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titleThe quirk of "local"

Notably, the above query uses a "local" prefix. In VIVO, most CONSTRUCT statements are written to generate models that match the underlying source ontologies, such that the SELECT queries executed on those models could also just as easily run against the source triple store directly.

If you know that you are always going to be executing against a CONSTRUCTed temporary model - and when the CONSTRUCT is usually the best case, you might as well commit to doing it - then there is no need to replicate the original model in the reduced set, when you can easily collapse certain graphs into more descriptive "invented" predicates, reducing the model size, reducing the complexity and increasing the specificity of the following SELECT.

Going Deeper

Most of the optimisation work that went into the VIVO 1.8.1 release depended on using the YourKit profiler (, pointing it at a running server and getting statistics for where code is taking a long time to execute.

One of the nice features of YourKit is that it can profile SQL statements as well as the Java functions - it doesn't go to the level of telling you what is happening inside the SQL engine itself (that would require an SQL profiler in the database server), but it does tell you what queries are being executed, and how long they take.

titleYourKit SQL Probes

 In order to profile SQL statements, YourKit uses a technology they call "probes". By default, when you integrate YourKit with an enterprise server (e.g. Tomcat), the startup line that loads the agent will have the profiles disabled: "probe_disable=*". By removing this part of the line, it will use the default probe settings, which includes profiling SQL statements when the CPU profiling is enabled.

Initially, it was the profiling of SQL statements that alerted us to potential problems being caused by RDFService being hidden behind a Dataset proxy - when what was a single SPARQL query in the code seemed to cause hundreds of SQL queries to be executed in the back end.

That explosion of queries was actually caused by the execution of SPARQL against the proxy dataset being translated into find()s that would then be executed as (individually, very efficient) SELECT queries on the RDFService.

By taking the proxy out of the equation, and getting the SPARQL executed directly against the SDB backend, the above CONSTRUCT was now being executed as a single - albeit large! - SQL statement:

Code Block
 SELECT                                   -- V_1=?authorLabel V_2=?coAuthorshipNode V_3=?document V_4=?authorshipNode V_5=?coAuthorPerson V_6=?coAuthorPersonLabel
  R_1.lex AS V_1_lex, R_1.datatype AS V_1_datatype, R_1.lang AS V_1_lang, R_1.type AS V_1_type, 
  R_2.lex AS V_2_lex, R_2.datatype AS V_2_datatype, R_2.lang AS V_2_lang, R_2.type AS V_2_type, 
  R_3.lex AS V_3_lex, R_3.datatype AS V_3_datatype, R_3.lang AS V_3_lang, R_3.type AS V_3_type, 
  R_4.lex AS V_4_lex, R_4.datatype AS V_4_datatype, R_4.lang AS V_4_lang, R_4.type AS V_4_type, 
  R_5.lex AS V_5_lex, R_5.datatype AS V_5_datatype, R_5.lang AS V_5_lang, R_5.type AS V_5_type, 
  R_6.lex AS V_6_lex, R_6.datatype AS V_6_datatype, R_6.lang AS V_6_lang, R_6.type AS V_6_type
    ( SELECT DISTINCT                    -- ?coAuthorPerson:(Q_9.o=>S_1.X_1) ?document:(Q_5.o=>S_1.X_2) ?coAuthorshipNode:(Q_7.o=>S_1.X_3) ?authorLabel:(Q_2.o=>S_1.X_4) ?coAuthorPersonLabel:(Q_11.o=>S_1.X_5) ?authorshipNode:(Q_3.o=>S_1.X_6)
        Q_9.o AS X_1, 
        Q_5.o AS X_2, 
        Q_7.o AS X_3, 
        Q_2.o AS X_4, 
        Q_11.o AS X_5, 
        Q_3.o AS X_6
          Quads AS Q_1                   -- <urn:x-arq:DefaultGraphNode> <http://localhost/individual/author> rdfsyn:type foaf:Person
        INNER JOIN
          Quads AS Q_2                   -- <urn:x-arq:DefaultGraphNode> <http://localhost/individual/author> rdfs:label ?authorLabel
        ON ( Q_1.s = -4883577620769971978 -- Const: <http://localhost/individual/author>
         AND Q_1.p = -6430697865200335348 -- Const: rdfsyn:type
         AND Q_1.o = -1118181488561280847 -- Const: foaf:Person
         AND Q_2.s = -4883577620769971978 -- Const: <http://localhost/individual/author>
         AND Q_2.p = 6454844767405606854 -- Const: rdfs:label
        INNER JOIN
          Quads AS Q_3                   -- <urn:x-arq:DefaultGraphNode> <http://localhost/individual/author> core:relatedBy ?authorshipNode
        ON ( Q_3.s = -4883577620769971978 -- Const: <http://localhost/individual/author>
         AND Q_3.p = 7813032771907687750 -- Const: core:relatedBy
        INNER JOIN
          Quads AS Q_4                   -- <urn:x-arq:DefaultGraphNode> ?authorshipNode rdfsyn:type core:Authorship
        ON ( Q_4.p = -6430697865200335348 -- Const: rdfsyn:type
         AND Q_4.o = -7985466041922445122 -- Const: core:Authorship
         AND Q_3.o = Q_4.s               -- Join var: ?authorshipNode
        INNER JOIN
          Quads AS Q_5                   -- <urn:x-arq:DefaultGraphNode> ?authorshipNode core:relates ?document
        ON ( Q_5.p = -3633326295402292183 -- Const: core:relates
         AND Q_3.o = Q_5.s               -- Join var: ?authorshipNode
        INNER JOIN
          Quads AS Q_6                   -- <urn:x-arq:DefaultGraphNode> ?document rdfsyn:type <>
        ON ( Q_6.p = -6430697865200335348 -- Const: rdfsyn:type
         AND Q_6.o = 1885280957395725387 -- Const: <>
         AND Q_5.o = Q_6.s               -- Join var: ?document
        INNER JOIN
          Quads AS Q_7                   -- <urn:x-arq:DefaultGraphNode> ?document core:relatedBy ?coAuthorshipNode
        ON ( Q_7.p = 7813032771907687750 -- Const: core:relatedBy
         AND Q_5.o = Q_7.s               -- Join var: ?document
        INNER JOIN
          Quads AS Q_8                   -- <urn:x-arq:DefaultGraphNode> ?coAuthorshipNode rdfsyn:type core:Authorship
        ON ( Q_8.p = -6430697865200335348 -- Const: rdfsyn:type
         AND Q_8.o = -7985466041922445122 -- Const: core:Authorship
         AND Q_7.o = Q_8.s               -- Join var: ?coAuthorshipNode
        INNER JOIN
          Quads AS Q_9                   -- <urn:x-arq:DefaultGraphNode> ?coAuthorshipNode core:relates ?coAuthorPerson
        ON ( Q_9.p = -3633326295402292183 -- Const: core:relates
         AND Q_7.o = Q_9.s               -- Join var: ?coAuthorshipNode
        INNER JOIN
          Quads AS Q_10                  -- <urn:x-arq:DefaultGraphNode> ?coAuthorPerson rdfsyn:type foaf:Person
        ON ( Q_10.p = -6430697865200335348 -- Const: rdfsyn:type
         AND Q_10.o = -1118181488561280847 -- Const: foaf:Person
         AND Q_9.o = Q_10.s              -- Join var: ?coAuthorPerson
        INNER JOIN
          Quads AS Q_11                  -- <urn:x-arq:DefaultGraphNode> ?coAuthorPerson rdfs:label ?coAuthorPersonLabel
        ON ( Q_11.p = 6454844767405606854 -- Const: rdfs:label
         AND Q_9.o = Q_11.s              -- Join var: ?coAuthorPerson
    ) AS S_1                             -- ?coAuthorPerson:(Q_9.o=>S_1.X_1) ?document:(Q_5.o=>S_1.X_2) ?coAuthorshipNode:(Q_7.o=>S_1.X_3) ?authorLabel:(Q_2.o=>S_1.X_4) ?coAuthorPersonLabel:(Q_11.o=>S_1.X_5) ?authorshipNode:(Q_3.o=>S_1.X_6)
    Nodes AS R_1                         -- Var: ?authorLabel
  ON ( S_1.X_4 = R_1.hash )
    Nodes AS R_2                         -- Var: ?coAuthorshipNode
  ON ( S_1.X_3 = R_2.hash )
    Nodes AS R_3                         -- Var: ?document
  ON ( S_1.X_2 = R_3.hash )
    Nodes AS R_4                         -- Var: ?authorshipNode
  ON ( S_1.X_6 = R_4.hash )
    Nodes AS R_5                         -- Var: ?coAuthorPerson
  ON ( S_1.X_1 = R_5.hash )
    Nodes AS R_6                         -- Var: ?coAuthorPersonLabel
  ON ( S_1.X_5 = R_6.hash )

