Versions Compared


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Please note that additional features are available through optional Scholar submodules. They must be enabled separately, and they have their own separate requirements as well.

Features of Scholar "Core"

While "Scholar Core" is not an official community term, it can be a helpful way to keep track of the numerous features Islandora Scholar offers. In this context, "core" features are those that come from the Islandora Scholar module itself as opposed to coming from one of the numerous submodules which can be enabled or disabled independently.

Citation & Thesis Content Models


Please note that the citationCModel and thesisCModel are in the "ir:" namespace, as opposed to the standard "islandora" namespace that other cmodels use. Due to this nonstandard namespace, Islandora instances that make use of namespace restrictions will need to enable the "ir" namespace, both in Islandora and in Islandora Solr, in order for the citation & thesis content models to work.

Features of Scholar "Core"

While "Scholar Core" is not an official community term, it can be a helpful way to keep track of the numerous features Islandora Scholar offers. In this context, "core" features are those that come from the Islandora Scholar module itself as opposed to coming from one of the numerous submodules which can be enabled or disabled independently.

Citation & Thesis Content Models

The core Islandora Scholar module provides two new content models: The core Islandora Scholar module provides two new content models: the Citation Content Model (ir:citationCModel) and the Thesis Content Model (ir:thesisCModel). The Citation model is intended for general scholarly works, while the Thesis model is for handling electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs). While the datastream structure and default display of these two Content Models is nearly identical, they can be tweaked separately to accommodate the different use cases one may have for theses vs. other scholarly works, such as altered displays, collection configuration, or separate metadata forms.





Object Display

Citation and thesis objects have special components on their "landing page", including
