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Comment: correcting/cleaning up some of my own statements from last time



Amy Lana - University of Missouri
Augustine Gitonga - Aga Khan University Hospital
Bram Luyten - @mire
Bharat M. Chaudhari -@ School Of Petroleum Management, Gandhinagar, India
Ciarán Walsh - Enovation Solutions, Ltd
Claire Bundy - BioMed Central
Dibyendra Hyoju - Madan Puraskar Pustakalaya/
Elena Feinstein - University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Elin Stangeland - Cambridge University Library
Iryna Kuchma -
James Evans - Biomed Central/Open Repository
Jim Ottaviani - University of Michigan
Leonie Hayes - University of Auckland
Maureen Walsh - The Ohio State University
Sarah Molloy - Queen Mary, University of London
Sarah Potvin - Texas A&M University
Sarah Shreeves - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Sue Kunda - Oregon State University
Valorie Hollister - DuraSpaceYan Han

Monica Rivero - Rice University of Arizona Libraries


  • 10:00am Eastern/14:00 UTC


We are the guinea pigs for testing a new international conference call dial-in. Please follow directions below.

  • U.S.A/Canada toll free: 866-740-1260, participant code: 2257295
  • International toll free:
    • Use the above link and input 2257295 and the country you are calling from to get your country's toll-free dial in #
    • Once on the call, enter participant code 2257295

Discussion Topics



Discussion leader


News / announcements / events, etc.

  • DSpace Futures - meeting notes and initiative sign up 
  • DuraSpace Sponsor Summit Summary: "Looking into the Future of DSpace and Fedora"
  • European Library Automation Group - Inside Out Library (ELAG) in Ghent, Belgium, May 29-31st
  • CERN Workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communication (OAI 8) inGeneva, Switzerland
    • Free DSpace User Group: June 18th
    • Main conference: June 19-21st 
    • ORCID has confirmed for one of the two invited speaker slots in the morning
    • Second morning speaker slot still open
  • Open Repositories 2013 (OR13) on Prince Edward Island, Canada on July 8-12
    • notification on accepted proposals will be out this week - some interesting presentations, including some content specifically for repository managers
    • likely a committer / DCAT mtg on Mon July 8 in the afternoon
    • make plans early - flights limited, registration now open
    • keynote speakers
      • opening: Victoria Stodden, Columbia University, co-founder of RunMyCode
      • closing: Jean-Claude Guédon, University of Montreal, long-term member of the Internet Society.
  • Other?



Metadata improvements project:

Metadata Sub-Team: Sarah P., Amy, Maureen


Proposed tweaks on how DCAT works together




Discussion Notes/References

1) News/Events

-sponsorship mtg this week in Baltimore, Beth Warner from Ohio State attending

-Leivn from @mire, will be coming late due to snow storm


2) OAI8 DSUG mtg

-if still need presenters, Bram will contact Elin/other Europeans for some ideas on hot/current issues


3) Metadata proposal

-Maureen to clarify terms

-Val will draft msg, send to Maureen, Amy and Sarah P. for quick review, then out to them community and committers - "seeking feedback on draft proposal - comments section and on call" 

-role for DCAT - DCAT part of steering cmte?






DSpace governance model

  • Will the ULs working on the governance model be mtg in person? 
    • There will be an in-person meeting, likely some time in July, probably in conjunction with another UL-oriented meeting. There has been no further discussion yet about what the process will be and those involved have not been identified. So far David Lewis from IUPUI and Tyler Walters from Virginia Tech have volunteered to be involved.


  • Still a morning slot at DSUG mtg
    • Val to check for which Europeans have submitted proposals for OR to see if any of the proposals may be appropriate for the OAI8 DSUG mtg too 
    • Iryna suggests Univ of Edinburgh presentation on data mgmt potentially

Free DSpace Boot Camp by @mire:


2) Metadata project

  • positive feedback from March 20th mtg - phase 1 deemed "cheap" by a few of the committers
  • 2nd person who expressed interest: Yanan Zhao from The University of Auckland - Val to circle back with Yanan
  • what are the next steps?
    • more refining work to do
    • very technical and complex
    • should send targeted emails: invite people personally to give input, all sponsors?
      • ask for: need input, could you tell us what you need
    • breakdown discussion into smaller (provocative?)
      • are you actively using automated ingest or export API or OAI - they will be affected by metadata improvement project 
    • who should we target? create an institutional profile
    • what are we going to do for lockdown - this is what is planned - this is why, vote, give feedback, join the gang 
    • identify what functions will be impacted 
    • Monica agrees with approach, hoping to have Rice Univ DSpace developers help
  • Bram's ?s on lockdown:
    • 4.x dspace date schema - system genarated by dspace, you can edit it manually,
    • dspace schema is meant for fields that are required to function - dspace specific, administrative field to do something in dspace, not appropriate to use dublin core for dspace
    • pull out dspace schema in 4.x is all that's been decided, not sure what comes next in 5.x
    • moving the updated SWORD fields into an admin space - part of 4.x
    • dspace specific and SWORD specific shoudl be kept out of system admin? -
    • last modify date - what is item metadata admin vs. not
    • when you have the same terms we would want to have provenance for the item dc terms provenance and dspace terms provenance - maybe we have a "date availble" in both or is it different depending on the item
    • check sum generated is really only in dc provenance for an item metadata.  After investigating this later on, it was clear that checksums are stored very well in the DSpace RDBMS model. See the database model for more information.
    • later phase of project: look at PREMIS to clean up provenance issues - metadata at bitstream level, not just item level



Actions Items 

before next mtg

Action Item



Clarify terminology on Proposal to Update QDC Registry and Add DCTERMS Registry



Email proposal and mtg reminder to community and committersVal, Timin process
Info on DSpace governance: in-person mtg (info above in notes)ValDONE

Create (provocative) questions for community discussions - including brief description of what is planned and potential implications

Metadata Sub-Team: Sarah P., Amy, Maureen


Start discussion on the institutional profile for organizations that should be keenly interested in the metadata improvement projectVal to start 

Visit JIRA and check out new status "Needs More Detail" or "Volunteer Needed" - pick compelling issue and start the DCAT discussion process