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Amy xAmy Lana - University of Missouri 
Augustine Gitonga - Aga Khan University Hospital - PLEASE ADD YOUR SKYPE ADDRESS
xBram Bram Luyten - @mire
Bharat M. Chaudhari -@ School Of Petroleum Management, Gandhinagar, India - PLEASE ADD YOUR SKYPE ADDRESS
xCiarán Ciarán Walsh - Enovation Solutions, Ltd
Claire Bundy - BioMed Central - PLEASE ADD YOUR SKYPE ADDRESS
Dibyendra Hyoju - Madan Puraskar Pustakalaya/ - PLEASE ADD YOUR SKYPE ADDRESS
Elena Feinstein - University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - PLEASE ADD YOUR SKYPE ADDRESS
Elin Stangeland - Cambridge University Library
xhelix84 helix84 (listening only because I'll be in open office) - helix84
Iryna Kuchma -
Jacob Andersson - Malmö University - puckohue
xJennifer Jennifer Laherty - Indiana University - jennifer.laherty
Jim Ottaviani - University of Michigan - skype address: jim_ottaviani
Leonie Hayes - University of Auckland - PLEASE ADD YOUR SKYPE ADDRESS
Maureen Walsh - The Ohio State University - PLEASE ADD YOUR SKYPE ADDRESS
xSarah University
Sarah Molloy - Queen Mary, University of London - @moragm23
Sarah Shreeves - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Sue Kunda - Oregon State University - PLEASE ADD YOUR SKYPE ADDRESS
xValorie Hollister - DuraSpace
Yan Han - University of Arizona Libraries - PLEASE ADD YOUR SKYPE ADDRESS

xSarah Potvin - A&M


Sarah Potvin - Texas A&M
Scott Sidell Longsight
Tim Donohue - DuraSpace
Valorie Hollister - DuraSpace

Augustine Gitonga - Aga Khan University Hospital
Bharat M. Chaudhari -@ School Of Petroleum Management, Gandhinagar, India
Claire Bundy - BioMed Central
Dibyendra Hyoju - Madan Puraskar Pustakalaya/
Elena Feinstein - University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Leonie Hayes - University of Auckland
Maureen Walsh - The Ohio State University
Sarah Potvin - Texas A&M 
Sue Kunda - Oregon State University
Yan Han - University of Arizona LibrariesxScott Sidell Longsight


  • 10:00am Eastern/14:00 UTC


  • (209) 647-1600, participant code 373133, host code: 560833 (can be done via Skype - for directions: 
  • Please note that we have been having lots of connectivity issues with the "freeconferencecallhd.2096471600" Skype dial-in lately. Generally you can get on, but Skype seems to boot you off at regular intervals. To avoid the frustration we recommend dialing in via a Skype phone call -- simply use the Skype dial pad and dial the USA # 209-647-1600 and then the conference code # as prompted. You will need to have a Skype account with money in it in order to place this kind of call -- and it will likely be about 3 cents a minute, depending on where you are calling from. We are looking for other solutions to the problem -- and also for your suggestions if you know of other solutions.

Discussion Topics



Discussion leader


Type based submission forms: JIRA DS-1127



Questions/comments/additions to news/events update



Action item updates / JIRA issue updates on the DCAT Discussion Schedule



OR12 Developer Meeting summary

Amy, Bram, Elin, Sarah S., Val


DCAT mtgs going forward - new day/time, how to structure



JIRA workflow improvements



What's up for discussion this Thurs/Fri?



Other items?


Actions from previous meeting

Action Item



Update the current status of issues:
1) on the DCAT Discussion Schedule summary - identify "Recommended Action" 
2) solicit DCAT feedback on your issue in the DCAT Discussion Forum if you need any further/more current DCAT feedback on your recommendation (push to big/complex project list, drop as low priority, etc.) before posting your DCAT recommendation to JIRA 
3) add DCAT recommendation to JIRA issue, including links to DCAT discussion if you have not already done so


Aug 14

Provide input on the Top DCAT feature/improvement priorities:


June 14-15

Updating Dublin Core project  
1)  determine project lead, if necessary
2)  document specifically what needs to change (suggested that team pick the easiest solution that would create the least controversy/conflict for the community for 1st phase and maybe breakdown project into subsequent phases)
3)  forward proposed changes to Tim and he will put it on a developer mtg agenda 
4)  project team to attend developer's mtg to discuss 

Sarah P., Amy, Maura Valentio, Maureen 
(Amy to set up 1st mtg)

Aug 14

Clean up "Action Items from previous mtg" - link to master DCAT Discussion Schedule for full list of DCAT issues/notes/status



