Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Minimum limit: There must be at least this number of values in the search results before the facet displays on the search results page. A higher minimum limit will result in fewer facets displaying.
  • Soft limit: The number of facet values to display above the "Show more" link. If you enter 0, all facet values between the minimum and maximum limits will be displayed.
  • Maximum limit: The maximum number of values to display for each facet. Entering 20 would display the 20 most frequently occurring entries in each facet.

Advanced search block

Advanced search is a way to build search queries that search within specific Solr fields (as opposed to the "simple" search box, which searches across the indexed values of all fields in Solr).

Advanced search fields in Solr should be tokenized fields.

Screenshot of Solr advanced search configurationImage Added

Default boolean operator - An option for whether search results must contain all terms entered in the advanced search (AND) or any term entered in the advanced search (OR) in order to display.

For example:

(Title = report) AND (Creator = Department of Communications) will return only objects that have "report" in the title and were created by the Department of Communications

(Title = report) OR (Creator = Department of Communications) will return all objects that have "report" in the title as well as all objects created by the Department of Communications

(Title = report) NOT (Creator = Department of Communications) will return all objects that have "report" in the title, excluding objects that were created by the Department of Communications


To use the advanced search, you will also have to add the "Islandora advanced search" block to a theme region in admin/structure/block.

One way to present the advanced search block is to add it to the content theme region (the main section on a page) and set the advanced search block to display only on a specific node (an "advanced search" page node created in Drupal.)

Query defaults

This section contains additional default settings for all Solr queries in Islandora. Installations of Islandora that have namespace restrictions must enter the namespaces in this section to restrict the search results to only the relevant namespaces.

Required Solr fields

These Solr fields are required by Islandora in order to create a repository browse interface and manage Fedora objects. These fields are populated with default values.

Other (debugging Solr)

This section contains a checkbox to turn "debug mode" on or off. Debug mode for Solr will show the text of Solr queries in the Drupal display, and generally should not be used in a production site.