Versions Compared


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Attendees:  Lynette, Huda, Tim, Steven, Simeon

Regrets: Greg, Jason

Discovery (WP3)

  • for issues etc. 
  • Draft of a discovery plan:
  • Research: how to go from knowledge graph to an index
    • Research decision points, Use cases 
    • First goal: DASH! dashboard (full page for entity) that extends on the idea of an embedded knowledge panel, aim to have functional prototype for end of year
    • DASH! (Displaying Authorities Seamlessly Here)
      • Dashboard design meeting kickoff notes - will also try to understand what our data will support or connections to other data sources
      • 2021-04-02 Tim has implemented a D3 based graphical representation for Influenced by and influence for. Currently not limit to the number of related entities shown 16
        • Tim working on changes to entity pages for authors, may incorporate some usability feedback
        • Future work: should review work based on usability tests. Perhaps make a few more changes (e.g.
        many many influence-for for William Faulkner). When no examples shown the header is not shown, where there is no image (or not a png or jpg) then a circle is shown. Discussion:
        • Agreement that we should put a limit (perhaps 12) on the number of influenced-by or influence-for entities, ideally with a count of total and link to show all
        • Debate about best way to show all for long lists
        • Suggestion that we need to make the data source plain because the data is debatable/subjective and often incomplete
        • Would be good to test which related entities are in catalog and add links to the appropriate info pages
        • Ideally we will not show the Influence tab when there is no data for influenced-by or influence-for entities
    • Considering KPAOW zero (streamlined knowledge panels). Have begun discussing what should go in a streamlined version.
      •  Huda Khan Scheduled meeting with D&A reps April 9th, 9-10 (Moved the LD4P3 meeting to this time)
        • Neither Jason nor Simeon are available for the meeting
        • entity pages for subject and authors look more different than they need to (e.g. relations back to catalog)) the wrap this work until more discussion in August
    • Usability testing for DASH
        Usability testing for DASH
        • Getting ready for usability tests in April
        • Need to finalize usability tasks for both authors and subjects
        • 2021-04-02 - Four people responded to request and have scheduled tests for next week (Apr 7 & 9), will review entity pages
        • 2021-04-16 - Usability testing is underway, will finish next week. Useful input on what users see/understand and what they struggle with. Users don't know what a repository is, can guess what digital collections means. Users tend to think that the author name link will get more information, don't see/understand info button – could mean adding tool tips and/or making button more obvious or even flip button/link or one link for info+search
      • User reps D&A meeting: Need to re-follow up
        • Slides:
        • Good to have knowledge panel lite mockups or examples ready to show
        • Also need to show entity page examplesSVDE Works2021-03-19 Steven has looked at SVDE works and is thinking about how to find works via ISBN to then find other Instances. Is looking via SPARQL on Dave's ingested data
        • Had user reps meeting 2021-04-09 and result was "not no"
          • Positive feedback on linking back to catalog results
          • Questions about links and display from wikidata, other sources
          • End was to discuss more in August with possible discussion of how to move into production
          • User reps have slides and wanted demo link
          • Could have lite KP might to start, possible later entity pages – or perhaps both together
    • Next Demo that Needs New Acronym
      • Expect to include Works. Need to do something beyond what we already have live from the OCLC concordance data.
      • Full OCLC concordance us 343M rows, and gzipped the file is 3.3GB
      • SVDE Works
        • 2021-02-26 Have to develop SPARQL queries to pull out certain sorts of connected Work. Don't expect data to be very dense but do expect that we would get useful connections between print and electronic for example. We already have a link based on the OCLC concordance file from several years ago.
        • ACTION - Steven Folsom and Huda Khan to work on building an equivalent of the OCLC concordance file based on SVDE data and then do a comparison to see how they are similar and different
          • 2021-04-02 Steven and Huda met to think about putting together queries to extract a similar dataset.  (Document for recording queries). Open questions about the counts – got 16k works from one view, got about 8k where limited to case with at least one instance. These numbers are much much lower than expected
          • 2021-04-16 Steven working with Dave on how to pull our SVDE data. Dave still working through some errors in ingest of SVDE data – this needs to be resolved before looking for concordance. Has asked Frances for 2015 concordance
      • eResources
        • Discussion with small group regarding call number classifications on e-resources, where there is/isn't sufficient metadata compared to equivalent/related physical objects.  Possibility of gathering some useful examples around needs/wishes around e-resource discovery. 
        • 2021-03-26 - Other CUL staff met a couple of weeks ago. Examples where print and e-resource versions have differing metadata quality. Can we connect the resources better and/or copy metadata from one to the other? Has connection to our work to identify different versions. Nothing for LD4P3 to do until they have come up with appropriate examples
        • How do our new mockups support ideas of local overrides or correction to address DEI issues?
          • Question of process for reporting and dealing with errors
          • Use of wikidata means that individuals can make some changes there - direct citation in the data makes that plain and more easily actionable
        • Subject headings
          • Currently we don't show how many other headings a sub-heading appears in, this could be calculated
          • E.g. if someone is looking at "Architecture - Norway" would it be useful to see other headings that include Norway. Or would a use simply search for Norway?
          • Questions about whether some types of subheading (such as temporal or spatial) might be more usefully connect than others
          • Perhaps see if this comes up in the testing
        • 2021-04-16 - When we have better understanding of Work data, go back to group to discuss possibilities for e-resources
      • Publisher authorities/ids
        • At Cornell we haven't tried to connect authorities with publishes
        • LC working on connecting to publisher identifiers - utility is things also published by a publisher
        • Also possible interest in series and awards

