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The VIVO Scholar demo is live at The site is public and live but development is ongoing.  We'll deploy new features at the end of every three-week sprint.

Get in touch on the #vivo-scholar Slack channel.

April 2020

4/23: In Sprint 17, from 3/30 to 4/17, we planned to finalize a number of search features. But we learned that they were trickier than we anticipated. Sprint 17 included the following tasks:

  • Cleanup of search features, part 1 (we haven't finished yet)
  • Substantial progress on responsiveness/the mobile UI
  • Sprint 19 added and beta release date planned for June 1

Watch the short demo video here.

March 2020

3/26:  Sprint 16 ends with the following additions:

  • Search page, Funding tab
  • Pages for individual grants, publications, and keywords
  • Pageable facets
  • Date slider + year resolution facet filters

Big note: final styling is still not complete.

February 2020

2/28: Sprint 14 ended on February 14, and Sprint 15 ran through early March with these updates (watch the video):

  • Search mockups and a functional spec
  • Search page, People tab, including facets for types, departments, and schools (research areas will go away)
  • Search page, Publications tab and facets for type, date (will be a slider), author, and publisher

Big note: final styling is in progress (it will look different soon).

January 2020

1/29: We wrapped up Sprint 13 with these updates:

  • Added grants data to Research & Expertise
  • Added the Teaching & Mentoring tab, with courses data and Teaching Overview data (here's a sample profile)
  • Road-tested the web components by asking the new Duke development intern, Kristi Turner, to make the above changes. Kristi is a fairly-new programmer with some web knowledge but had no problem making changes.
  • Simplified the GraphQL endpoint.  Try the endpoint with these sample GraphQL queries.
  • Watch our short demo video.

1/8: The VIVO Scholar Town Hall meeting happened today (watch the video here) and we gave updates for Sprint 12:

  • Added a Research and Expertise tab including Keywords in the sidebar
  • Minor improvements to the GraphQL endpoint and new sample queries
  • Switching Search from React to web components

December 2019

12/20: Here's what's new in December (here's our super-short demo video for Sprint 11, which ended on December 6):

  • Added a Publications tab to the profile with a sort button (note that the publication "entity" page is not finished)
  • Installed a VIVO test site for loading sample data and fake faculty
  • Hooked up the VIVO test site to the VIVO Scholar demo, which is no longer displaying OpenVIVO data but instead, sample data for VIVO Scholar development purposes
  • Developers, check out the GraphQL playground here: to query the new test data.

Stay tuned for more info about querying sample data with GraphQL.

November 2019

11/26: We've added the following new features to the VIVO Scholar demo (watch the demo video here):

  • Home page is mostly complete (you can change the background photo)
  • Profile page: the About tab is mostly done (except for organizations)
  • Demo data is coming from OpenVIVO for now, but sample data is coming soon
  • The Search results are not complete; this will be developed in early 2020
