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Scholar provides options for importing objects from various sources.

These are configured by enabling the following modules:

  • PMID Populator  (imports metadata through PubMed's API)
  • RIS Populator
  • DOI Populator (imports metadata through Crossref Metadata Services)
  • EndNote XML Populator
    (each module enables import from a different source)

When a module is enabled, and someone clicks to create a Citation Content Model, Islandora will display the option to "Prepopulate metadata from source".  The person can choose a source, and either upload the file or provide the identifier, and then will be shown a metadata input form prepopulated with metadata from the source.

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Here is more detailed info on each source for metadata:

The RIS Importer and EndNoteXML Importer submodules allow users to take citation data files exported from other sources (such as RefWorks, EndNote or Zotero) and turn them into Islandora objects using the standard Islandora importer interface (similar to using the zip importer). The DOI Importer and PMID Importer submodules work in much the same way, but instead of using files exported by other citation managers they use Digital Object Identifier (DOI) or PubMed ID (PMID) strings..

DOI Populator:  Registration with Crossref required.

To use this, enable the "DOI Importer" module.

You must register to use Crossref openURL.  You register with an email address and enter the email address into Islandora in the menu at Home » Administration » Islandora » Solution pack configuration » Scholar .  There is no fee to register for this service.  (This is an API for inputting a DOI and retrieving metadata in XML.  Islandora Scholar Core does not interface with Crossref in any capacity which would allow minting of DOIs.)Image RemovedImage Removed

Citation Collection & Citation Style Management
