as a potential joint project
      1. Identifying actual sources of data in wikidata - Eg - attribution of the data source
      2. Usage of triple-pattern-fragment endpoint in VIVO and perhaps wikidata
      3. Rules for vivo <->
        • Attribution
        • Data must be CC0
    2. Country data as a potential joint project - replace FAO data
      1. Simplify VIVO data
      2. Timely updates via Wikimedia process
    3. Potential future projects ( VIVO depth in humanities, grants, advising )


Draft notes in Google-Doc



Don: TODO 

Previous Actions
