*Deprecated* See https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/VIVODOC/All+Documentation for current documentation

  • FAO (Food and Argriculture Organization) Geopolitical ontology
    • Fao's geopolitical ontology is included almost in its entirety in Vivo's ontology distribution. With release 1.4 we have updated to the November 18, 2011 release of FAO's version 1.1 geopolitical ontology (http://aims.fao.org/aos/geopolitical.owl)
    • updates in this release include: change of country names (Myanmar, Fiji), change in special groups (such as LIFDC), addition of new countries (such as South Sudan), addition of new FAO associate member (Tokelau), updated statistical data (such as Country area, agricultural area and land area), mapping to AGROVOC (a multilingual agricultural vocabulary), a newer disclaimer, a new name for FAO in Spanish, and some currency-related changes.
  • Properties used with the vivo:Address class
    • the vivo:street and vivo:department datatype properties have been replaced with vivo:address1, vivo:address2 and vivo:address3.
  • vivo:AttendeeRole
    • this class was already in the ontology, but the corresponding subproperties of vivo:hasRole/vivo:roleOf vivo:hasAttendeeRole/vivo:attendeeRoleOf did not exist and have now been added.
  • vivo:SubjectArea
  • Properties representing inclusion of an Event in another Event or in an Event Series
    • the vivo:inEventSeries and vivo:seriesForEvent object properties (inverses of each other) have been introduced to represent inclusion of an event in an event series. Previously this inclusion was represented with the vivo:eventWithin/vivo:includesEvent properties, which are now used only to represent inclusion of one event within another event.
  • vivo:Process
    • this class has been removed and its only subclass, vivo:Project, is now at the top of the Vivo hierarchy and is a subclass of bfo:Process in the mapping to BFO (Basic Formal Ontology)
  • Properties connecting a Role to the entity that the Role is in
    • Added two new subproperties of the vivo:roleIn object property, vivo:roleContributesTo and vivo:roleRealizedIn, and corresponding inverses vivo:contributingRole and vivo:realizedRole as subproperties of vivo:relatedRole. A Role is now related to the entity that it is in with one of these subproperty pairs depending on whether or not the entity is a subclass of bfo:Process. roleRealizedIn/realizedRole are asserted when the entity is a bfo:process and roleContributesTo/contributingRole are asserted otherwise.
  • No labels