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Terrie will touch base with Associate University Librarian at Cornell to explore possibility of getting open source rights for VIVO..

Discussion (50 mins)

  1. Report on VIVO Development (Dragan, 15 mins)`


  1. VIVO Financial Report (Terrie, 10 mins)
    Terrie reviewed financial report that was emailed out to Leadership group.  Overall it was a 'good' year.

  2. Project-based funding program design – the VIVO Development Fund (Bruce, 15 mins)
    Bruce reviewed his thought, plans and how they align with what DSpace did and pursue Grant funding.  It is still in the works and not ready to put it forward.  People start thinking about what needs to be done to get a NSF grant.
    1. Discussion of program design
    2. Review document

  3. Planning the 2022/2023 VIVO Conference (Anna and Christian, 15 Mins)
    1. Move the meeting till the spring?
      in general we are going to / need to move to spring.
      workshop / user groups sooner rather than later / community involvement. 
    2. Explore joining forces with other organizations?
      1. Open Repositories?  Lyrasis sponsors?
      2. International Forum on Expert Finder Systems (meeting in Miami, April 5-6, 2023)
      3. Joint Lyrasis meeting – wouldn’t that be cool?