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 at 16:00 UTC (11:00am EDT)


Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:  (Meeting ID: 502 527 3040)


Actual attendee list will be updated after meeting.


As of Dec 17, 2019, the DSpace 7 Entities Working Group (2018-19) is on hiatus and has merged with the DSpace 7 Working Group (2016-2023).  This page represents the 178881628 of the final meeting.  The "178881628" and "178881628" sections below will be kept up-to-date to allow volunteers to continue reviewing/testing any remaining Entities or OpenAIREv4 PRs.  For ongoing DSpace 7.0 development efforts, please see the DSpace Release 7.0 Status and DSpace 7 Working Group (2016-2023).


Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:  (Meeting ID: 502 527 3040)


Actual attendee list will be updated after meeting.


15minsQuick Reminder

Final DSpace 7 Entities WG meeting :  With holidays the next two weeks (24th and 31st), this will be the final DSpace 7 Entities Working Group meeting of 2019. As of Jan 1, this Working Group will disband & work as part of the larger DSpace 7 Working Group (2016-2023).

  • For any still open PRs, PR reviews can continue to happen.  As of Jan 1, Entities PRs will be lower priority (unless they fix a major bug). But, they can still be reviewed by volunteers and/or Tim (after high priority PRs are reviewed, obviously).



Any additional topics to today's agenda?

315minsUpdates on OpenAIREv4All
415minsWrap-up and Assigning tasks
  • Assign tasks / PRs to review (as needed)
  • No more meetings on the schedule for the DSpace 7 Entities Working Group.  This Working Group will be on hiatus until other major Entities work becomes a higher priority. That said, volunteers are welcome to continue with reviewing, etc and coordinate via the existing #entities-wg channel in Slack.


PRs Needing Review

  1. (REST Contract) Entity type small changes ) Entities Configure search configurations matching name (Tim Donohue (tick), Paulo Graça (tick), NEEDS SECOND REVIEWER)
  2. (REST) Creating a workspace item from an external source NEW) (REST) Metadata PATCH when mixing plain text and relationship (Tim DonohuePaulo Graça (tick)- (warning))
  3. (NEW) (REST) Entities submission config  Removed the RelationshipTypeId from Relationship endpoints (Tim DonohuePaulo Graça (tick))NEEDS REVIEWERS)
  4. (NEW) (REST) Default Entities relationship types used for the demos  Entities related to Entities of the same type (Paulo Graça (tick)NEEDS REVIEWERS)
  5. (Angular) Keep virtual metadata on relationship delete  Combining relationships and metadata during submission (Paulo Graça - feedback addedTim Donohue - feedback addedNEEDS SECOND REVIEWER(12 hours)
  6. (NEW)(Angular) Create relationships during the submission  Create relationships as an admin in edit item [WIP]  (Paulo Graça - it's Ok, but still is WIP, Tim Donohue - early review, one bug reported)(Angular) Item page entities improvements NEEDS REVIEWERS ONCE DEPENDENCIES ARE MERGED) (16 hours left - week of Jan 6)
    1. Dependent on #530 (merged)
  7. (COMING SOON) (OpenAIRE4) OpenAIRE API import of entities/metadata (In progress development by Dimitris Pierrakos)

PRs Merged

  1. (tick) (REST Contract) Entity type small changes
  2. (tick) (Paulo Graça - feedback added, (tick)Tim Donohue, (tick)REST) DS-4401 Enforce relational place ordering when place direction is known
  3. (tick) (REST) Get entity type performance improvement  Ben Bosman )
    1. sample screenshots: pr-532.pdf
    (Angular) Virtual metadata on item delete ( Paulo Graça - feedback added , Tim Donohue )
    1. sample screenshots:  pr-533.pdf
    2. Dependent on #530 (see above). Internal PR to display the differences
    (Angular) Reordering related entities in the submission 2615
  4. (tick) (REST) Creating a workspace item from an external source (Paulo GraçaTim Donohue)
    1. Dependent on #531 (see above). Internal PR to display the differences
    (Angular) Lookup relations - Search external sources 2614
  5. (tick) (REST) Entities submission config
  6. (tick) (Tim DonohuePaulo Graça)
    1. Dependent on #531 (see above). Internal PR to display the differences
    (Angular) Convert external source to entity REST) Default Entities relationship types used for the demos
    1. Dependent on #539 (see above)
    (Angular) Combining relationships and metadata during submission REST) EntityType by label endpoint and integration tests
    1. Dependent on #534 (see above)
    (OpenAIRE4) OpenAIRE 4 submission forms and virtual metadata REST) relationship type rest controller bug fix (Dimitris PierrakosBen Bosman  - feedback added, Tim Donohue - feedback added)(OpenAIRE4) OpenAIRE4 oai_openaire metadata format support 2641
  9. (tick) (Angular) Item page entities improvements (Dimitris PierrakosTim DonohueBen Bosman)532
  10. (tick) (OpenAIRE4) OpenAIRE 4 submission forms and virtual metadata (NEW) (OpenAIRE4) OpenAIRE4 miscellaneous fixes [WIP] (NEEDS REVIEWERS ONCE READY)2608
  11. (tick) (OpenAIRE4) OpenAIRE4 adding missing field person.identifier
  12. (tick) (OpenAIRE4) OpenAIRE4 funding agency missing translation(NEW) (OpenAIRE4 - angular) Openaire4 required translations [WIP] (NEEDS REVIEWERS ONCE READY)

