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Provide a brief description of why the Task Force is being proposed. Include sufficient background information to allow the reader to understand how the work fits into the current context of the current activities of the VIVO project. Only 2-3 bullet points or sentences are necessary.


Provide a bulleted list of the Task Force objectives.


Provide a bulleted list of deliverables.

Suggested schedule



Develop charter


1.5 weeks




Solicit members and schedule first meeting


1 week




Develop action items, assign to team members


2 weeks




Accomplish deliverables, preliminary review


3 weeks




Revise deliverables, final review


2 weeks



This is a draft of a Research Intelligence Task Force charter. Comments welcome and encouraged.
We will hold our first meeting (via teleconference) in early 2019. - Tom Cramer


Research intelligence is increasingly interesting to the VIVO community, and a sphere where VIVO is particularly well-positioned to add value to adopting institutions, and as an open project, to help shape practices and expectations within the international research community. This Task Force will provide a designated area for the VIVO Community and fellow travelers to communicate and collaborate on research intelligence, emerging requirements and best practices, and implications for policy, systems, interfaces and data models. 


  • Discuss institutional and national practices, requirements and trends in research intelligence
  • Share use cases, success stories, reports and functional benefits of research intelligence among research institutions 
  • Share technical architectures, integrations, system developments, and data model implications
  • Identify and help coordinate opportunities for collaborative work
  • Serve as a latch-point for external communities and commercial providers to the VIVO community for efforts of mutual interest and benefit 


  • standing forum for sharing information on RI within the VIVO Commmunity 
  • a library or knowledge base of research intelligence use cases, reports and success stories from the field
    • identifying the questions that can be answered by RI
    • exploring the best visualizations & reports to convey the analysis
    • sharing the institutional value of the RI analyses (including specific stakeholders)
  • recommendations / input to Product Evolution and VIVO Technical Roadmap committees on making VIVO more RI-friendly
  • mapping of VIVO integration points (system & data) to other components of the research ecosystem (institutional, funder, publishers, et al.)
    • identify and explore potential APIs for common components in ecosystem (among identity management, profiles, financial systems, e.g.)
    • capture examples of data access and reuse from open data endpoints
  • organization of Research Intelligence track at VIVO Conferences (if accepted into program)

Suggested schedule

Develop charter, solicit members, schedule first meeting

1 month


Confirm charter, roles, schedule at first meeting

2 weeks

2019-01-15 and 30

Organize regular calls and communication channels

1 month


Identify and plan additional actions & deliverables

1 month


Ongoing work


(Name and Affiliation)



Name and Affiliation - task force lead

Name and Affiliation - facilitator

Name and Affiliation - member


  • Tom Cramer, Stanford University
  • Andrew Woods, DuraSpace 
  • Mike Conlon , University of Florida
  • Virginia (Ginny) Pannabecker , Virginia Tech
  • Christian Hauschke, Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB)
  • Dong Joon (DJ) Lee, Texas A&M University
  • Terrie Wheeler, Weill Cornell
  • Paul Albert, Weill Cornell
  • Florencia Florido, SIGMA
  • Ralph O'Flinn ,UAB
  • Alex Viggio , University of Colorado Boulder
  • Jack Park, TopicQuests Foundation
  • David Baker, CASRAI
  • Ben Cornwell, University of Wollongong
  • John Furfey , Woods Hole
  • hannah sommers , George Washington University
  • Jan Fransen, University of Minnesota
  • Mogens Sandfaer, Technical University of Denmark -
  • Sonja Schulze - Osnabrück University

others to be solicited from the VIVO Community

TBD at first meeting - task force lead

TBD at first meeting - task force facilitator

Meeting Times


Communication Channels

  • VIVO Wiki page on Research Intelligence: 

  • Slack Channel on Research Intelligence: #research_intel

  • Email list: ______ ?

  • Distribute proposed charter and solicit participation from community via appropriate mailing list

  • Announce task force creation and progress on relevant Working Group calls.

  • Create a page in the VIVO wiki (, with child pages for agenda, notes, and additional information

Agendas and Notes

  • Solicit agenda items from task force members 3 days before meeting

  • Prepare agenda and distribute no less than 24 hours before meeting