Select new JIRA issue



News & Events

  1. Upcoming DCAT meeting dates: 
    1. September 5th (moved from Sept 11 due to conflict for Val and Tim)
      1. going forward all mtgs will be at 3pm Eastern/ 19:00 UTC and last until 4:15 Eastern/20:15 UTC in order to overlap 15 minutes with Developer Mtg 
    2. October 10
    3. November 14
  2. News 
    1. E-Science Institute Registration Now Open
    2. Understanding Digital Curation: The Digital Curation Resource Guide from Digital Scholarship
    3. Does Your Organization Preserve 50+ TBs of Content?
    4. New DuraSpace Social Front Page on RebelMouse  
  3. Webinars/Podcasts/Courses:
    1. Upcoming
      1. E-Science Institute
      2. DuraCloud Brown Bag, August 29, 2012
    2. New Recordings
      1. OR12 General Conference recordings - recording links available in conference program (DSpace User Group Mtg was not recorded, most of the presentation slides are available) 
  4. Events    
    1. ETD 2012 in Peru, Sept 12-14 
    2. Fall 2012 Internet2 Member Mtg in Philadelphia, Sept 30-Oct 4, 
    3. iPRES 2012 in Toronto, Canada, Oct 1-5
    4. PASIG in Dubin, Ireland, Oct 17-19


1) Type based submission forms: JIRA DS-1127

type based submssion - make sure docs reflect Bram to having the type based submission override an item template for values an admin chose to hide using the type based submissions should generally be ok when well documented - Bram to post to JIRA/let Robin know

-Elin: confirmed with Robin that this won't bring the form administration into the admin UI. Andrea Swheer UI for type based submission - maybe Andrea Scwheer might be willing to do work on this , Elin will create request - how easy will it to build on current code?  


-wish lists from OR per Bram

-better support for dig preservation

-supporting research data

-author profile and reporting

-push email or filter to see all bluesky

-catogorizing the dev proposal page: Val to put together

-JIRA for dummies guide - how dspace comm uses JIRA, workflow, Bram's video

DC update

-1st draft of recommendations:

- Elin to create a new JIRA issue and link to DS-1127 

2) News - no questions/comments

3) Action Items

-Update current status on DCAT Discussion Schedule - a few done, everyone please complete

-Top DCAT feature/improvement priorities:

--Val: should we continue to have a space for top priorities/bluesky items?

--general agreement that there should be a wiki space for this -- JIRA issues require clear, reasonably sized objectives -- some projects/ideas might be too large and developers won't know what to do w/them in JIRA -- wiki space will allow for brainstorming and will be more accessible to all community members

--Val: proposed make use of the Development Proposal page, perhaps DCAT can help create some categories for the projects on this page which will make it easier to digest for anyone looking at the page and would also help link similar projects together

--some wish list ideas that Bram heard repeatedly OR12: better support for digital preservation, support for research data, author profile and better reporting 

--others suggested there should be a push email or a way to easily filter all bluesky projects

--general agreement that we should put together a proposal about bluesky/larger projects not necessarily suitable for the creation of JIRA issue  for the developers to review - Val volunteered to write and post for the Thurs/Fri discussion this week

--Elin: suggested that there should be a "JIRA for dummies" guide - show how the DSpace community uses JIRA, the workflow, etc.

--Bram: created a video screencast a few years ago - perhaps update and include this in JIRA guide:  

-Dublin Core update project

--1st draft of recommendations complete

--have several open questions -- like - locking down the registry vs. leaving open , other open questions, - Sarah will post recommendations and relevant docs to discussion forum for DCAT - Sarah

developer mtg collaboration

DCAT Discussion Forum for the Thurs/Fri discussion this week

4) & 5) OR12 Developer Mtg summary and DCAT mtgs going forward

-Val: good discussions in developer mtg about collaboration - observation was made that the most productive collaborative work between DCAT and developers was generally as a result of Robin Taylor/the release coordinator  attending the DCAT mtg

-general agreement that we should find a time to overlap DCAT and developer mtg - suggested to overlap 15 min on weekly developer mtg once per month

-original thought was to move the day/time of DCAT mtg to Wed just before the developer mtg and then overlap 15 min - but this would generally mean Europe/UK members would not be able attend DCAT mtgs going forward

-Amy?: let's keep current day/time of DCAT mtg, decide together what topic we will talk w/developers about and also select specific DCAT members to attend developer mtg on the following day to represent the issue -- but all DCAT member encouraged to attend developer mtg

-likely have to limit to one topic since we only have 15 min, DCAT to let Tim know what the topic is and if there are relevant references immediately following DCAT mtg

-will start at next mtg -- Sept 4 -- DCAT mtg time unchanged -- still will be 10:00am Eastern/14:00 UTC

-developer mtg collaboration-have regular mtg on Tues and then just sign into dev mtg: plan who will attend and represent the issue

Actions Items from this meeting

Action Item