PRs Merged this week!

  1. (tick) (blue star) (REST) DS-4401 Enforce relational place ordering when place direction is known Angular) Create relationships during the submission
  2. (tick) (blue star) (REST) Get entity type performance improvement OpenAIRE4) OpenAIRE4 oai_openaire metadata format support

Task List

This task list has been updated as of our meeting on Oct 22, 2019.  The tasks are numbered for easy reference, but are not necessarily listed in priority order.  During this meeting we worked to re-summarize current work status so that we can align this task list with the DSpace 7 Estimation Process (and as such, estimate any we feel should be considered for 7.0 release).  NOTE: Keep in mind, just because a task is listed here does NOT guarantee it will be completed for DSpace 7.  Some of these tasks may need to be delayed for a future release.

titleLegend for status icons

(tick) = task considered "completed" (unless bugs or issues are later found)

(warning) = task is incomplete or has further work to be done.

(question) = task that may be delayed or postponed for after 7.0.

  1. 2592
  2. (tick) (Angular) Lookup relations - Search external sources
  3. (tick) (Angular) Reordering related entities in the submission
  4. (tick) (Angular) Convert external source to entity
  5. (tick) (Angular) Keep virtual metadata on relationship delete 
  6. (tick) (Angular) Virtual metadata on item delete (tick) Metadata schemas for Entity types (DS-4223). REST: , Angular:
  7. Early Docs / Notes:
  8. 533

Task List

This task list has been updated as of our meeting TODAY.  The tasks are numbered for easy reference, but are not necessarily listed in priority order.  During this meeting we worked to re-summarize current work status so that we can align this task list with the DSpace 7 Estimation Process (and as such, estimate any we feel should be considered for 7.0 release).  NOTE: Keep in mind, just because a task is listed here does NOT guarantee it will be completed for DSpace 7.  Some of these tasks may need to be delayed for a future release.

titleLegend for status icons

(tick) = task considered "completed" (unless bugs or issues are later found)

(warning) = task is incomplete or has further work to be done.

(question) = task that may be delayed or postponed for after 7.0.

