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Candidate Features for DSpace 7.0 - Priority 1

The DSpace 7.0 release is under development and the latest status can be found at DSpace Release 7.0 Status. The below candidate features are ordered in terms of importance to the 7.0 release. As such, the goal is to achieve each feature in the order that they appear (and not all features are guaranteed to be completed in time for 7.0). However, if you or your institution would like to drive or lead the development of a specific feature, you are welcome to volunteer your time towards any of the candidate features listed, no matter where that feature ranks in the listing. For larger features/contributions, we recommend first forming a Working Group (anyone can chair or form a Working Group) to allow other institutions to contribute to your initiative.

Priority 1 FeaturesDesign / NotesRelated Technical Strategic Goal(s)Core?ComplexityUse CasesWork in Progress?

Single User Interface
Single User Interface
Single User Interface. 
(Work has begun in DSpace 7 Working Group)

DSpace currently maintains two user interfaces in parallel (JSPUI and XMLUI). To replace these two user interfaces, we are building a new, single, out-of-the-box user interface on

Goal 2: Lean and flexiblexHigh

For reference:

Also see: DSpace 7 UI Project Plain Language Summary


Standards-based REST API
Standards-based REST API
Standards-based REST API
(Work has begun in DSpace 7 Working Group)

DSpace's current REST API, while functional, is limited in features and does not follow current best practices for RESTful APIs.

To support the new, single user interface (on, we are building / designing a new REST API that follows modern best practices such as: HATEOASALPS, and using the HAL response format.

The new REST API is being built using Spring technologies (Boot, MVC, and HATEOAS).

Goal 3: Can be "extended"


Goal 4: Integration with external services


New REST Contract (work in progress):


Single Approval Workflow system
Single Approval Workflow system
Single Approval Workflow system.
(Work has begun in DSpace 7 Working Group)

DSpace currently has two approval workflow systems:

  1. Basic/Traditional Approval Workflows. These are enabled by default, and provide up to three approval steps: "Approve/Reject", "Approve/Reject/Edit", or "Edit". These are described in more detail in the Functional Overview#WorkflowSteps
  2. Configurable Workflow (XMLUI only, and requires migrating all Basic/Traditional workflows)

We should consolidate on a single Approval Workflow system, likely the Configurable Workflow, with sane defaults.

Goal 1: Fundamentals of IRxMedium

See this ticket for more details:

serverDuraSpace JIRA

Goal 1: Fundamentals of IRxMedium


Single built-in Statistical Engine
Single built-in Statistical Engine
Single built-in Statistical Engine (SOLR Statistics

Elasticsearch Usage Statistics were deprecated in 6.0 and will be removed in 7.0

DSpace currently has three built-in statistical engines, one based on Apache Solr (default), another based on Elasticsearch (optional), and a third Legacy statistics (which parses logs). DSpace should only provide one out-of-the-box, built-in statistical engine (Solr Statistics), and all others should be removed (and as necessary, their features merged into one).
Goal 2: Lean and flexiblexMedium  

Configurations in Admin User Interface
Configurations in Admin User Interface
Configurations in Admin User Interface

DSpace should support the modification of most configurations/settings from the Administrative User Interface, instead of requiring such configurations be tweaked from command line.
  • Dependent on / related to "Single User Interface"
Goal 5: Low cost, "just works"xHigh

titleConfiguration Use Cases

Content by Label
cqllabel = "uc-configuration" and space = "DSPACE"

Module Framework and Registry
Module Framework and Registry
Non-functional: Module Framework and Registry

DSpace needs a clear definition of what constitutes a "DSpace module", so that third-parties can create, maintain and distribute their own "modules" as add-ons to DSpace, and distribute them via a public "registry".

Goal 3: Can be "extended"xHigh  

Lower the effort to deposit content
Lower the effort to deposit content
Lower the effort to deposit content (via integrations)

The DSpace deposit process should integrate more closely with external data sources, in order to automatically populate (or suggest) data on deposit. We should also investigate whether some integrations may allow opportunities for Administrator's to autopopulate DSpace from trusted, external content sources.

Goal 1: Fundamentals of IR

Goal 4: Integration with external services


Short Term - Priority 2

As "priority 2" features, these features are not guaranteed for the next DSpace release, but are still seen as a priority in an upcoming release. Nonetheless, we'd encourage community members to volunteer to help achieve any of these features. If there is community interest in moving one or more of these features forward, that feature may be moved up to "priority 1" for the next release.  These features are ordered in terms of importance, but are all considered to be lower importance than the "priority 1" features listed above.

Priority 2 FeaturesDesign / NotesRelated Technical Strategic Goal(s)Core?ComplexityUse CasesWork in Progress
Hierarchical Metadata Support
Hierarchical Metadata Support
Hierarchical Metadata Support
DSpace should support hierarchical metadata formats (e.g. MODS)Goal 1: Fundamentals of IRxHigh 
Relationships between Objects
Relationships between Objects
Relationships between Objects

DSpace should support defining relationships between objects (especially at the Item and Bitstream level). Some object relationships may be definable via metadata, but should be respected by the DSpace UI.  But, in other situations, it may also necessitate the creation of new types of Objects (e.g. Author objects as Authors of an Item rather than simply textual metadata)

Goal 1: Fundamentals of IRxHigh 

Simplify Community and Collection Hierarchy
Simplify Community and Collection Hierarchy
Simplify Community and Collection Hierarchy

DSpace's required hierarchy of Communities and Collections should be replaced with a more flexible module of supporting Collections & Sub-Collections.

Goal 2: Lean and flexiblexHigh

Enhance Basic Statistical Reporting
Enhance Basic Statistical Reporting
Enhance Basic Statistical Reporting

DSpace's existing Statistical Reporting user interfaces are rudimentary and do not provide enough useful views/reports/exports of the underlying captured data. These should be enhanced based on modern use cases/needs.
  • Primary use case description: Basic Statistics (and all child pages)
  • This would likely be depending on the "Single User Interface" project for much of the enhancements, as many of these reports are UI related.
Goal 1: Fundamentals of IRxMedium


Enhance Basic Preservation
Enhance Basic Preservation
Enhance Basic Preservation
DSpace's existing basic preservation functions (format identification, checksum verification, etc) could use enhancement based on modern tools and services.
  • See linked use cases for more details of possible enhancements to existing basic preservation functionality
Goal 1: Fundamentals of IRxMedium 
Easy and Intuitive Deposit Interface
Easy and Intuitive Deposit Interface
Easy and Intuitive Deposit Interface
DSpace's deposit interface could use enhancement for a better overall user experience with regards to usability and accessibility.
  • Dependent on / related to "Single User Interface"
  • Primary use case description: Easy and Intuitive Deposit Interface
  • May need further definition around what sorts of changes will make deposit easier?

Goal 1: Fundamentals of IR


titleOther Deposit Use Cases

Content by Label
cqllabel = "uc-deposit" and space = "DSPACE"

