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  1. Integrations - Integrations that increase the exposure of content stored into DSpace in external systems

    is not a DSpace user can also acces Pete's paper. She has acces to it through an other platform (which also may be an in-house one or a third-party system). The system Mary is using simply harvests the content from Pete's Dspace. uc-integration uc-end-user uc-oai
    DSpaceNov 19, 2014
  2. End User - Batch Deposit

    the admin assistant when the batch upload is complete. uc-end-user uc-deposit uc-admin … Title (Goal) DSpace should allow batch deposits for end users and repository managers through the user interface Primary Actor End User / Administrator
    DSpaceApr 29, 2014
  3. Integrations - Enrich metadata fields with external geographic information

    field. He wants to give the end user the possibility to click the name, in order to bring up more related information about that geographical place. uc-integration uc-end-user uc-user-experience uc-metadata
    DSpaceApr 06, 2015
  4. End User - Image file display (pan, zoom, size options)

    for deriviative image files, and/or image server for master image files uc-end-user uc-structure uc-user-experience … Title (Goal) Display of Images via DSpace Primary Actor System | External System | End User | Administrator Scope   Level   Story (A paragraph
    DSpaceMay 12, 2015
  5. Integrations - Linking to repository content through a learning management system

    to the content which was already available within the learning environment. uc-integration uc-end-user uc-user-experience
    DSpaceApr 27, 2015
  6. Integrations - integrating with third party document streaming services

    into the repository. uc-integration uc-end-user uc-user-experience
    DSpaceNov 19, 2014
  7. End User - Visual collection browsing

    / actual photographs. uc-end-user uc-user-experience uc-theming
    DSpaceAug 13, 2014
  8. Integrations - Personal Identifiers (ORCID)

    that they enable. uc-integration uc-end-user uc-user-experience … Title (Goal) Integrate use of ORCID personal identifiers Primary Actor Admin Scope Metadata Model, User Interface Level Summary level
    DSpaceApr 25, 2014
  9. End User - Enhanced access to related items

    she is currently viewing. Sally clicks one of the relates publications, and is redirected to its item page. uc-end-user uc-browse-search … Title (Goal) Making more metadata clickable on item pages allowing end users to get easier access to related items Primary Actor Human Scope UI, Item
    DSpaceMay 24, 2017
  10. End User - Search for items

    performs, only items are shown for which Sally has read permissions. uc-end-user uc-browse-search … Title (Goal) DSpace should allow end users to search for items Primary Actor End user Scope Level Story (A paragraph or two describing what
    DSpaceMar 01, 2017