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Table of Contents


Sprint #1 (April/May TBD, 2018)

(Assumption: two week sprint?)

Possible dates:

  • April 23 - 27 and April 30 - May 4
  • April 30 - May 4 and May 7 - 11
  • May 7 - 11 and May 14 - 18


(NOTE: Please refrain from signing up until the Sprint dates are finalized. This will ensure you are able to contribute during the Sprint. An announcement will be sent to mailing lists & Slack when signup is open/available. In the meantime, you are welcome to comment on this Sprint or the framework via comments to this Wiki page)

  • [Your Name here]

Sprint Coaches

Coaches should be available during the full sprint for help getting up to speed / answering questions / debugging issues / pair programming requests, etc.

Sprint Goals

(NOTE: Currently these goals are very high-level. They need to be broken down into specific tasks / tickets prior to the Sprint, so that those tickets are claimable by individuals.)

  1. Alphabetic jump to (specific letter) in results listing (NOTE: Below browse tasks have a dependency on this feature.  Should we do this prior to the sprint?)
    1. E.g. Jump to a Title / Author starting with a specific letter or string, like
  2. Build out Administrative Search/Browse tools (each of these tools is limited to Site Administrators)
    1. Find Item by Internal Item ID/Item Handle  (e.g. XMLUI: , JSPUI:
    2. Browse Withdrawn Items (by Title) (e.g. XMLUI: , JSPUI:
    3. Browse Private Items (by Title) (e.g. XMLUI: , JSPUI:
  3. Improve developer documentation / getting up-to-speed documentation.

UI Tasks

These are somewhat lower level than the goals above, in order to get an idea of the effort required, but need more detail before they can be turned in to github issues

Alphabetic jump to (specific letter) in results listing

  • Service
    • Effort: 24h
    • To do

      • construct the Rest URL based on the params

      • parse the response

      • ensure everything gets cached properly

      • build remotedata objects for results

      • write tests

  • StartsWithComponent
    • Effort16h

    • To do

      • show letters as links
      • show a startswith input
      • handle the case for phone screens (too small to show the alphabet)
      • call the service with the correct query
      • links should work with js disabled
      • component should be abstract enough to be used with any kind of list
      • write tests

Browse By Title Component

  • Description
  • Effort: 8h
  • To do:
    • create the component
    • configure the routes
    • call the service with optional scope and metadatafield filters
    • configure existing components for alphabetic filtering, object lists and pagination to work with the correct data
    • write tests

Browse By Metadata Field Component:

  • Description
    • has an alphabetic selector or a date selector at the top
    • shows a list of metadata values
    • can be paged and sorted
    • links go to a browse by title view filtered by the scope and the metadatafield of this component
  • Effort: 16h
  • To do:
    • create the component
    • configure the routes
    • configure existing components for alphabetic filtering, object lists and pagination to work with the correct data
    • create a component to select by date
      • reuse the search’s date widget?
    • Create an object list entry for metadata values
    • the metadatafield it works with should be configurable: title, author, subject, etc.
      • this should reflect in the route e.g. /collection/:id/browse/title
      • and the i18n labels.
    • It should work with or without a scope
    • write tests

Build out Administrative Search/Browse tools (each of these tools is limited to Site Administrators)

Find Item by Internal Item ID/Item Handle
  • Routing by handle
    • Effort: 24h
    • To do:
      • Create an index that maps handles to self links
      • Modify the DSOResponseParsingService, to update the handle index every time an object is added to the cache
      • add hasByHandle and getByHandle methods to ObjectCacheService
      • modify RequestService.configure to check by handles as well to determine if something is cached.
        • perhaps make the fields to check for configurable, I could imaging a check by DOI for example
      • Add findByHandle to DataService
      • configure handle based routes, that redirect to the DSOType based route
      • write tests
  • Find Item admin component
    • Examples:
    • Effort: 8h
    • To do:
      • write a component that allows you to enter the ID or handle
      • on submit, determine whether it’s an id or a handle, and redirect to its edit page
      • configure the route, using a guard that limits access to authorized users
      • ensure the return button on the edit page returns you to the Find Item admin page
        • preferably by using the route history in the store (or even browser history) rather than specifying the source page as a param
      • write tests
Browse Withdrawn Items (by Title)
  • Examples:
  • Effort: 12h
  • To do:
    • configure the route, using a guard that limits access to authorized users
    • create the component based on the browse by title component
    • add findWithdrawn(startsWith: string): Observable<RemoteData<PaginatedList<Item>>> to ItemDataService
      • it should determine the correct URL to request on the backend, the rest should already be in place from other findBy methods.
    • write tests
Browse Private Items (by Title)
  • Examples
  • Effort: 12h
  • To do:
    • configure the route, using a guard that limits access to authorized users
    • create the component based on the browse by title component
    • add findPrivate(startsWith: string): Observable<RemoteData<PaginatedList<Item>>> to ItemDataService
      • it should determine the correct URL to request on the backend, the rest should already be in place from other findBy methods.
    • write tests


Next Sprint

titleSprints have moved to DSpace 7 Working Group

Community Sprints have now been "merged" into the weekly development processes of the DSpace 7 Working Group (2016-2023).  This working group is running ongoing sprints from Feb to approximately June 2020 to complete the 7.0 release.  If you'd like to join that effort, join a Working Group meeting (see wiki page above) or contact us via Slack (#dev-sprint channel)

Sprint Planning / Details

See DSpace 7 Community Sprint 4 for details about Sprint tasks/goals.