  1. (tick) Metadata schemas for Entity types (DS-4223). 
    1. REST: 
  2. (warning) (Minor refactor) Decide which metadata field should be used to store Entity Type (DS-4184).  Currently, it is stored in "relationship.type". (DEEMED LOWER PRIORITY, but "nice to have" for 7.0 if possible?)
  3. (tick) Creating Relations (between Entities) with CSV Batch Import 
    1. REST: and and 2443 , Angular:
    2. Early Docs / Notes:
  4. (tick) Permissions on Relations (between Entities)
    1. Discussed on Aug 6 
    2. Early Docs / Notes:
    1. wjaqg235p53r
  5. (warning) (Minor refactor) Decide which metadata field should be used to store Entity Type (DS-4184).  Currently, it is stored in "relationship.type". (DEEMED LOWER PRIORITY, but "nice to have" for 7.0 if possible?)
  6. (tick) Creating Relations (between Entities) with CSV Batch Import 
    1. REST:
    Deleting Entities that have existing relations
    1. (tick) Deletion action itself:REST Contract: , REST: pull/2269 and , Angular: 2471 and
    2. Early Docs / Notes:
  7. (tick) Permissions on Relations (between Entities)
    1. Discussed on Aug 6 
    2. Early Docs / Notes(warning) Copy virtual metadata from deleted entity to related entity(tick) REST Contract
  8. (tick) Deleting Entities that have existing relations
    1. (tick) Deletion action itself:
      1. REST Contractpull/78(tick) REST impl Angular Impl (under review)master/ , REST and 2332 , Angular:
    (tick) Dynamic display of Relations
      1. 402
      2. Early
    1. Early
      1. Docs / Notes:
    2. (warning) (DELAYED) Completed, but may require usability improvements (NEEDS DISCUSSION - may be delayed for v7.1)
    Submission Integration Tasks
      1. c62y8iqnvlur
    1. Copy virtual metadata from deleted entity to related entity
      1. (tick) REST Contract
    2. (tick) Creating new Entities using Submission Forms
      1. REST
      2. (tick) REST implEarly Docs / Notes
      (warning) Creating relations between two Entities during Submission process
      1. pull/2577
      2. (tick)Angular Impl (tick) REST Contract : ,(tick) REST Impl: 530 and Angular Impl (under review): and
  9. (tick) Dynamic display of Relations
    1. Early Docs / Notes:
    2. (tick) Completed: https:(warning) Search External Sources (includes ORCID integration with Entities)(tick) REST Contract:
  10. (tick) Submission Integration Tasks
    1. (tick) Creating new Entities using Submission Forms
      1. REST74 (tick) REST Impl Angular Impl (under review)2443
      2. Early Docs / Notes (NOTE: This PR is smaller than it seems, as it includes all the code in the larger PR#531)d/1X0XsppZYOtPtbmq7yXwmu7FbMAfLxxOCONbw0_rl7jY/edit#heading=h.9aixusqzgcnp
    2. (tick) Creating relations between two Entities during Submission process(warning) Convert External Sources to an EntityIf an Admin:
      1. (tick) REST Contract: ,
      2. (tick) REST Impl:
      3. (tick) Angular Impl (under review) and (NOTE: This PR is smaller than it seems, as it includes all the code in the larger  PR#531)If a Submitter (Feature is NOT specific to Entities, as this is simply porting the "Live Import" framework of DSpace 6.x534
      4. Early Docs / Notes:
    3. (tick) Search External Sources (includes ORCID integration with Entities)
      1. (tick) REST Contract under review: 
      2. (warning)(tick) REST Impl (under review)
    Name Variants
      1. 2560
      2. (tick) Angular
    1. (warning) Create name variants in submission
      1. (tick) REST Impl: Angular Impl (under review) - this is included as part of 539
    2. (tick)Convert External Sources to an Entity
      1. If an Admin:
        1. (tick) REST Contract:
        1. Rest7Contract/pull/
    3. (tick) Display name variants on Item pages (Angular)
    (warning) OpenAIRE v4 support (using Entities)
        1. 82
        2. (tick) REST Impl
    1. (tick) Configuration of Entities needed for OpenAIRE v4
        1. 2590
        2. (tick)
       Configuration of Metadata fields/schemas needed for OpenAIRE v4
        1.  Angular Impl
        1. dspace-angular/pull/
      2576(warning) Configuration of Submission Input Forms for OpenAIRE v4 (under review)
        1. 540
      1. If a Submitter (Feature is NOT specific to Entities, as this is simply porting the "Live Import" framework of DSpace 6.x)
        1. (tick) REST Contract
        1. Rest7Contract/pull/
        1. 83
        2. (tick) REST Impl
      (warning) Configuration of OAI-PMH for OpenAIRE v4 (under review)
  11. (warning) How to display related items on an Item page if that related item is still in workflow approval
    1. Simply display the related item as plain text metadata (until workflow approval completes).
        1. 2614
        2. (tick) Angular Impl:
  12. (tick) Name Variants
    1. (tick) Create name variants in submission
    (warning) Edit Item page integration
    1. How to display relationships on "edit metadata" tab in UI.  How to add relationships on "relationships" tab in UI.
    2. Angular UI Mockups discussed/approved on Nov 5 and Nov 12.
    3. (tick) Angular relationships tab: 
      1. (tick) REST Impl:
      1. DSpace/pull/
    (question) (DELAYED) Relations in AIP Backup & Restore
    1. Discussed on Oct 15
    2. Proposal: 
      1. 2561
      2. (tick) Angular Impl - this is included as part of 
      1. https://
      1. DSpace/
    (question) (DELAYED) Creating Relations in SAF Import (might be postponed for a future release)
      1. dspace-angular/pull/531
    1. (tick) Display name variants on Item pages (Angular)
  13. OpenAIRE v4 support (using Entities)
    1. (tick) Configuration of Entities needed for OpenAIRE v4
    2. Requires AIP Backup & Restore
    3. Proposal
    (question) (DELAYED) SWORD integration (might be postponed for a future release)
    1. pull/2575
    2. (tick) Configuration of Metadata fields/schemas needed for OpenAIRE v4:
    3. (tick) Configuration of Submission Input Forms for OpenAIRE v4
    4. Requires AIP Backup & Restore, as SWORD uses the same crosswalks / format as AIP.
    5. Proposal
  14. (question) (DELAYED) Best Practices around Entities in Collections (NOT: this may just be early documentation).  We've suggested in the Preview Release to structure Collections based on Entity Type (Person Collection, Projects Collection, etc).  We should better document and formalize these best practices. 
    1. Should we eventually consider hiding these Collections which only serve to store Entity Types?


