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Code Block
join_buffer_size = 32M
read_rdrnd_buffer_size = 32M
innodb_buffer_pool_size = 512M1536M
innodb_file_per_table = 1
innodb_file_format = barracuda


Code Block


It's important to note that this is not a recommendation for a temporary table size, we're just testing the hypothesis - we may be able to get away with smaller. Alternatively, your system may need larger.


titleUnused Tweaks

Reading the documentation on MySQL, there is in 5.6 a feature called "batched key access", which on the surface should help with large joins. However, when tested on this query, it appeared to make no difference - there was no change in either execution plan (it would say Using join buffer (Batched Key Access)) or in the execution time. But there may be other queries that we execute where it could come into play. See

Even with a large query with OPTIONALs (e.g. the listview-authorInAuthorship select [view the Author in Authorship Query as SQL]), MySQL can't be provoked into using batched key access on a join. It does however start doing batched nested loops. This isn't hideous - under 4 seconds on a 1700+ publication profile - but not quite as fast as Virtuoso (2 seconds).

Despite the SDB layout using hashes for keys, and all joins based on equivalence, the architecture of MySQL is quite heavily leveraged on BTREE indexes, rather than hash indexes. MariaDB (a MySQL fork) adds batched hash joins to those offered by MySQL - although when MariaDB was provoked into using them, observed performance was awful.

MariaDB uses Aria engine for temporary tables by default, in those cases setting the aria_pagecache_buffer_size can make a profound difference. For the authorship query, execution time dropped as low as 2.5 seconds for repeated executions.

Returning to Map of Science


Originally, "out of the box", the cached model took a little over 2 minutes to build. With the new settings in place - and no other changes - it takes just 1 minute 16 25 seconds. 


Despite the bad press, it is evident that you can make a LOT of difference to the performance of SDB by taking time to look at optimisations that can be made to the SQL engine. That's the trade-off of using a general purpose SQL core instead of an engine that already knows what data structures and queries it is trying to optimise for. But there is a lot of scope for improving performance simply by tuning the core, without affecting the application or the SPARQL queries that it is using.
