Versions Compared


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Comment: TOC?


  • New citation & thesis content models
  • Sherpa/RoMEO integration
  • Creation of new objects from EndNote XML or RIS files exported from other systems
  • Creation of new objects from Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) and PubMed IDs (PMIDs)
  • Suppression of objects from display or disable viewing/downloading of particular datastreams
  • Exporting of collections of bookmarks as RIS, RTF or PDF files
  • User-selectable dynamic citation styling using Citation Style Language (CSL) files
  • Extra HTML metadata to assist with Google Scholar indexing


This module requires the following external modules/libraries:


  • Citeproc (a Drupal module, which also requires that the citeproc-php library is installed in the sites/all/libraries directory, such that the main CiteProc.php file is located at sites/all/libraries/citeproc-php/CiteProc.php.)
  • CSL 
  • Bibutils (a Drupal module, which also requires that Bibutils is installed on the underlying operating system. Follow these instructions for installing Bibutils.)


See See this for for further information about standard installation of Drupal 7 modules.

Please note that additional features are available through optional Scholar submodules. They must be enabled separately, and they have their own separate requirements as well.


Please note that the citationCModel and thesisCModel are in the "ir:" namespace, as opposed to the standard "islandora" namespace that other cmodels use. Due to this nonstandard namespace, Islandora instances that make use of namespace restrictions will need to enable the "ir" namespace, both in Islandora and in Islandora Solr, in order for the citation & thesis content models to work.


Scholar "Core"

While "Scholar Core" is not an official community term, it can be a helpful way to keep track of the numerous features Islandora Scholar offers. In this context, "core" features are those that come from the Islandora Scholar module itself as opposed to coming from one of the numerous submodules which can be enabled or disabled independently.

Features of Scholar Core

Citation & Thesis Content Models


Citation and Thesis objects can be associated with PDF datastreams (by default, the datastream ID is 'PDF', which differs from the standard Islandora use of 'OBJ' for the payload, or 'preservation master'). The PDF datastream can be displayed in an in-browser javascript viewer. The Islandora PDF.js module, which leverages Mozilla's PDF.js library, is an example (the only officially supported PDF viewing module as of 2018).  Whether or not to use a viewer can be configured at the bottom of the Scholar admin page, in the "VIEWERS" section. If you see "No viewers detected", this means that there is a problem with your installation of Islandora PDF.js or that you have not enabled it. If no viewer is selected, citation and thesis object displays will show an image of the cover page of the PDF datastream for that object (PREVIEW datastream, configured below). 

PDF Configuration

How uploaded PDFs are handled by Scholar can be configured at Administration » Administration » Islandora » Solution Pack Configuration » Scholar » Scholar » PDF Configuration Configuration (admin/islandora/solution_pack_config/scholar/pdf). 

Like the PDF solution pack, Scholar supports extracting searchable text from uploaded PDFs. This relies on the PDF having an embedded text stream (e.g. a born-digital PDF, or one with OCR already performed and embedded). Scholar will not generate OCR from raw scans. Consider converting text-filled images with no text streams to TIFFs, and using the Book Solution Pack with OCR enabled. 

The sizes of the thumbnail (TN) and cover page (PREVIEW) datastreams, which are derived from the first page of the PDF using imagemagick, are also configurable here.

Image Modified

About CSL (Citation Style Language)

Citation Style Language, or CSL, is an XML standard for describing the formatting of citation styles, such as APA, MLA, or Chicago. CSL styles are used by Scholar to transform MODS metadata into a formatted citation, which is displayed at the top of a Citation or Thesis object pages. The submodule Islandora Bibliography (described below), uses CSL to export a user-selected list of citations as a formatted bibliography.


MODS <genre> termFormat of the citation generated by Islandora Scholar
Citation will be formatted like a journal article.
<genre>journal article</genre>Citation will be formatted like a journal article.
<genre>book chapter</genre>

Citation will be formatted like a book chapter.

<genre>book section</genre>Citation will be formatted like a book chapter.
<genre>book</genre>Citation will be formatted like a book.

Scholar Submodules

Importers and Populators

Scholar provides options for importing objects from various sources. These are provided by the following Scholar submodules:


The Islandora code base includes a number of solution packs and utility modules that help to enhance the functionality of Islandora Scholar as a feature-rich institutional repository: