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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 5.3

This page provides notes on the DSpace SVN to GitHub Migration taking that took place in MarchApril/April 2012.May 2012.  It has now all been completed.  The final announcement of this migrate is at:

GitHub Migration Steps

Table of Contents

Codebases to migrate to GitHub


titleGitHub import hints

Main Codebases

Main Codebases

  • (tick) Primary DSpace Codebase - The Offical DSpace/DSpaceGitHub repository is now active! All DSpace development is now occurring in GitHub instead of SVN.
    1. The "DSpace/DSpace" GitHub is a BRAND NEW copy of SVN, with SVN author mapping using the #Author File below.
    2. WARNING: The old, "unofficial" "DSpace/DSpace" GitHub repository was renamed to DSpace-SVN-Deprecated
      • Anyone who had forked the "unofficial" GitHub migrate as-soon as possible to the new GitHub repo, as the old one will not be maintained any further.
      • Once everyone has migrated (no more forks exist), we will delete the "DSpace/DSpace-SVN-Deprecated" repo
    Primary DSpace Codebase - Migrate (perform final sync) Main Trunk/Branches/Tags to WARNING - WILL NOT PERFORM AUTHOR MAPPING: At this time, we do not plan to perform the "SVN author mapping" (See #Author File) for this primary codebase. The reason why is that it can only be performed by essentially "destroying" the existing GitHub repository and rebuilding/recreating it. If we were to recreate this codebase, it would be detrimental to all people/institutions who have already forked it. Since "recreating this repository with author mappings" doesn't seem to give us much benefit in GitHub, the attendees of the Developers Meeting on March 14,2 012 decided it doesn't seem worth the hassle
      • .
  • (tick)  dspace-api-lang - migrated to GitHub:DSpace/dspace-api-lang 
    • perhaps migrate to a single 'dspace-lang' GitHub project?  (Mark: I think move back into DSpace API and use minor releases to update languages.)
  • (tick)  dspace-xmlui-lang - migrated to GitHub:DSpace/dspace-xmlui-lang
    • perhaps migrate to a single 'dspace-lang' GitHub project?
  • The "Licenses" repository - This License/License Header may just need to be moved into somewhere?

(question) QUESTION: The following codebases are also standalone. Do we want to keep them that way? (i.e. do they all merit their own repository in GitHub)?

(question) QUESTION: The following codebases are also standalone. Do we want to keep them that way? Do they all merit their own repository in GitHub?

Dependency Codebases

The following codebases are strictly releases of DSpace dependencies. Some of these dependencies just needed to be pushed to Maven Central (i.e. we don't "own" any of the code – all we did was release it to Maven Central because we needed it available there). Others need minor tweaks for DSpace.

(question) QUESTION: Should we just combine all of these into a single 'dspace-dependences' GitHub repository? Is there a reason to maintain these as separate repositories? It seems like most of these we could just release/update as needed from a single 'dspace-dependences' GitHub repo.

The below dependencies may no longer be needed, as it seems like we have a valid way to replace them in the future.

  • dspace-solr (dependency of 'modules/solr') - migrate to 'dspace-dependencies' GitHub project???
  • dspace-geoip (dependency of 'dspace-stats') - migrate to a general 'dspace-dependencies' GitHub project???
  • (error)
  • dspace-tm-extractors (used by dspace-api to do text extraction of Word docs?) - Can we just replace this with POI (, which is used for PPT text extraction (but also looks to work for Word docs)? See DS-1140
  • (error) dspace-jmockit (dependency of dspace-parent) - migrate to a general 'dspace-dependencies' GitHub project???dspace-cocoon-servlet-service-impl (dependency of dspace-xmlui-wing) - migrate to a general 'dspace-dependencies' GitHub project??? JMockit is now in Maven Central, as long as we can upgrade to 0.999.11 or above. So, we may no longer need this separate project.

Additional Active DSpace projects

Mark: separate repo because they have separate releases cycles, though it might be time to put rest into the main DSpace repo.

