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VIVO User Group Meeting.  This is new.  Really new.  VIVO is planning a User Group meeting for Thursday and Friday May 5 and 6.  We are finalizing the location of the meeting and hope to be able to announce specifics in the coming week.  The User Group meeting will provide the opportunity for attendees to discuss the future of VIVO.  All topics are up for discussion.  If you have an idea that you think we should discuss, please forward to either Graham Triggs or Mike Conlon.  We expect to discuss ontology, development, implementation, partnerships, features, architecture, data management, adoption, and much more.  We do not expect to have presentations.  The User Group meeting is intended to provide an opportunity for discussion.  Depending on attendance and interests, we may have breakout sessions.

This is a new meeting.  It is not a hackathon.  It is not an implementation fest.  It is solely for the purpose of bringing people together to discuss the future of VIVO.  There will be no registration fee or other expenses.  We hope you will make plans to attend.

Summit recap. The Duraspace Summit was held last week in Washington DC.  The Summit provides an opportunity for Duraspace members to come together, share experiences, and discuss strategy.  This year was my third Summit.  I find the meeting to one of the most interesting of the yearThe Duraspace Summit.  Each year, Duraspace holds a summit meeting of its members.  This year, the meeting is March 16-17 in Washington DC at the Cosmos Club.  Members of Duraspace and the Duraspace projects – Fedora, DSpace, and VIVO – gather to discuss issues related to future of scholarship, its representation and preservation. VIVO members will discuss strategic direction and growing VIVO adoption and membership. Graham Triggs and I will be there.  Dean B. Krafft and I will present an update on VIVO.  The attendees will hear a keynote by Tyler Walters of the Virginia Tech Libraries.  The summit is a great opportunity to meet supporters of VIVO and consider its future.  if you are a member and have not attended this meeting, I can not recommend it highly enough.  The two half-days are structured for interaction and action.  If you are a member, I hope to see you at the summit! please plan to attend next year.  If you are not a member, I hope you will please consider becoming a member.  The Summit is a member and joining us at the summit next year.  Please see for more information.

New at the VIVO Conference this year.  This year, the conference is offering opportunities for institutional sponsors to support students and others to attend the conference through registration waivers.  Would you like to support attendance at the conference and promote your institution at the same time?  Consider institutional sponsorship of the VIVO conference.  See VIVO Conference Sponsorship Prospectus for this opportunity to sponsor the conference, help people attend, and promote your institution.

The VIVO Strategic Plan.  Back in December of 2014, VIVO finalized a two year strategic plan.  See VIVO Strategic Plan 2015-2016. The plan helps us make good choices about moving the project forward.  As times change, and the community changes, the needs of the community change.  The two year plan has served us well.  It is time to update the plan for 2017-2018.  The strategic planning process will begin at the summit with the members and the leadership group.  Dean B. Krafft will lead a discussion of issues related to VIVO's future.  From there, we will continue the discussion in our interest groups, at our meetings, at the conference, and in final planning this fall.  By December we will have a final draft for review by the community and the governance groups.  And by January of 2017 we will be operating under a new plan.  You may wish to review the strategic plan to prepare for these conversations.  We hope to hear from you!

Notes on the George Washington University implementation. Justin Littman of GWU has written a great summary of the implementation of VIVO at the George Washington University, known as GW Expert Finder.  Justin addresses issues common to VIVO implementations.  Highly recommended.

key member benefit.  For a full report, see 2016-03-17 Trip Report -- Duraspace Board Meeting and Summit

I wish I could use VIVO to ...  So we are asking – what do wish you could use VIVO to do?  Imagine the following:  Your VIVO is full of quality data.  And further imagine that you open your VIVO and proceed to use it to do something wonderful.  So wonderful that you tell all your friends, and they use VIVO and do something wonderful.  What wonderful thing are you imagining doing?  Please tell us here:  We will collect your responses, report back, and use your responses to develop future features for VIVO.  Should take you just a couple of minutes to tell us what you could imagine doing with your VIVO.  We look forwrd to hearing from you!

Submit your work to the conference. The VIVO conference has extended the deadline for submission of presentations, posters and workshops to the end of the day Monday, March 21.  To submit a proposal, please prepare a 500 word abstract describing your work, following the directions on the VIVO blog post here.  The VIVO conference is an excellent opportunity for you to share your work with others.  Please consider supporting the VIVO community by presenting your work.

Apps and Tools. This Thursday at 1 PM, the Apps and Tools Interest Group will hold its call.  Ted Lawless and Chris Barnes, co-chair the group and invite all those interested in tools for use with VIVO to attend.  Tools may reuse VIVO data for reporting or presentation, or create VIVO data.  The calls are easy to join.  See the information on the Apps and Tools Interest Group page.  We hope you will be able to attendSpeaking of Implementation, the Implementation Interest Group call is this Thursday. New to VIVO?  Working on an implementation?  Where will you get data?  Who will be in your VIVO?  What tools will you use?  What policies will apply?  Can others use your data?  These and many other questions about VIVO implementations are addressed on the Implementation Interest Group calls.  The group will have a call this Thursday at 1 PM Eastern US time.  This is a great call for those new to VIVO.  Contact Paul Albert for more info.



Mike Conlon
VIVO Project Director