Note: The hashes in the query above are not necessarily the correct hashes for the actual predicates / objects, but the overall statement is correct.

SQL Execution time: As noted at above, this query was taking - for a particular large profile - 20-ish seconds, and accounting for almost all of the time taken to generate the co-author visualisation.

Tweaking MySQL

Knowing the exact query that is being executed against the database allows us to actually focus on the database, see how the query is being executed and make configuration changes that help it to support the actual data structures and workload being demanded of it.

The first thing to note is that (executing the SQL directly) the performance of the query is very consistent. Knowing that it returns quite a large amount of data (approx 200,000 rows), and has a significant amount of work to do, this suggests that the caches aren't necessarily being used effectively.

So, lets increase the join, read and innodb buffers. If you've installed MySQL on a Mac as described above, you'll need to create a my.cnf in /etc, otherwise edit the my.cnf that is being used:

Code Block
join_buffer_size = 32M
read_rnd_buffer_size = 32M
innodb_buffer_pool_size = 1536M
innodb_file_per_table = 1
innodb_file_format = barracuda

NB: There are also some tweaks to the InnoDB file layout - these are good practice things to have.

Whilst this does not affect the initial execution of the SQL query (20 seconds), it does make subsequent executions for the same profile faster - approximately 14 seconds. It may be that innodb_buffer_pool_size is the main reason for the performance boost - having a sufficiently large buffer pool means that InnoDB can generate in-memory adaptive hash indexes. Hash indexes (which are only available in memory) are far more efficient for the types of joins that SDB is doing, which are all based on hash values anyway.


There are a number of different philosophies for sizing the innodb_buffer_pool_size. On a dedicated server, MySQL recommends 70% of the available memory. If you are hosting Tomcat on the same server, then maybe that should be no more that 70% of the system memory minus the max Tomcat heap size.

Actual requirements depends on data shape and usage patterns - for the SDB layout, after accessing a number of different pages in VIVO and checking the free buffers, a good setting seems to be around 1MB for every 16,000 triples - e.g. 1.5GB for a 25million triple store. If you have the resources, increasing the buffer size doesn't hurt performance - in which case allocating at least 100MB per 1million triples would be a good idea.

The InnoDB buffer pool can be pre-loaded at startup, which would help the initial query performance times - see:

It's not known what size buffers should really be used for any given database size, or how well this translates into overall performance, e.g. how much can be cached to the benefit of the entire application. Of course, each individual site would need to look at the resources available on their own systems, and what they can dedicate to a given purpose. 

Even Deeper Explanation

So far, we've just scratched the surface of MySQL, and put in a basic tweak to the configuration, but we haven't really looked in depth at what the query is actually doing.

Like other database engines, MySQL provides execution plans for queries, so lets go ahead and ask MySQL to give us the execution plan - by adding EXPLAIN to the start of the query.

Doing so, gives the following output:

