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Our next meeting is on Tuesday, June 8 at either at 9am or 3pm, Eastern DAYLIGHT Time (GMT-4).

Conference Dial-in Number: (605) 475-4825
Participant Access Code: 440208#










 News/Updates1) New list is published! Removed
-feedback from developers on labeling semantics - reference to "addons" not accurate and confusing for developers -- and in general we the community needs to agree on terminology definitions (particularly the developers)-->Val set up wiki page for a terminology discussion ( Removed)
-Elin suggests that we have some of this discussion/education in the RM session at OR10


4) DSpace wiki clean up
-migration complete, still a lot of clean up to be done ( Removed)
-need to work on plan / strategy - particularly as it relates to the intern from Univ of Toronto - June DGOC mtg
-everyone invited to fix things (links, etc.) as they come across them


TO DOs for this month:
1) volunteers for CAT team and/or helping create a community survey and public wiki pages (JIM, LEONIE?, ALL for brainstorming on survey)
 -use this page to begin: Removed

2) volunteer to start working on pushing the community to get their registry info updated (RONEE)

3) everyone to give their personal ideas of what features they'd like to see 1.7 (ALL)
-use this page: Removed

4) Val to find alternative conference vehicle for future mtgs - too much echoing on the line the last few months