    Linked-Data Authority Support (WP2)

    • Qa Sinopia Collaboration – Support and evolve QA+cache instance for use with QA
      • 2021-04-02:
        • No meetings this week for QA/Sinopia this week.
        • Dave and Lynette met to talk about remaining issues. Dave made progress on some a Lynette looking into a label issue on the QA side. Open questions about MeSH that Dave is looking into
        • Plan to do before and after comparison to discuss before moving into production
        • Lynette will give an update on this work package for the partner meeting; have suggested that Sinopia team will give update on UI side
      • 2021-04-09
        • Did meet!
        • PCC Data status in ShareVDE
          • What are the remaining questions we should focus on with ShareVDE to make possible round tripping with SharevDE?
          • Dave cached the data but trying to make direct connection with GraphQL. Challenge = test data and so small subset.  Don't know what performance issues and other challenges may appear once the full dataset is available.
        • Meeting on Monday with ShareVDE.
        • Stanford (Vivian) forwarded questions to ShareVDE
        • Trying to get indexing system into production. 
      • 16
        • Released to production the new indexing scheme.  This release cleans up all tests with known failures marked as pending.  Added in a few UI improvements to remove inactive authorities from the Monitor Status page, adjust the threshold for marking an authorities uptime as concerning, and on the Check Status page show a dogear for pending accuracy tests.
          • Need to think about how best we represent recent status for authorities Lynette has been working on two thread: uptime fraction and performance/speed
          • Agree to change window to last month to give better indication or recent status
        • In the weekly meeting, we identified the ShareVDE/PCC data interactions as a topic for the larger group in the quarterly meeting next week.  We also discussed potential topics around lookup enhancements.  The following topics would be discussed in the weekly Qa/Sinopia meeting.
          • compare list of priorities identified in the working group with what’s available now in Sinopia
          • review Astrid’s mockups and compare with Sinopia current UI
          • discuss and prioritize additional UI improvements
          • discuss which authorities are supported and whether we should be looking at additional authorities
        • In ShareVDE meeting, it was highly focused on the needs of the Stanford team. Discussed question of how to transform data in and out of SVDE
    • Search API Best Practices for Authoritative Data working group
      • 2021-04-02
        • Interest in group heavily skewed toward cataloger/curator side, hoping to get more from authority providers and developers
        • Will also reach out to AGROVOC because their structure is strong and easy to work with, they handle languages very well. Results lack ranking however
        • Expect to solidify membership next week and then schedule meetings
        • Membership is complete with 14 members.  Producers include LOC, OCLC, MeSH, ShareVDE who have an interest in the creation of change management documents.  Dave is joining the group to represent the needs of downstream consumers of change management documents.  There is a poll out to determine the date of the first meeting.
        • Up to 13 members!
        • Good representation on producer side.  Still waiting on word from OCLC. ISNI not participating.
          • Yeses: LOC, ShareVDE, MeSH
        • Dave participating from developer side
    • Cache Containerization Plan - Develop a sustainable solution that others can deploy
      • 2021-03-26
        • Greg and Lynette have been working together on documenting the deployment to AWS and this has been very useful in uncovering missing things. Greg found that he needs to make sure AWS actions can be performed by a less powerful user
        • Greg has discussion containerization of cache infrastructure. Greg has some tasks to help with
      • 2021-04-02
      • Lynette notes mimemagic issue with Rails that derailed (pun intended) much
      • Greg had to work around issues with env file that connected container to wrong DB, not yet sure of scope of the problem created
      • Continuing work on documentation and permissions
      • Have given Dave and empty container as a starting point for him to start work when ready, don't expect this yet
      • What will it take to get the indexing process containerized? For LCNAF this will take significant resources, incremental updates will be important. Should perhaps start small to get the process going for something small (e.g. RDA registry). Would be good to start working on this.
      • 2021-04-09
        • Greg: Working on permissions issue.  Need to rethink approach. 
          • Need certain amount of permissions to create whole suite, including ability to create permissions.  Somewhat circular.
          • Considering breaking permissions out into a separate piece. 
            • Create these for yourself or give to admin to install for you
            • If using admin permissions, do not need this piece.  Not recommended.
          • Goal: granular set of permissions recorded in document.
