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  • What Sponsors LIKE about DSpace:
    • meets needs for an institutional repository
    • allows for open access to content
    • useful workflows
    • lots of excitement about features coming in 3.0 and features available in 1.8
  • What are some of the CHALLENGES Sponsors face
    • digital preservation - some hooks in DSpace for digital preservation, but functionality to serve as a preservation tool has a ways to go
    • front end / tools for Admins / UI improvements - customization needs to be easier and more flexible/modern (i.e., customize by collection) and more accessible for Admins
    • multimedia needs - multimedia streaming / downloading video/images/audio files
    • digital asset mgmt strategy - several institutions are in the middle of a review of their overall strategy, particularly as it relates to research data management
    • data management - many institutions mentioned the need to store data and present it in different ways, also the ability to get data in and out of DSpace easily
    • author identity / author profile - need to allow content to be showcased in different forms (i.e. BibApp, VIVO) - don't want to re-create metadata or content 
    • backend improvements - a few institutions mentioned the need for a unified backend
    • open/closed content - a few institutions mentioned a need for more flexibility in dealing with open / closed content in order to deal with copyright issues
  • What are Sponsors INTERESTED in:
    • DSpace/Hydra - a lot of curiosity and interest in the potential of creating a DSpace Hydra head, Univ of Hull has a IR Hydra head, several institutions would like to have one solution for all content (student/faculty, digital collections, data, etc.), some concern about re-creating the DSpace workflows - critical that DSpace maintain its core functionality
    • DSpace/Islandora - a few institutions interested in Islandora - which is a Drupal frontend with a Fedora backend, some believe it might be easier / more accessible to customize Drupal than Hydra and that Drupal would provide more flexibiilty for displaying digital assets
    • DSpace to be an abstraction layer - REST module (GSoC project) - give the ability to use any UIs (i.e. Drupal, Java-based)

all - discussion Discussion/feedback from DCAT/ question





Committers - ALL

  • Bram: any comment/feedback on RDF/linked data? No, it didn't come up in the most recent discussions


    • Amy: we would be


    • interested, but not at top


    • of our list


    • -


    •  preservation, streaming would come first



  • Stuart: preservation important - not hanging anything off the hooks in DSpace - there is a bitstream registry, but don't really use it, no reporting mechanism, need to extend that


  • support 
  • Elin: preservation important - need to be to do things like identify files at risk


  • , have the ability to export them out


  • to something like DuraCloud and then easily import it back


  • – linked back to original metadata


  • Stuart: need to ask what we see the direction of DSpace


  • ? preservation, great interface, streaming, RDF imagining - is it possible to do everything? or should it be something modular?


  • Jim: functionality doesn't have to be native to DSpace - like APIs - digital objects can be stored and preserve -


  • but just clicking on a button


  • to download might not be enough - need it to preserve and provide access to whatever people want to put in - I am selling DSpace as a place to put data at our institution
  • Bram: have sponsors mentioned interest in leveraging


  • repositories as source for out-metrics


  • and more advance statistics?


  • Not specifically.
  • Amy:


  • looking forward to elastic search in 3.0


  • Tim: elastic search


  • is just a different backend to stats (vs. SOLR), not additional reporting,


  • aggregating stats might help store more data, but we need to work out what are the reqmts for statistics
  • Sarah:


  • interested in Google Analytics - stats is a pain point for us
  • Maureen: stats are important


  • - using elastic


  • search because of scaliablity issues, but doesn't solve all of what we need
  • Alana: stats are important - our needs are different than normal IR - but helps to justify our existence


  • Elin:


  • stats are a basic need - Cambridge hasn't been getting statistics we need - looking for Google Analytics plugin to help
  • Bram: Google Analytics vs. existing stats in DSpace - tough tracking downloads - could be opportunities to registered w/Google Analytics, need to think about how stats could be used in the future
  • Maureen:


  • scalability is a challenge - we moved to


  • elastic search because of scalability - being


  • able to handle the scale and have functions operate properly - basic performance issues, java error codes - not sure what the problem is - whether it is scale or something else -


  • repository has 50,000 items and 100,000 files
  • Stuart:


  • do we need to look at general architecture changes when it comes to


  • scalability - do we split end user functionality / admin functionality - a lot of checks in DSpace - is there a scalability advantage in spliting them?
  • Tim: repository abstraction layer - does that allow us to do what Stuart is talking about - create a read-only interface and a


  • separate admin interface to manage


  • content - could you use REST to plug into Fedora?


  • Stuart:


  • makes more sense to build Hydra on top of DSpace - or Islandora on top of DSpace - keep workflows - might make more sense to duplicate
  • Tim: taylor interfaces towards diff types of content - sounds plausable, not sure if it is possible - step 1 would be to make sure DSpace has a reposibory abstraction layer
  • Tim: have a REST API that was built as a GSofC project - had some


  • scalability problems and access issue (everything open) - several project forks in Github - 2 diff forks 1) HDTEK, 2) WIJITI - have resrouce gap to analyze/review code - if one is better than the other, if they can be merged together
  • Jonathan: managed projects idea


  • - in the Fedora community institutions interested in getting the work done have started a project - agree on set of features that are critical to improving Fedora now


  • , project participants have committed in-kind donations of dev time (mostly more time from current Fedora committers) as well as finanical support of tech lead and project manager


  • Jonathan: for DSpace


  • we hear a lot of diff interests and


  • ideas -


  •  if more ambitious ideas are going to take place, it will have to similar to Fedora


  • , would like to hear from anyone who has specific projects that you would like to help with









Next Steps - Valorie, Jonathan, Tim

  • Have one more DCAT/Committer call next Wednesday
  • will summarize / make transparent what the feedback has been from all mtgs / discussions - likely posted onto the wiki and distributed via the mailing lists 
  • not sure what projects will come out of discussion - need to determine who has common


  • interests


  • want to include everyone who's interested in


  • those projects
  • DSpace community has to get the momentum - need more developer time / resources to work on projects - either new developers or more time from existing developers  
  • DCAT's role will be similar to other development in DSpace - provide feedback on features, make recommendations based on different institutional perspectives
  • Committers will help project answer questions and review code submissions 

-DCAT help promote projects - give feedback 

-Committers - help review code

-community has to run with it  - we can help - Fedora Futures is a good example - grass roots movement, invited us to take part - but it came from them - how could something similar happen in DSpace