Signups are now open! Please add your name below if you wish to participate in this two-week sprint.  

Participant Signups

If you are only available on certain days/times during the sprint weeks, please feel free to note your availability below.  Also, please note if you prefer to work on the DSpace 7 REST API (Java), User Interface (Angular), or both.

  • [Add your name, institution. Please include your estimated availability during the sprint (e.g. as a percentage) and/or list any days during sprint you are unavailable.  Also let us know if you prefer to work on the REST API or Angular UI, or both.]

Expectations from Participants 

  • We have no requirements for your availability during sprint weeks. However, we do ask that you attempt to clear your schedule enough to work on (ideally a few) tickets/tasks during the sprint. At the beginning of the sprint, we'll ask you for your estimated availability (e.g. 20% time or 1 day each week, 40% time or 2 days each week, etc), and work to steer you toward tickets achievable within your available time. You may also specify your exact availability in the signup form below.
  • You will be expected to manage your own work schedule, attend minimal meetings & report your ongoing progress (as described in the below 96993934).
  • You will be expected to have some existing knowledge of DSpace concepts (on v6 or below) and a willingness to be proactive in learning any new DSpace 7 concepts (see 96993934 below), such as Angular and/or REST API. While you are more than welcome to use this Sprint as a learning experience, we will not have any formalized training/workshops during the Sprint week itself. That said, video/materials from last year's DSpace Angular workshop is available in the 96993934 below.
  • You will be expected to be proactive in asking for help or asking questions if you get stuck  (see also 96993934 below). Ongoing support will be available on Slack from Sprint Coaches (see below) and other participants. We also have a Zoom video conferencing room (DSpace Meeting Room) available for "face to face" discussions, screen sharing and/or pair programming.

Sprint Coaches

Coaches should be available during both sprint weeks for help getting up to speed / answering questions / debugging issues / pair programming requests, etc.  If you are unavailable on specific days during the sprint, please note those days below.

  • (coming soon)

Sprint #3 (Oct 1-12, 2018)

Sprint Summary

See DSpace 7 Community Sprint 3 for details about Sprint #3 summary.

Sprint #2 (July 9-20, 2018)

Sprint Summary

See DSpace 7 Community Sprint 2 for details about Sprint #2 summary.

Sprint #1 (May 7-18, 2018)

Sprint Summary

See DSpace 7 Community Sprint 1 for details about Sprint #1 summary.



  • Weekly Kickoff Meeting (each Monday)
    • Sprint Participants (or a representative from your organization) should attend the Sprint Week Kickoff Meeting in DSpace Meeting Room.
      • Anyone unable to attend must touch base with the Sprint Coordinator (Tim Donohue) via another means (Slack, DSpace Meeting Room, email, etc) for any necessary information.
    • The goal of the Kickoff meeting is to:
      • Touch base & finalize plans / goals for the Sprint week (i.e. ensure everyone is on the same page)
      • Ensure all participants have assigned tasks, and any necessary support/resources to begin their work
      • As necessary, go through expectations / protocols of the Sprint (e.g. Contributing code via PRs, Where to ask for help/support, Meeting schedule for week, etc)
      • Address or discuss any questions that sprint participants may have
  • Daily Standups via Slack: On each day of the sprint (Tues-Fri), prior to 15:00 UTC (11:00 am EDT), each participant should report their status update in the Slack #dev-sprint channel.  This will act as our daily "standup" meeting.
    • Template (feel free to copy and paste into Slack and fill in the details)

      Code Block
      titleStandup Template
      [DSpace 7 Sprint]
      Tasks completed: 
        * List ticket titles / links that you completed (since your last update)
        * Please include brief textual description
      Working on:
        * List ticket titles / links that you plan to work on next (or continue work on)
        * Please include brief textual description
        * Is there anything blocking your progress today? Give a brief textual description

  • Sprint Wrap-up Meeting (Last Thursday or Friday, depending on the Sprint)
    • This meeting is an opportunity for Sprint participants & coaches to talk about the final results of the Sprint, and provide feedback on how to improve future sprints
      • How did the Sprint go for everyone? Any pluses (pros), minuses (cons) or deltas (areas of improvement) you'd like to express to Sprint Coordinator?
      • Are there any sprint tasks that are still "in progress" or unfinished?  How can those be either continued or handed off to someone else?
  • Additional meetings may be scheduled as necessary

Support Options

  • Sprint coaches are available for support. Keep in mind however that sprint coaches may be in a different timezone from you. Therefore we have a few guidelines to keep in mind:
    • Please ask your questions publicly on Slack. You may mention specific individuals by name to alert them to your message. 
    • Please avoid private, one-on-one messaging (unless you are actively pair-programming on a task). That way other sprint coaches/participants may also provide support and/or learn from your questions.
  • Requests for help / questions can should be asked on Slack (#dev channel). Please use the #dev-sprint channel.
  • The DSpace Meeting Room may also be used to do pair programming / screen sharing / ad hoc meetings / support. Keep in mind we only have the one room, so be sure to share it with others if they need it.