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Islandora Scholar is a suite of modules designed to help Islandora function as an Institutional Repository (although some features are helpful in other use cases as well). It is unique compared to other Islandora modules in terms of the number of features it provides as well as the vast amount of submodules that it contains. It is helpful to think of Scholar as being a kind of scholarly content solution pack due to the new content models it provides (citation & thesis), but it also differs from other solution packs in that it provides new functionality that may be used with other content models (cmodels) as well.

Sample Features:

  • Citation Content Model and Thesis Content Model (and associated default forms)
  • Display dynamically-formatted citations based on MODS data according to on user-uploaded CSL files
  • (optional) tab on Citation objects containing the self-archiving policies of the associated periodical, based on Sherpa/RoMEO
  • (optional) links on Citation and Thesis objects to search for them in Google Scholar or your local discovery layer
  • Importers and populators to create objects based on DOIs, PMIDs, Endnote XML, or RIS files (see associated submodules)
  • Ability to embargo objects or datastreams permanently or with a time limit (see Scholar Embargo submodule)
  • Google Scholar-ready microdata in meta tags (see Islandora Google Scholar submodule)
  • New citation & thesis content models
  • Sherpa/RoMEO integration
  • Creation of new objects from EndNote XML or RIS files exported from other systems
  • Creation of new objects from Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) and PubMed IDs (PMIDs)
  • Suppression of objects from display or disable viewing/downloading of particular datastreams
  • Exporting of collections of bookmarks as RIS, RTF or PDF files
  • User-selectable dynamic citation styling using Citation Style Language (CSL) files
  • Extra HTML metadata to assist with Google Scholar indexing(see Islandora Bookmark and Exporter submodules)


This module requires the following external modules/libraries:


These features can be configured on the Scholar admin page, at Administration » Islandora » Solution Pack Configuration » Scholar (/admin/islandora/solution_pack_config/scholar) .

Islandora Scholar Configuration ScreenImage Removed Image Added


Sherpa/RoMEO is a service which provides information about the copyright & self-archiving policies of various academic journals. When this feature is enabled, a "RoMEO" tab will appear on objects with the Citation Content Model which have a MODS identifier of type "issn". This can be used in staff workflows, to help encourage self-archiving. Results of RoMEO queries are cached in the Drupal database, but are not saved into object metadata. 


The sizes of the thumbnail (TN) and cover page (PREVIEW) datastreams, which are derived from the first page of the PDF using imagemagick, are also configurable here. Below, a screenshot of the PDF configuration screen.

Image RemovedImage Added

About CSL (Citation Style Language)


The appropriate type of citation will be displayed according to the content of the <genre> tag in the MODS record for each Citation or Thesis object. The default thesis form includes a field called "Genre"; in the default Citation form, this is the "Publication Type" field near the top of the form.  A case-sensitive entry is required in order to generate the correct formatting:

MODS <genre> termFormat of the citation generated by Islandora Scholar
Citation will be formatted like a journal article.
<genre>journal article</genre>Citation will be formatted like a journal article.
<genre>book chapter</genre>

Citation will be formatted like a book chapter.

<genre>book section</genre>Citation will be formatted like a book chapter.
<genre>book</genre>Citation will be formatted like a book.

Scholar Submodules

Importers and Populators


Be aware that some metadata from the source might not display in the form, but might be saved in the object's MODS datastream regardless. The transforms transform from source the sources to MODS XML are defined by each populator/importer module, but the metadata form that displays can be configured by an Islandora administrator. If the form is missing fields for certain MODS elements, such as within <mods:relatedItem type="host">, that information may not show up in the form that the user sees, but will still be saved in MODS. Populator modules can be used to create objects of any content type, and this may happen if creating an object with a form that was not designed for citations.

Populator options during the ingest workflowImage RemovedPopulator options during the ingest workflowImage Added

To use an Importer, log in, and browse to a Collection. Click the "Manage" tab, then the "Collection" sub-tab, then click "+ Batch Import Objects". You will get a drop down menu with an option to use the "DOI Importer" and any other importers that are enabled. Upload a file or list of DOIs, and click "Import" to automatically import the batch of objects. This uses the Islandora Batch interface behind the scenes, and you will be redirected to a "queue" if the ingest was successful. See How to Batch Ingest Files for more information about ingest queues. 

The importers bundled with Scholar will only create Citation content model objects. If your collection policy is set up so that the collection can hold Citation Content Model objects, then the import will create these objects, and will create them in the namespace configured for Citation objects in the collection.  If your collection policy is not set up to hold Citation Content Model objects, then the import will create objects in the ir: namespace. If namespace restrictions are enabled, these objects might not show up as expected.

Importer options during Batch IngestImage Modified

DOI Importer/Populator - special configuration


The Scholar Embargo submodule is very similar to (and can even be used in conjunction with) the Islandora IP Embargo module. Scholar Embargo allows you to suppress the display visibility of objects in collections entirely, or allow the objects to display but disable a specified datastream on an object. Embargoes may be indefinite (meaning that they will persist until manually lifted) or temporary (meaning that they will persist until the specified expiration date chosen by an administrator, with email notifications 10 days before and on the day of an embargo's expiration).

The two primary types of embargoes are object embargoes and datastream embargoes. Objects with an "object embargo" will behave as if they don't exist for be hidden from public users; they won't display in collections or search results, and will yield an access denied page when public users attempt to access them directly by PID. Only privileged users will be able to see them (more on that below). Datastream embargoes allow the object to display normally in collections and search results, but a particular datastream (specified when the embargo is placed) will be unavailable to public users to view or download. For citation and thesis objects this will be the 'PDF' datastream, but Scholar Embargoes can be applied to any content model, extending the list of possible datastreams. In order to put a Scholar Embargo on content models other than citations and theses, you must enable them from the "Islandora Scholar Embargo" tab of the Islandora Utility Modules admin menu at admin/islandora/tools/embargo (example below).

