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  • Brown (Steve) – have altered the model used for ingest of database of legacy data.  When the 3rd party contractor went through and parsed the raw text out of the files, did some mapping into the ontology, but the transition was unreliable enough that resulted in unique conferences and organizations for each occurrence.  Had collapsed most of that data into a label for a role, not associated with a real event or conference, and hope to go back through and do matching of those strings to capture the host organization, using for reference.  Still have the database from the vendor to go back to and look at the individual fields. From an ontology perspective, the role object was a context node but is functioning as a central object for service to community, at least on a transitional basis until the real event or organization is identified.
    • what's happening with updates? Still is faculty access to VIVO but not much editing is happening, so can still focus on legacy data.  At least 40 new faculty to enter for fall,so will be focusing on updates then and may be looking at custom forms
  • Duke – congratulations on the launch of
  • Florida (Nicholas) – able to load a couple different parts of the ISF, the clinical modules, into a VIVO instance and run queries against it.  Could dynamically query it via Fuseki SPARQL endpoint from other applications. Chris Barnes is using Google JavaScript visualization libraries 
  • Johns Hopkins (Jing) – attended the Open Annotations workshop at the University of Maryland, including seeing showcasing implementations – e.g, Domeo – interested to see whether this is relevant to the issue of specialization of research interest descriptions – is that an assertion or an annotation, and would this be relevant. Provenance is also referenced in the Open Annotation data model.
  • Memorial University
  • North Texas
  • Scripps (Michaeleen) – gave a demo on the sample of nearly 500 grants and will be able to ingest the remaining 3000 grants from 2008 forward, including modifying the ontology to represent the NIH award system to be able to link related grants, and potentially make explicit links from grants to publications in PubMed (see 
    serverDuraSpace JIRA
    • (Paul) – has also been working on a way to better represent grants. Looking at NIH exporter, an API for getting normalized grant ids and the PMIDs of publications associated with them.
    • (Michaeleen) adding the PMCID to each article in VIVO will help with
    • (Jon) – is there an API to get compliance information with the NIH access mandate from myBibliography?
    • (Paul) – to be not in compliance, needs to be funded by NIH-funded grant, not have a PMCID, be older than the allowable grace period. Also is only relevant for the corresponding author (question), and are hoping to be able to harvest that information from PubMed
    • (Michaeleen) NIH is starting to enforce at least delays in funding
  • UCLA –
  • Weill Cornell (Paul) – planning work for the next six months
  • Cornell Ithaca (Brian) – working on the code changes to be able to fully test out the Integrated Semantic Framework, especially with respect to dramatic property simplification.  Role sub properties are one example – do we want to use the very generic "bearer_of" property from the relations ontology. Making a testbed so we can see what things look like in a VIVO 


Review and prioritization of changes for VIVO 1.6

see VIVO Ontology v1.6 Planning

  • Publication types and coordination between Sympectic Elements publication types and VIVO/BIBO types
  • Artistic Works 
  • Research grants – what are the differences between grants, awards, and contracts?  How do NIH and NSF (and other funding agencies) model grants, so that VIVO can align data harvested from NIH RePORTER or 
    • Annual amendments, side amendments, the new app R01
  • Distinctions among North American, British, continental European, Australian and New Zealand academic position types
  • Courses and semester classes – can we finalize the Course as a continuing entity that is realized in Semester Class events?
  • Representing and displaying re-publication or performance
