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Additional ways to join: DSpace Meeting Room


  • Announcements & updates on previous business.
    • Meeting time - input requested. Group agreed to keep new meeting time - it allows our UK/Ireland colleagues to participate.
  • Proposed DSpace 8 Testathon
      • Dates: March 4-15 (two weeks)
      • The testathon is run by repository managers (non-developers) to perform tasks and ensure functions are performing as expected.
  • Statistics
    • We agreed at the October meeting that DSpace statistics will be the topic for this meeting. Tim Donohue will join us for a few minutes to provide a brief summary of DSpace statistics.
    Announcements & updates on previous business
    Meeting time - input requested
    Testathon Dates
      • Kimberly shared information from Tim Donahue.
      • Bill Kelm and Pierre Lasou presented about their statistics developments.
      • See meeting notes section for details.

Preparing for the call

If you can join the call, or are willing to comment on the topics submitted via the meeting page, please add your name, institution, and repository URL to the Call Attendees section below.  

Call Attendees

Bill Kelm, Willamette Univ. - Recently got our SOLR statistics working on 7.6 happy to share.
Kimberly Chapman , University of Arizona Libraries

Peter Sutton-Long University of Cambridge Library (DSpace 7.6)

Joseph Richard, Rocky Vista Colorado

Jessica Deshaies, University of Delaware Library

Philip Young 

Pierre Lasou , Universite Laval

Stefano Bordoni, University of Edinburg

Paige Morgan , University of Delaware, upgrading from 7.4 to 7.56 next week

Jere Odell , IUPUI (soon to be IU Indianapolis, DSpace 7.6 since July

Erica Johns , Cornell, migrating 7.6 since September still having performance issues

Ima Oduok, Texas Digital Library


Meeting notes


1) Comments from Tim Donahue about statistics (talking points, some paraphrased, excerpted from email to Kimberly Chapman)

  • DSpace Statistics has been built on Solr since DSpace version 1.6, which was released in 2010
  • In the last 13 years, it has never been redesigned, as no one has stepped forward to offer to redesign it. 
  • DSpace 7 therefore uses the same statistical engine that DSpace has always used since 1.6. 
  • In DSpace 7, we have not made any significant changes to it other than to ensure it "works" with the new user interface.
  • There are probably much better ways that we could do statistics. 
  • The big limitation here is that there is not anyone volunteering to do the hard work of redesigning / rethinking statistics.
    • There are no developers on "staff" for DSpace, so without volunteer developers coming forward, the only other approach would be if Steering (or similar) did fundraising to rebuild Statistics & then hire a service provider to do the work.
    • Perhaps there's a better way for DSpace to send statistics to an external​ tool which provides more features/reporting options.

2) Gathering DSpace statistics at Willamette with DSpace, SOLR, and Google Analytics - Presented by Bill Kelm

SOLR Statistics

DSpace - Items
To get total items added in DSpace over a specific time period we use the SOLR statistics.

Mount DSpace so you can access the SOLR interface: 

 ssh -L

Using Firefox use this query for items added to a specific collection over the last fiscal year:{2022-07-01T16:22:19.291Z%20TO%202023-06-30T16:22:19.291Z}+search.resourcetype:Item

If you want to see totals for a specific community use:

To get total items for a entire collection or community just drop off the date restrictions.
DSpace - Views 
To get total views of items in a DSpace collection over a specific time period we use the SOLR statistics.

Mount DSpace so you can access the SOLR interface: 
 ssh -L

Using Firefox use this query for views of a community:{2022-10-25T16:22:19.291Z%20TO%202023-10-25T16:22:19.291Z}+AND+isBot:false+AND+statistics_type:view+AND+type:2

 or for a collection:{2022-07-01T16:22:19.291Z%20TO%202023-06-30T16:22:19.291Z}+AND+isBot:false+AND+statistics_type:view+AND+type:2

for the DSpace instance. The "type:2" limits the query to items.

DSpace - Built in Statistics
Any community or collection, you can just drop in the word "statistics", after the base URL. For example:

Digital Collection Views - Google Analytics
In Fall of 2018, we switched interfaces of the Academic Commons, and also changed how we were tracking usage with Google Analytics, now using Google Tag Manager as well. In each of the year summaries, we will now include an overall usage for each of our now two applications DSpace and ArchivesSpace.

3. Pierre Lasou presented on work being done at Université Laval.