Versions Compared


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Each year, we survey the VIVO sites regarding their implementations.  The results of the survey are available at the conference, presented as a poster or short talk.  Survey results help the community identify opportunities for the VIVO roadmap, and provide basic metrics regarding community size and vitality.

2018 Survey

The VIVO action planning Governance and Structure group conducted a survey of the community in 2018.  They will report their findings in 2019.

2017 Survey – Oops

We didn't have a 2017 survey.

Perhaps this means we only survey every two years (see 2015).  

2016 Survey

The survey was conducted with Google Forms and can be found here: With 36 respondents, the 2016 survey was the largest survey yet.  Simplifying the survey and designing for three groups "conceiving", "implementing" "in  production" with questions for each, appears to have helped.

The survey results were presented in a poster at the 2016 VIVO Conference.  The poster is available here:

If you have ideas for the 2017 survey, please contact Mike Conlon or Paul Albert.


2015 Survey – Oops

We didn't have a 2015 Survey.

In the past, the survey was very detailed and quite technical.  This limited responses.  In 2016, we expect to have a much shorter survey, generating additional responses, and providing additional input to the formation of strategy and roadmap.

2014 Survey

The survey form is here.

Results from the 2014 survey are listed here:

Other Surveys

Other surveys related to the VIVO-ISF data standard, research networking technologies, or social networking for academics/researcher are listed here:


All questions are not required unless otherwise specified. Please submit no more than one survey per institution. (Need a form tool that allows saving and passing among different people.)


  • What is the name of your institution?
  • How would you describe your institution? (Check all that apply.)
    • research university
    • undergraduate college
    • medical school
    • governmental organization
    • non-governmental organization
    • non-profit
    • other (please specify)
  • In what country is your institution located?
  • Would you like your submission using this survey to be anonymized?
  • Is your VIVO in production?
    • Yes
    • Yes, but it's in beta.
    • No, but our institution has made a commitment to VIVO and we're in the development stage.
    • No. We still haven't decided whether to adopt VIVO, but we're in the exploratory stage.
  • If yes, what is the URL for your VIVO?

Server and application configuration

  • What version of VIVO are you currently running on production?
  • How much memory is allocated to your production instance of VIVO?
  • What database do you use?
    • MySQL
    • PostgreSQL
  • Do you use caching?


  • (If in production), how many FTE-years were needed to get VIVO ready for production?
    • For example, if three people worked on VIVO for three years that would be 9 FTE-years.
  • What is the average number of FTEs that have worked on your VIVO implementation in the last year?
  • Before starting on VIVO, do any of your developers have experience with semantic applications?
  • In the last year, how many FTEs do you have for each of the following? If one person does multiple roles below, divide the FTEs between people.
    • Developer
    • Business analyst/information architect
    • Marketing/outreach
    • Project executive
    • Ontologist

Content captured

  • Which of the following person types do you capture?
    • Faculty
    • Postdocs/fellows
    • PhD students
    • Other students
  • Which of the following data does your VIVO capture using external sources?
    • Preferred name
    • Preferred title
    • Publications
    • Grants, agreements, and contracts
    • Positions
    • Educational background
    • Certifications
    • Professional service
    • Honors and awards
  • Which of the following data do you allow users to manually enter?
    • Preferred name
    • Preferred title
    • Publications
    • Grants, agreements, and contracts
    • Positions
    • Educational background
    • Certifications
    • Professional service
    • Honors and awards
  • How many of each of the following does your VIVO have?
    • Internal persons
    • Publications
    • Grants, agreements, and contracts
    • Honors and awards
  • What is your source for disambiguate them?
    • End user
    • Administrator/developer
    • Symplectic Elements
    • ORCID
    • Custom workflow
  • What is your source for publications (check all that apply)
    • Medline
    • Web of Knowledge
    • Google Scholar
    • Scopus
  • Do you display non-federal grants?
    • Yes
    • No
  • How often do you update the following sources? (daily, weekly, monthly, variable)
    • Persons
    • Publications
    • Grants, agreements, and contracts
    • Positions
    • Educational background


  • Has anyone from your site made core contributions to a software project before?
  • If any, how many people from your site have made contributions to VIVO core?
  • What are some roadblocks that have prevented developers at your site from making core contributions?
    • Failure to understand how the application works
    • Don't know where to start
    • Lack of perceived permission from the most common core developers
    • Competing projects
    • Decision makers don't see the value
    • Don't have any particular needs that could be addressed
  • Where do you maintain your code base?
    • Internally hosted Subversion repository
    • Git-Hub
    • Git
    • Local copy of Microsoft Wordpad


  • How many custom classes does your VIVO use?

