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  1. First, you will need to install the necessary prerequisites.
    1. Git is required.  If you do not already have it installed (try running git version at your command line), you can install it via (or via your local package manager tools for Linux or Mac OS)
    2. Node.js (v8.x or above) is required. Installing the latest LTS (Long Term Support) version, currently 10.x, is perfectly fine.
      1. NPM (v5.x or above) is required.  Don't worry, this gets installed with Node.js though, so you don't need to do anything extra here.
    3. Yarn (v1.x or above) package manage.  Just install the latest stable version (currently 1.16.x).
  2. Then, download our "dspace-angular" application (which is the DSpace 7 user interface) and run it.  All you should need to do is the steps in the "Quick Start" at:
  3. After a few minutes, the user interface will be running on your local machine.  Again, it will be accessing the REST API Demo site, so a stable internet connection is required.
    1. User Interface: http://localhost:3000/
    2. REST API (remote demo site):
    3. Admin Login:, Password: dspace
    4. Submitter Login:, Password: dspace
  4. Objects of interest (within the test data):
    1. Journal Example represents a journal with journal volumes, issues and articles, as detailed in the Configurable Entities Design.
    2. Publications Example contains publications which contain a combination of plain-text authors and related author entities. It also contains relations to Research Projects and Organizational Units, as detailed in the Configurable Entities design. Navigating to e.g. a Person will reveal their relations to Publications, Research Projects and Organizational Units.
    3. Submission/Workflow functionality can be tested using one of the collections in this community where the workflow is enabled. You can use the accounts mentioned above to perform the submission and workflow steps. The admin account can perform the submission and all workflow steps as well.
  5. One you are done testing, you can stop the locally running DSpace 7 user interface via Ctrl+C

Install both the User Interface and REST API locally

This installation process describes manually installing both the frontend (User Interface) and backend (REST API) of DSpace 7 on a local machine. The frontend and backend need not be installed on the same machine.
Keep in mind the installation process here may change prior to DSpace 7.0 final. This should be considered an early version of the installation process.

  1. First, install the User Interface and ensure it is successfully running against the REST API Demo site.  See the instructions under Install the User Interface only (above).  Remember, you can choose to install this on the same machine as the REST API, or on an entirely different machine.
  2. Then, install the REST API.  The REST API installation process is very similar to the installation process for DSpace 6 or below (so if you are familiar with installing DSpace already, this will be familiar to you).
    1. Required Prerequisites for the DSpace 7 REST API are listed at Installing DSpace#PrerequisiteSoftware.  These include:
      1. Java JDK 8 (OpenJDK or Oracle). OpenJDK is recommended. (Note: Java 7 is no longer supported.)
      2. Apache Maven 3.3.x or above.
      3. Apache Ant 1.8 or above.
      4. Relational Database. Either PostgreSQL 9.4 (or above) or Oracle 10g (or above)
      5. Servlet Engine. Apache Tomcat 8 (or above) is recommended.
      6. Apache Solr 7.2.1 or above.  (NOTE: This is a new requirement for DSpace 7. You MUST install Solr separately from DSpace as it is no longer provided out-of-the-box.)
    2. Installation is very similar to that of DSpace 6.x.  Draft installation instructions for the DSpace 7 REST API are available at Installing DSpace#Installation
      1. Pay close attention to a new installation step (#11 in that list).  Because Solr is now a separate install, you need to copy the DSpace Solr core configurations into your Apache Solr installation location.
    3. If you have an existing test/demo version of DSpace 6.x locally, you can optionally choose to upgrade it to the DSpace 7 Preview Release.  DO NOT DO THIS IN PRODUCTION AS THE UPGRADE IS EXPERIMENTAL AT THIS TIME.
      1. Keep in mind, your old UI changes will not be upgraded as the XMLUI and JSPUI no longer exist in DSpace 7.  Therefore, only your data (in your database and assetstore) will be upgraded.
      2. To upgrade your data, Install the DSpace 7 REST API (as noted above) on top of a copy of your existing DSpace 6.x test/demo instance. We highly recommend doing this upgrade on a copy of your DSpace 6.x instance, as you cannot "undo" it. (NOTE: Make sure you are running a valid version of all prerequisites, and have installed Solr separately) 
      3. You will also need to perform step #11 in the Installation instructions (see above) in order to configure your Apache Solr installation properly.
      4. After you start up the DSpace 7 REST API, you will need to reindex all your content by running:  [dspace]/bin/dspace index-discovery -b 
        1. NOTE: At this time we are NOT yet able to upgrade DSpace 6.x (or below) Solr statistics.  A procedure for that upgrade will be coming in the future.
  3. Once both the User Interface and REST API are installed, you will need to point the User Interface at your REST API