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15 minWelcome
  • Welcome
  • Thank you to note-taker


25 minFundraising

Development Fund updates

35 minFinancials

End of FY 23-24 Financial Report (sent via email)

45-10 minStaffing/SCOSS

SCOSS budget variance proposal

  • Steering vote result 8/19: approves proposal. Steering recommends approval to Leadership
  • Proposal to increase Holger's hours (budget variance) sent via email
55 minDevelopment

DSpace 8.0

DSpace 7.6.2


5 minFuture Planning

DSpace 9 and 10 planning

  • Steering vote result 8/19: Steering calls a special meeting of the Leadership Group to discuss DSpace 9 and 10 planning.
  • Tentative date of Special Meeting: last half of September following September Steering meeting.
  • Steering DSpace 9.0 Planning Group is working on a scenario document for Leadership following Steering discussion of DSpace 9 and 10 planning at the Steering 8/14 meeting.
65 minLyrasis

La Referencia proposal to Lyrasis Board

75 minMembership and Elections

Membership and Elections updates

  • Renewals, new
  • SCOSS updates 
  • Elections

Leadership elections update

  • Nominations were due 8/19

Steering elections

  • Elected Steering Group members serve for three-year, renewable terms.
  • Three Steering members have terms ending Oct 31, 2024
    • Lieven
    • Erik
    • Susanna
  • Once Leadership is seated for governance year 24/25, Maureen will call for nominations to Steering. Leadership elects Steering. The goal is to have Steering seated prior to the first meeting of the new governance year in November.

Vice Chair election

  • Leadership elects the Vice Chair
  • The Vice Chair serves for a one-year renewable term. The Vice Chair does not automatically succeed the Chair.
  • It is not required for the Vice Chair to be on Steering; in a case where they are not a Steering Group member, the Vice Chair may attend Steering Group meetings, but in a non-voting capacity.
  • Once Leadership is seated for governance year 24/25, Maureen will call for nominations for Vice Chair. The goal is to have the Vice Chair seated prior to the first meeting of the new governance year in November.
Holger, Maureen
810 minElections
Community at Large and Ex Officio members
Community at Large election (spreadsheet of nominees sent via email) 
Maureen, Holger
95 min


25 min

  • DSpace Lyrasis MOU 3-year review cycle 
  • Steering vote result 8/19: Steering recommended revisions sent via email
1115 minWebsite

New DSpace website

  • Governance feedback
  • Feedback gathering sheet link sent via email
Maureen, Holger
105-10 minCommunity

DCAT update

DCAT Chair governance year 24-25

Kimberly, Maureen
115 minCommunity

Upcoming Events

Erik, all
125 minEcosystem


  • Kyle Demes (OurResearch) / California Digital Library bringing together a group of stakeholders for community curated open research metadata
135 minLeadership

Upcoming - future agenda topics

145 minOther businessAOBAll
