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Improved Large Image SP using OpenSeadragon viewer

The Large Image Solution Pack has been reconfigured to use OpenSeadragon, a "framework agnostic and completely open version of the Ajax-based Deep-Zoom viewer."

Improved Book SP with robust configuration options

The Book Solution Pack has been improved both in terms of stability and in the range of configuration options available to the user.

Newspaper SP using the OpenSeadragon viewer


The new Newspaper Solution Pack is a Paged Content collection that is similar to the Book solution pack, with a few key differences. Unlike a book collection, a newspaper collection is intended to represent a single publication, and each object inside that collection is intended to represent a single issue of that publication. Another level down, each object is intended to represent a page of that particular issue. The Newspaper Solution Pack is designed to make it easier to navigate between issues and pages of a single publication - closer to the nature of a newspaper or magazine - as opposed to a book, which is more commonly read page-by-page.

The Newspaper solution pack also makes use of the OpenSeadragon viewer.

HOCR Highlights in Book and Newspaper SPs

High lighting functionality is provided through the Islandora OCR module, which integrates Tesseract into the Islandora Paged Content module. It allows for creation of OCR and HOCR derivatives that can be appended to a page as a datastream.



Responsive theming support via Drupal 7

MARCXML module to ingest and display MARCXML


Solr Client

The Islandora Solr Search has gained new tools and features form the 6.x version. Solr search in 7.x can be configured to allow for auto-complete fields and comes with new pre-made blocks for sorting and displaying query results.

Responsive Theming Support

Islandora 7.x is designed to integrate cleanly with responsive Drupal themes such as AdaptiveTheme or Aether


The MARCXML Module is a plugin that works with all solution packs to add new options to ingest and view metadata in MARC (MAchine Readable Cataloging) format.

New Batch Ingest Framework

A new batch ingest process supports the ingest of multiple books or newspapers in a single .zip file.

FITS module for extracting and displaying technical info


All standard solutions packs have been configured to work with the FITS Extractor modules, which adds technical metadata extraction via the File Information Tool Set (FITS).

Collection Manager

The collection management interface has undergone improvements in functionality.

General Improvements

Islandora 7.x-1.1 supports a new modular framework for viewers and other


Robust configuration options for most modules

Improved collection management interface


modules, most modules have gained a more detailed and robust set of configuration options over their 6.x predecessors, and a great dela of code clean-up has gone on behind the scenes to make islandora 7.x-1.1 a much smoother and more stable piece of software since the beta release.





Google Users Group: For user-related issues and information. for general information and updates about the project.


Islandora operates under a GNU license.