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Work should document needs and requirements in the form of a brief charter and published on the VIVO wiki. Documentation (charter, meeting schedule, agenda and minutes) .

As you are forming your task force, please write a charter, see directions below.  The charter provides an overview of the rationale for the work and a description of the work to be done.  The Charter also serves as the "home page" for the task force in the wiki.  All task forces are listed under Task Forces in the left hand menu.  Agendas, minutes and working documents of task forces can be found under each task force home page.

Task Force Charter

The charter should result in a common understanding of:


Some examples of charters to get you started: Search Index Configuration Task Force Charter2015 VIVO I-Fest Planning Team: Task Force Charter

Keep in mind that the charter should be a brief, one page document that provides enough detail about the Task Force to allow readers to understand the context, objectives, and deliverables of the work. Include a timeline and list of members, including the facilitator. Writing the charter should not be an onerous, burdensome process. Keep it simple and brief.


Meeting Agenda and Notes should be published on the VIVO wiki and all discussions within the task force must be transparent. A Task Force Agenda Template is available here.

Timelines and Deliverables

Working groups must Task forces should strive to meet their timelines and produce the deliverables designated in their charter.


A Task Force is dissolved under any of the following circumstances:

• All of the deliverables have been met. Hooray!  Mark status as "Complete"

• The group becomes inactive. Mark status as "Inactive"

• The group does not engage three or more participants from the community

• The group does not have anyone willing to be the Facilitator

At such a time as a group task force is dissolved, it is moved from the active list of working groups task forces into a working group task force archive page.  The charter for the task force should be updated with the reason for its dissolution notedan info box (select info from the "+" menu on the Confluence page editor) indicating the final status of the task force and explanation if needed.

Communication Channels

Several existing communication channels are available and new channels can be created to meet the needs of a Task Forcetask force:

    • VIVO mailing lists

    • blog

    • Twitter @vivocollab

    • VIVO Facebook page

    • Linkedin

    • Communication channels at DuraSpace (contact Carol Minton-Morris at

    • Dedicated channels may also be created