Inactive projects (won't be moved to GitHub)


Mark: Some of these can be considered for future, I want to take back those that I put considerable work into and will put these up in my repo or in our atmire repo. DSpace-imscp was an example of a crosswalk/packager addon, it could stand to be in the DSpace repo. Stats and discovery can remain behind.

Archive old SVN (for posterity)

  • (tick) Make existing SVN READ-ONLY
  • (tick) Archive the existing SVN ( hosted by OSUOSL) to and make it for posterity.
  • (tick) Post a notice in the archived SVN (at that codebase is now at GitHub

Additional Cleanup tasks

  • (tick)Turn off any syncing between SVN and GitHub
    • Notify the Committers before making this change!!
  • (tick)Ensure Maven 'License Header' check still works when running 'mvn install' (this is setup in 'dspace-pom')
    • Likely will need to move LICENSE_HEADER to GitHub, maybe into same project as 'dspace-pom'?
    • Also will likely require a new release of 'dspace-pom'
  • (tick)Ensure Maven Release Procedure still works - likely will require a POM update or two.

Mark: I've run a few releases via sonatype and github, it might be good to run a test release or two just to verify.  We just need to update the source management section of the maven parent Pom. I have examplespf these settings in my repo.

Final Steps

  • (tick) Notify community when development has moved completely to GitHub.
  • (tick)Redirect old SVN URLs:
    • (tick) Redirect to (if possible, setup this redirect so that old URLs just go directly to that SVN archive)
  • (tick) Contact OSUOSL and let them know we no longer need to use the old SVN server.
  • (In process/ongoing) Build some "GitHub Best Practices" documentation : @ Development with Git


Code Block
svnuser = gituser_full_name <gituser_email>
Code Block
KevinVandeVelde = KevinVdV Kevin Van de Velde <>
ScottPhillips = NAME <USER@DOMAIN>Scott Phillips <>
StuartLewis = Stuart NAMELewis <USER@DOMAIN><>
ahkim = Austin NAME <USER@DOMAIN>Kim <>
aschweer = Andrea aschweerSchweer <>
azeckoski = Aaron Zeckoski <>
benbosman = benbosmanBen Bosman <>
bollini = Andrea abolliniBollini <>
bradmc = NAME <USER@DOMAIN>Brad McLean <>
cjuergen = Claudia cjuergenJuergen <>
dchud = Dan NAME <USER@DOMAIN>Chudnov <>
dstuve = David NAME <USER@DOMAIN>Stuve <>
gam = Greg NAME <USER@DOMAIN>McClellan? <>
gam5 = Greg NAME <USER@DOMAIN>McClellan <>
gcarpent = Grace NAME <USER@DOMAIN>Carpenter <>
grahamtriggs = Graham NAMETriggs <USER@DOMAIN><>
jimdowning = NAME <USER@DOMAIN>Jim Downing <>
jrutherford = James NAME <USER@DOMAIN>Rutherford <>
jtrimble = Jeffrey NAMETrimble <USER@DOMAIN><>
keithg = NAME <USER@DOMAIN>Keith Gilbertson <>
kshepherd = Kim kshepherdShepherd <>
lcs = NAME <USER@DOMAIN>Larry Stone <>
mdiggory = mdiggoryMark Diggory <>
mirceag = NAME <USER@DOMAIN>Gabriela Mircea <>
mwoodiupui = mwoodiupuiMark Wood <mwood@IUPUI.Edu>
pbreton = Peter NAME <USER@DOMAIN>Breton <>
peterdietz = Peter peterdietzDietz <>
pottingerhj = Hardy hardyoyoPottinger <>
pvillega = Pere NAME <USER@DOMAIN>Villega <>
richard-jones = Richard NAMEJones <USER@DOMAIN><>
robintaylor = robintaylorRobin Taylor <>
rrodgers = Richard NAMERodgers <USER@DOMAIN><>
rtansley = Robert NAMETansley <USER@DOMAIN><>
sands = sandsfishSands Fish <>
scottphillips = Scott scott-phillipsPhillips <>
stuartlewis = NAME <USER@DOMAIN>Stuart Lewis <>
syeadon = Scott NAME <USER@DOMAIN>Yeadon <>
tdonohue = tdonohueTim Donohue <>