  • How many custom properties does your VIVO use?

Size, performance and caching

  • (If in production), how many rows are in your quads table? 
    • Run SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Quads;
  • When caching is not turned on, how long does it take your largest organization or person profile page to load?
  • On a scale of 1-10, how happy are key stakeholders with your institution with VIVO's speed?

Outreach and feedback

  • How would you characterize your users response to VIVO?
    • engaged
    • engaged but highly critical
    • apathetic
  • In what ways have you reached out to your users?
    • Online documentation
    • Video tutorials
    • Trainings
    • Focus groups
  • On a scale of 1-10, please rate the frequency with which you receive the following complaints:
    • My data is wrong.
    • Key data of mine is missing.
    • I don't want VIVO to replace my institutional website.
    • I'm not allowed to edit certain data from external sources.


  • Who first learned about VIVO?
    • developer
    • librarian
    • provost or dean
    • chief information officer
    • other (please specify)
  • On a scale of 1-10, what level of interest would your institution have in the following?
    • support contracts
    • canned hosting
    • on-site training
    • start-up consultations
    • intensive development help from an experienced VIVO developer
  • On a scale of 1-10, which of the following messages would be most successful in marketing VIVO to your users? 
    • VIVO saves you time.
    • VIVO helps you find collaborators.
    • VIVO promotes your work and makes you more competitive.
    • Other (please specify)
  • On a scale of 1-10, why do you suppose end users do not interact with their VIVO profile?
    • They have better things to do.
    • Too many options
    • Marketing needs to be better
    • Other (please specify)

Apps and tools

  • Which of the following apps and tools do you use?
    • OpenSocial gadgets
  • On a scale of 1-10, how interested would your institution be using the following apps and tools?
    • Export to CV/biosketch
    • VIVO Dashboard, a tool which allows user to create multi-faceted reports using publication metadata from VIVO
    • ORCID integration
    • Duke's HTML embeds of SPARQL queries
  • In what ways do your institution reuse your VIVO data?
    • Data dashboard
    • Business intelligence
    • Other institutional sites
    • Custom visualizations
    • Faculty review tool
  • Do you have a SPARQL endpoint?
    • Yes, and it's publicly available
    • Yes, but it is not publicly available
    • No
  • (If you have a publicly available endpoint), what is the URL?
  • (If you have an endpoint but it's not publicly available), why not?
    • Takes time to set up
    • Worried about performance
    • Concerned about sharing institutional data


  • On a scale of 1-10, please rate how effective each of the following methods have been for solving development roadblocks:
    • Trial and error
    • Email to the listserv
    • Searching the listserv archives
    • Bringing it up on the implementation/development call
    • Contacting one or more developers off-list
    • Long walk on the beach, staring wistfully into the surf
    • Using the wiki
  • How has the pace of development for your VIVO compared to other similar applications at your institution?
    • Much faster
    • Somewhat faster
    • About the same
    • Some slower
    • Much slower
  • How does VIVO's online documentation compare to other projects you've worked on?
    • Complete and useful
    • Decent
    • Has some gaps
    • Poor
  • Prioritize the following support materials:
    • Self-guided tutorials for data ingest
    • White paper highlighting use cases for how VIVO can benefit an institution
    • Detailed list of standard application and server configurations
  • What is the name of one other open source project with documentation the VIVO community could do well to emulate? Please describe.
  • For those who represent institutions outside the United States, to what extent do you feel the VIVO community makes an effort to include you in its activities?
    • Definitely
    • Sometimes
    • Rarely
    • Not at all
  • In what ways can VIVO be better about support international sites?


  • Do you use internationalization?
  • If yes, which languages?



  • On a scale of 1-10 how much of a challenge have each of the following been to date?
    • Getting adequate resources from administrative leadership to proceed
    • Cleaning up dirty data from institutional sources
    • Theming
    • Political: getting access to data from institutional sources
    • Understanding VIVO's semantic data model
    • Ingesting data using Harvester or other similar tools
    • Language - English is not our first language


Sample questions

  • how many FTEs work on VIVO (and what is their domain expertise?)
  • what data are captured
  • what additional tools are used
  • can put the results in 
  • perhaps do a dry run at the I-Fest
  • useful for DuraSpace to understand community growth, member prospects?
  • production environment specs/config?
  • platform details (maybe also some info on dev/test environment)
  • priorities for addressing gaps

Who wants to help?

Paul will facilitate a call to write out the questions and has a way to host it, and we can circulate it with this group and others enough by the I-Fest to solicit input
