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Please note that the citationCModel and thesisCModel are in the "ir" namespace, as opposed to the standard "islandora" namespace that other cmodels have had in the past. Due to this nonstandard namespace, Islandora instances that make use of namespace restrictions will need to enable the "ir" namespace in order for the citation & thesis cmodels to work.


Another feature in Scholar Core is includes Sherpa/RoMEO integration, which can be used to retrieve .  Sherpa/RoMEO is a service which keeps on file and makes searchable the copyright & self-archiving policies of various academic publishersjournals.

Configure this in the Scholar admin menu at 'admin/islandora/solution_pack_config/scholar'.  Checking "Enable RoMEO attempts" turns on the functionality.  When that is checked, then when viewing a Citation Content Model object when the object has a MODS identifier of type "issn", the person viewing the object will see a tab labeled "RoMEO" which shows the journal policies pulled from Sherpa RoMEO.

There is also a place in the admin menu at 'admin/islandora/solution_pack_config/scholar' to provide a Sherpa/RoMEO API key. No API key is needed.  Instead, there's a cap of 500 requests per day if you don't have an API key, but no cap if you do.  API registration is free-of-charge as of summer 2016.

Rights information from Sherpa/RoMEO is not copied into object metadata, nor into any datastream.  Instead, this is a quick link to the Sherpa/RoMEO information which can be used in staff workflows.


Scholar provides options for importing objects from various sources. The RIS Importer and EndNoteXML Importer submodules allow users to take citation data files exported from other sources (such as RefWorks, EndNote or Zotero) and turn them into Islandora objects using the standard Islandora importer interface (similar to using the zip importer). The DOI Importer and PMID Importer submodules work in much the same way, but instead of using files exported by other citation managers they use Digital Object Identifier (DOI) or PubMed ID (PMID) strings.