    1. DSpace/pull/2608
    2. (tick) Configuration of OAI-PMH for OpenAIRE v4:
    3. (warning) Import entities/metadata from OpenAIRE API (using Live Import feature):
  1. (tick) How to display related items on an Item page if that related item is still in workflow approval
    1. (tick) Simply display the related item as plain text metadata (until workflow approval completes).
  2. Edit Item page integration
    1. How to display relationships on "edit metadata" tab in UI.  How to add relationships on "relationships" tab in UI.
    2. Angular UI Mockups discussed/approved on Nov 5 and Nov 12.
    3. (tick) Angular relationships tab:
    4. (warning) Create relationships as an admin in edit item (under review)
  3. (question) (DELAYED for 7.1 or later) Relations in AIP Backup & Restore
    1. Discussed on Oct 15
    2. Proposal:
  4. (question) (DELAYED for 7.1 or later) Creating Relations in SAF Import (might be postponed for a future release)
    1. Requires AIP Backup & Restore
    2. Proposal:
  5. (question) (DELAYED for 7.1 or later) SWORD integration (might be postponed for a future release)
    1. Requires AIP Backup & Restore, as SWORD uses the same crosswalks / format as AIP.
    2. Proposal:
  6. (question) (DELAYED for 7.1 or later) Best Practices around Entities in Collections (NOT: this may just be early documentation).  We've suggested in the Preview Release to structure Collections based on Entity Type (Person Collection, Projects Collection, etc).  We should better document and formalize these best practices. 
    1. Should we eventually consider hiding these Collections which only serve to store Entity Types?


  • Last meeting of the DSpace 7 Entities Working Group (2018-19) (on indefinite hiatus).  Our working group is considered disbanded unless we find a reason to meet later in the year (if any remaining Entities effort is needed later in 2020)
    • REST API effort (contract & implementation) for Entities is COMPLETE!
    • There are still some outstanding Angular and OpenAIREv4 PRs (see list of "178881628" above), but NO MORE FEATURE PRs are expected
      • One exception we realized is that Dimitris from OpenAIRE is working on a PR to import metadata from the OpenAIRE API (using the existing "Live Import" framework in DSpace 7).  This PR is currently listed as "COMING SOON" above, and should be created by the end of 2019. It can be reviewed by volunteers in 2020.
  • Next Steps for still open PRs
    • These are considered low priority to review/test in 2020.  The main DSpace 7 Working Group (2016-2023) will be working in organized sprints to finalize the DSpace 7.0 release, so their priorities will be on general DSpace 7.0 features.
      • That said, volunteer developers can continue to review Entities PRs as they see fit.  Tim will also review & test them when his time allows (but only after any high priority DSpace 7 PRs are reviewed/tested first)
    • As Working Group is no longer meeting, any Entities PR discussion should move to #entities-wg in Slack or GitHub. 
    • If a small group wants to talk in more detail about a specific PR, the DSpace Meeting Room is always available for an ad hoc PR meeting.  These can be organized or requested via Slack or Github.
  • As the Working Group is not meeting any further, the "178881628" list & "178881628" sections above should be kept updated to let volunteers know the current status of any remaining Entities PRs.
  • Thanks again to all who participated in the DSpace 7 Entities Working Group (2018-19) !  It's been wonderful seeing the passion & energy for both Entities & OpenAIREv4 in DSpace 7.  Please consider joining our DSpace 7 Working Group (2016-2023) in 2020 (if you have not already) to help us complete the 7.0 release!