Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1.  Versioning is at the level of data files. 
  2. Wiki Markup
    Data packages and data files have a relationship between their identifiers. Each version of a file/package is represented by a separate DOI. The "base" DOI points to the most recent version of the file/package, but a version number can be added to the base DOI to access previous versions. See the \[\[\]\] page for more details about the DOI format.
  3. When a new version of data file is deposited, a new identifier will be created.
  4. Adding or changing README files or metadata will not result in creation of a new identifier.
  5. All metadata changes are logged by writing a metadata snapshot to the filesystem this allows us to retain a record of the changes, even though they are not available as explicit versions (and not viewable in the UI). - If all we are doing is adding a new bitstream without changing the existing bitstreams, there is no need to force a version number change.
  6. When a new identifier is created for a data file, a new identifier is automatically created for the corresponding data package.
  7. Each version of the item includes metadata about who created the version and the date/time. (it is essentially a full copy of the item, with modifications)
  8. Only the most recent version of an item is available via the search interface.
  9. On the item page, there is a link to view previous/subsequent versions.
  10. By examining the metadata, it is possible to determine whether an item is the most recent version, the original version, or an intermediate version.
  11. Previous versions of bitstreams are retained. If something was once retrievable, it is always retrievable.
  12. Creation of a new version is initiated by the author. On the "submissions" page, users should see all of their archived submissions. Each archived submission should have a button to submit a new version of a data file - this button doesn't appear anywhere else
  13. Expose Versioning detail in DSpace API and Services (I.E. OAI, Bagit, Etc.)


  1. Current Code Locations

Technical Details

Work Areas for Implementation of Version History


  • Separate New Versions of an Item May be started
  • Can only one new version be started, until it has been finalized?
  • Should the new version of the data package, data files, and bitstreams be processed in the submission and/or reviewing workflow?
  • Should information about the revision be hidden until approved?
  • Should the handle of a replaced item automatically point to the latest version?
    Code Block
         * Creates a Item in the database that maintains all the same
         * attributes and metadata as the Item it supplants with a new
         * revision number and a link to the given Item as the previousRevision
         * a new bitstream is not created
         * This Item is ready to be put into the Workspace or a Workflow
         * @param item The Item to create a new version of
        public static Item newVersionOfItem(Context context, Item originalItem)
                ArchiveManager am = new ArchiveManager();
                ItemDAO itemDAO = ItemDAOFactory.getInstance(context);
                WorkspaceItemDAO wsiDAO = WorkspaceItemDAOFactory.getInstance(context);
                Item item = itemDAO.create();
                Item head = itemDAO.getHeadRevision(originalItem.getOriginalItemID());
                // Done by ItemDAO.update ... item.setLastModified();
                //System.out.println("Head: " + head.toString());
                // Add uri as identifier.uri DC value
                item.clearMetadata("dc", "identifier", "uri", null);
                for (Bundle bundle : originalItem.getBundles())
                    item.addBundle(am.dupeBundle(context, bundle));
                return item;
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new RuntimeException(e);
         *  Takes in a bundle and makes a deep copy of it.
         *  Without duping bitstreams.
         *  @param bundle
        private Bundle dupeBundle (Context context, Bundle bundle)
        throws AuthorizeException
            BundleDAO bdao = BundleDAOFactory.getInstance(context);
            Bundle dupe = bdao.create();
            Bitstream[] bitstreams = null;
            int primary = bundle.getPrimaryBitstreamID();
            bitstreams = bundle.getBitstreams();
            for (Bitstream b : bitstreams)
                if (primary == b.getID())
            return dupe;
