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Table of Contents


Islandora Scholar is a suite of modules designed to help Islandora function as an Institutional Repository (although some features are helpful in other use cases as well). It is unique compared to other Islandora modules in terms of the number of features it provides as well as the vast amount of submodules that it contains. It is helpful to think of Scholar as being a kind of scholarly content solution pack due to the new content models it provides (citation & thesis), but it also differs from other solution packs in that it provides new functionality that may be used with other cmodels as well.


  • New citation & thesis content models
  • Sherpa/RoMEO integration
  • Creation of new objects from EndNote XML or RIS files exported from other systems
  • Creation of new objects from Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) and PubMed IDs (PMIDs)
  • Suppression of objects from display or disable viewing/downloading of particular datastreams
  • Exporting of collections of bookmarks as RIS, RTF or PDF files
  • User-selectable dynamic citation styling using Citation Style Language (CSL) files
  • Extra HTML metadata to assist with Google Scholar indexing


This module requires the following external modules/libraries:


In order to place embargoes on objects, you must grant the "Manage embargo on any objects" permission to the appropriate user roles under the Islandora Scholar Embargo section of admin/people/permissions. This will allow a user to place object and datastream embargoes on objects, as well as remove or update datastream embargoes. Due to issues with the connection between Drupal permissions and the way Scholar Embargo implements its embargo policies through XACML, currently only the object's owner will be able to remove or update object embargoes. This is because the XACML policy works independently of Drupal permissions, and the embargo XACML policy will block everyone except the object's owner from managing the object at all once embargoed regardless of what Drupal permissions they have. A fix for this is in the works and should be part of the Islandora 7.x-1.8 release.