1PRIMARY<derived2>ALL    852 
2DERIVEDQ_1refSubjPredObj,PredObjSubj,ObjSubjPredSubjPredObj24const,const,const1Using where; Using index; Using temporary
2DERIVEDQ_2refSubjPredObj,PredObjSubjSubjPredObj16const,const1Using where; Using index
2DERIVEDQ_3refSubjPredObj,PredObjSubj,ObjSubjPredSubjPredObj16const,const852Using where; Using index
2DERIVEDQ_4refSubjPredObj,PredObjSubj,ObjSubjPredSubjPredObj24Q_3.o,const,const1Using where; Using index
2DERIVEDQ_5refSubjPredObj,PredObjSubj,ObjSubjPredSubjPredObj16Q_3.o,const1Using where; Using index
2DERIVEDQ_6refSubjPredObj,PredObjSubj,ObjSubjPredSubjPredObj24Q_5.o,const,const1Using where; Using index
2DERIVEDQ_7refSubjPredObj,PredObjSubj,ObjSubjPredSubjPredObj16Q_5.o,const1Using index
2DERIVEDQ_8refSubjPredObj,PredObjSubj,ObjSubjPredSubjPredObj24Q_7.o,const,const1Using where; Using index; Distinct
2DERIVEDQ_9refSubjPredObj,PredObjSubj,ObjSubjPredSubjPredObj16Q_7.o,const1Using where; Using index; Distinct
2DERIVEDQ_10refSubjPredObj,PredObjSubj,ObjSubjPredSubjPredObj24Q_9.o,const,const1Using where; Using index; Distinct
2DERIVEDQ_11refSubjPredObj,PredObjSubjSubjPredObj16Q_9.o,const1Using index; Distinct

So, what does this tell us about the query? Well, first of all it looks like there is very good index use, so the most obvious thing you look for - index usage - is already covered.

But look carefully at the 8 row - the entry for table Q_1 - what is that it says at the end? "Using temporary".

Under certain circumstances, MySQL can use a temporary table to answer DISTINCT queries, and when we look back at the original SQL, there is a SELECT DISTINCT on Q_1. Now, as an experiment, if we remove the DISTINCT, we actually get the same results from the query - but it returns in a little over 6 seconds. SIX SECONDS! This query originally took 20...

But we can't just remove the DISTINCT - because that's part of the SQL generated from SDB, and we would need to go in and modify SDB. Hmmm. So what can we do about the temporary table?

It's not clear what is going into the temporary table, and therefore how big it is. But knowing that it is select 4 hashes per row, each hash is 8 bytes, and there are 200,000 rows, that's at least 9M. Possibly up to 67M (11 tables, 4 hashes per table, 200,000 rows).

The amount of memory allocated by default to temporary tables is 16M, after which it creates temporary tables on disk. The temporary table above being written to disk is certainly going to kill performance!

There are two settings in my.cnf that need to be changed to alter the available temporary table size:

Code Block

It's important to note that this is not a recommendation for a temporary table size, we're just testing the hypothesis - we may be able to get away with smaller. Alternatively, your system may need larger.

But for now, we've put in a big number, which should be sufficient for the query above. So how long does the query take?


From cold. Repeat the query with warmed caches, and it dips under 5 seconds. Even with the DISTINCT present. For a query that took 20 seconds originally.

titleUnused Tweaks

Reading the documentation on MySQL, there is in 5.6 a feature called "batched key access", which on the surface should help with large joins. However, when tested on this query, it appeared to make no difference - there was no change in either execution plan (it would say Using join buffer (Batched Key Access)) or in the execution time.

Even with a large query with OPTIONALs (e.g. the listview-authorInAuthorship select [view the Author in Authorship Query as SQL]), MySQL can't be provoked into using batched key access on a join. It does however start doing batched nested loops. This isn't hideous - under 4 seconds on a 1700+ publication profile - but not quite as fast as Virtuoso (2 seconds).

Despite the SDB layout using hashes for keys, and all joins based on equivalence, the architecture of MySQL is quite heavily leveraged on BTREE indexes, rather than hash indexes. MariaDB (a MySQL fork) adds batched hash joins to those offered by MySQL - although when MariaDB was provoked into using them, observed performance was awful.

MariaDB uses Aria engine for temporary tables by default, in those cases setting the aria_pagecache_buffer_size can make a profound difference. For the authorship query, execution time dropped as low as 2.5 seconds for repeated executions.

Returning to Map of Science

Without an in depth look at the queries being executed by the Map of Science / Temporal Graph, what difference has the new MySQL settings made?

Originally, "out of the box", the cached model took a little over 2 minutes to build. With the new settings in place - and no other changes - it takes just 25 seconds. 


Despite the bad press, it is evident that you can make a LOT of difference to the performance of SDB by taking time to look at optimisations that can be made to the SQL engine. That's the trade-off of using a general purpose SQL core instead of an engine that already knows what data structures and queries it is trying to optimise for. But there is a lot of scope for improving performance simply by tuning the core, without affecting the application or the SPARQL queries that it is using.