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  1. Distributing the VIVO annual report
  2. Review membership changes since last meeting
  3. Review new VIVO registered sites since last meeting
  4. Welcome package for new registered users
    1. Review and add to draft
  5. Establishing regional users groups
    1. We need to make initial contact with regional representatives to begin coordinating the establishment of users groups
    2. This contact sheet can be used to gather an initial list of people to reach out to
    3. Goal of organizing online meetings starting in January
  6. Outreach and marketing
    1. Can we produce a simple introductory video for VIVO to share with potential adopters in lieu of a live demo?
  7. Conference follow-up
    1. Which presenters and attendees should we follow-up with?
    2. What is our strategy for engagement over the next few months?
  8. Recommended changes to VIVO Leadership elections
    1. What changes would this group recommend?


Annual Report

  1. Julia to send to the community and tech lists, tweet. Added to the VIVO wiki home page. 
  2. Should be highlighted on the website and sent out to the mailing lists
  3. Personalize the message, mention highlights
  4. Should include link to conference videos and slides

Membership Changes

  1. Oklahoma cancelled membership
  2. APA and PUA still outstanding
    1. David will contact APA
    2. Mic will look for a new contact at PUA
  3. Humboldt University planning on becoming a Platinum member
    1. Hiring 4 people to work on VIVO
    2. Planning on hiring someone to engage with VIVO governance, at which point they will join

New VIVO Sites

  1. No new sites since last meeting

Welcome Package

  1. Send welcome package to new members
    1. Julia to contact the new user in University of Toledo. 
    2. Terrie to contact Eastern Virginia Medical School

Regional User Groups

  1. DEFF Opera project may end this year
    1. Asked about participating in regional activities
    2. DTU still using VIVO and interested in these activities
    3. Perhaps organize a webinar?
    4. Organize a meeting to brainstorm about a regional user group
    5. Reaching out to other potential users in Europe
      1. This is an initial step that could lead to a user group meeting
      2. It would be good for our European members to lead this effort
    6. Would a VIVO partnership make sense?
      1. Perhaps leading to a research analytics task force

Action Items

  •  Michele Mennielli Will talk to LYRASIS colleagues about allowing VIVO members to pay invoices in non USD currency.
  •  All: Next meeting review election practices and make recommendations for changes for next year
  •  Terrie R. Wheeler Look into local capacity for creating a brief VIVO marketing video
  •  Julia Trimmer Post annual report on the wiki, send to community and tech lists, highlight a couple of items. Tweet, etc.